ORIGINAL: itchn2help
Pseudo-science, huh? …I won’t touch that one.
How about pseudo-faith? How about some guy, qualifying as delusional, probably psychotic, by modern standards… remembers this thing that happened, a story that is passed down through generations of oral tradition, and in it, suddenly, he sees the hand of God. It fits so neatly with his preconception that humanity is going to hell in a handbasket, and fast, and becomes a convincing “reality-based” justification for railing against the people, and convincing them to accept all manner of exculpatory ritual, including handing over a sizeable portion of their earnings, the more the better to be “admitted” into heaven…. you get the picture.
How is this any different than the idea the glaciers are melting but of course it can’t be because of anything [i]we’re[/i] doing…or, conversely, it is because we are sinful and rapacious in destroying the earth and so we deserve 2012?
Sounds like you have an axe to grind.