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  • jquinones8812_854

    March 30, 2010 at 6:20 pm

    No wait just a second.

    This man is the President of the United States. We watched him campaign for two years and run the country for the last year. You are, to some extent, a supporter of his. Can’t you at least tell me what he believes in? Forget characterizing the entire party, because like you said, that is often prejudicial. And you can explain it in gestalt terms. What is Obama’s vision of what America should be, if he could wave a wand?

    This is the point. The left would like us to belief that Obama is just like every other American politician. I totally disagree. In fact, I think even his main competitor, Hillary Clinton, would have been a much more moderate and reasonable President than Obama has been. So clearly, the Dems believe that Obama’s beliefs are superior to Hillary’s…right? That assumes, of course, that Democrats are actually a party of ideas and not symbolism.

    Frankly, I think you guys should be embarrassed if you can’t answer what Obama believes in. Because then, you are following a ‘religion’ that you don’t understand…sound familiar?

    And if you guys can’t answer this basic question of the leader of your movement…what kind of movement do you really have? To me, blind faith sounds like a religion or cult, doesn’t it?