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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 25, 2009 at 2:57 pm

    You don’t get rich sitting on your a$$ eating Bon Bon’s and watching Oprah. It takes hard work (or rich parents who worked hard).
    We are not unemployed because we worked hard and used our brains to the best of our given ability and didn’t chase a trendy or cool job (like being an actor, investment banker etc.). True we are fortunate, but hard work and perseverance played a large part in our success (and that of cardiologists). I don’t begrudge a cardiologist making 1.2 million for saving lives, working nights, weekends, evenings, and holidays and after 14+ years of training and sacrifice. Not when Kobe Bryant makes more than $100 million a year. Perhaps actors and athletes should have some sort of special tax on them to pay for this healthcare disaster (since they are so fortunate) instead of cutting radiologists and cardiologist’s professional fees.