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  • jquinones8812_854

    March 31, 2010 at 8:50 am

    ORIGINAL: eradicator

    And by the way

    Facism is much closer to capitalism on the linear spectrum than it is to socialism…………………most would call facism and socialism polar opposites………unless of course you are a right wing talk show host throwing out buzzword bombs.

    It is amazing how ignorant people are

    Fascism is the politicization of corporations in order to produce a national identity. So in that sense, it is closer to capitalism. However, they also abhor what they call ‘supercapitalism’ which sounds a lot like Democrats today.

    But in many ways it is closer to liberalism than conservatism. Liberals generally believe in centralization of power in the state…conservatives believe the opposite. I know traditionally it has been thought of a ‘right’ wing movement, but history shows that it has been used by both political extremes, and doesn’t fit easily into one or the other.

    I agree that it is not a pure political spectrum…but look at historical fascist figures, they have been liberal socialists more than capitalists, ala Hitler, Mussolini, etc.

    So erad, as usual, only gets half the story right.