Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 1, 2009 at 2:18 pm
ORIGINAL: aldadoc
ORIGINAL: nobody2008
ORIGINAL: aldadoc
Capitalism is inherently Darwinian and sometimes uncomfortable, because it relies on creative destruction, competition and greed. These things are politically incorrect, but are the most powerful drivers of wealth creation. Occasionally there are imbalances and excesses tha may need some regulatory direction, but overall this system has served us well and made us by far the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world.
The beauty of capitalism is that it is self healing. [b]Your claim that capitalism destroyed our economy is hyperbole and an excuse to ijustify government control[/b]. Get the blinders off. Read a little Milton Friedman, you may learn something. Recessions are a normal part of the economic cycle in a capitalist economy. How you handle a recession is what determines the speed of recovery. Taxing and out of control spending are surely not the fast or most effective way out.
Can’t believe I missed this. I am saying capitalism DID NOT destroy our economy because what we have is not true capitalism. Quit arguing with the voices in your head.ORR- [b]”And how about rampant capitalistic greed causing the current meltdown in our economy and our stupid and dumb reliance on consumerism for our continued economic success!”[/b]
NOBODY – [b]”The Wall Street titans of industry finagled their own regulatory environment, got everything they wanted, and still managed to destroy our economy. Where’s you masters of capitalism, now? All you can do is shriek about phantom marxism. What a joke.”[/b]
These are the comments that preceeded my post. The way I read it you both assert that capitalism destroyed our economy. If this is not what you meant, maybe I’m not following your circular logic or lack of logic. If you are trying to box me into saying that there shouldn’t be any regulation, then, good try. I’m not biting.Touche. To show I am a good sport, I’ll grant you my post was not clear. By [b]finagled[/b], I meant they had constructed their own regulatory environment to make themselves rich and avoid competition. As show in my later post in this thread
There is no such thing as true capitalism in the modern world. Corporations lobby for massive amounts of taxpayer money. How the hell is that capitalism? Corporations capture their regulatory bodies and turn them into defacto fiefdoms to protect themselves from competition. How the hell is that capitalism? The word is meaningless.