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  • jquinones8812_854

    March 30, 2010 at 9:53 am

    First, if you have a capitalistic system that does not allow for businesses to fail, what you do is support unsustainable business.

    That is not how capitalism is to work.

    Nobody has ever given me a good reason why we saved Chrysler. Basically, we subsidized an Italian companies purchase of them. And basically, the old Chrysler will fail to exist. Instead, if it had gone into bankruptcy, virtually the same thing would have happened…without govt intervention with billions of dollars.

    As for Tarp, it is definitely socialist in some sense. That is why I was against it. I didn’t care Bush was in charge, I still thought it was a mistake.

    As for Obama and socialism…maybe you are right. There is some nuance in the definition. But one thing is for sure: he is not a free market capitalist either.