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  • ThePACSman

    October 16, 2023 at 5:29 pm

    I dont think it’s fair to put all or even part the blame on Erik Ridley or any other individuals on the AM staff. Decisions like changing the format of the forum and journal in general are not made at his level;. All Erik can do- which I’m sure he did- was provide his input and hope those responsible for the changes listened to the decades of expereince he has in medical journalism. You can decide for yourself if he was listened to or not,

    Since AM was launched decades ago Erik Ridley and Brian Casey were the dynamic duo working hand in hand to make AM what it was. Working alongside some of the best journalists in the industry helped as well. I agree what has been done to the site, especially the forums, is a travesty. That said there is nothing Erik can do but wake up every morning and provide AM readers with the information they want and need and fit it into a format that he seemingly had little to do with designing.

    Erik- I appreciate you and the efforts you are taking to keep AM relevent and informative sometimes even in spite of itself.

    Illegtimi non carborundum
