MSK/Neuroradiology Fellowship Position Opening
Thomas Jefferson University (Philadelphia, PA):
We have an unexpected opening for our Combined Musculoskeletal/Neuroradiology Imaging Fellowship, class of 2025-26 (start date July 1, 2025). This hybrid MSK/neuroradiology fellowship is a dedicated one-year program incorporating aspects of advanced clinical MRI, optimal for a candidate planning to pursue a career in a high-volume radiology practice with subspecialty MRI expertise. The curriculum includes six (4-week) blocks of MSK radiology, six blocks of neuroradiology, and a single block of elective time, which can be used for additional training in body MRI, MSK ultrasound, cardiothoracic imaging, or other desired radiology subspecialty. This fellowship is not accredited by ACGME.
Suitable candidates will show aptitude in managing a heavy MRI workload, interacting with MRI technologists and referring providers, and handling MRI triage and protocols. Fellows will master advanced MSK MRI, basic MSK procedures (including arthrography and joint aspirations), neuroradiology imaging (including head and neck), routine neuroradiology procedures, and advanced functional neuroradiology. Fellows with interest in learning advanced non-vascular interventional techniques will have opportunities to perform both spinal and extraspinal minimally invasive image-guided interventions.
Interested candidates can apply at the following link: