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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    November 13, 2008 at 5:30 pm

    ORIGINAL: jackbauer

    You seem to be differentiating between “government” and “We the people”.  I consider them one and the same.

    What do you mean by that?

    A governmental law is not necessarily supported by all the people in the government.  If you have a marriage license, obviously everyone in the US is not aware of it.  Obviously, everyone in the US does not recognize your marriage.  They don’t even care if you are married.

    Furthermore, by definition, marriage is recognized by the state, not the citizens of the state.  If everyone in you community knows you are married, that doesn’t mean you are.  You need to get a marriage license which is granted by the state.

    We are not a Borg collective, with every individual a part of a hive mind.  We elect a government to handle governmental things.  The government and the governed are two different things.   I don’t see how you can’t make a distinction.