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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    March 30, 2010 at 8:24 pm

    ORIGINAL: itchn2help

    [b][u]WTF[/u]?[/b]  I voted for the guy on the off chance he might have been a reformer. I voted for him in the primary because I don’t like Hilary — don’t trust her, definitely don’t trust her, [i]know[/i] that I don’t trust her. I honestly don’t know who he really is (like many, yourself included, Mistrad); I think that has to come through hindsight and his record as President.
    I already [i]said[/i], I vote for the least evil among bad, or unreliable choices! That makes me somehow a cheerleader and personal psychic for the candidate I deem least evil??


    I also hoped, though I knew enough not to count on it, that if [i]anyone[/i] were going to take on Big Industry, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Oil, it would be him.  I’m disappointed so far, but he’s only just into his 4 years, and there’s a chance there may be an additional 4 years, and maybe, just [i][b]maybe[/b][/i] (because if not, we are screwed) he may have enough time and independence somehow to correct the last disastrous 8 years, the last leading-up-to-disastrous 30 years…..

    You guys really need to quit asking me what I really think.

    after reading that post, i still don’t understand what you “really think”. in the first paragraph, you make it sound like you supported obama because he was the nicest smelling pig at the fair, but in your concluding statement you make him sound like a savior who can deliver our country from its corporate oppressors and [i]maybe[/i] somehow reverse history itself and undue the damage inflicted by lesser commanders-in-chief.

    so which is it, the “least evil among bad” or the oracle of rational politics?