Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 13, 2008 at 5:20 pm
ORIGINAL: jackbauer
ORIGINAL: OculusPyramidis
I never said overpopulation was a reason to not perpetuate the species. I said overpopulation [i]can[/i] be a reason to not overpopulate the species. If you want to overpopulate the world well past its carrying capacity to improve the gene pool through random selection, I think you probably have chosen a rather inefficent method. Ethnic cleansing would probably work much better. Directly select for whatever genes you want. Don’t wait for nature to destroy the weak; that can take centuries. Kill them all right now for the public good.
Amen to that! Separate church and state! Let’s do away with these cumbersome morals and start eliminating the genetically unfit! Unfortunately that brings us back to the homosexual population. After all, not many things are less “fit” than homosexuality, and it is genetic…
(sure makes religion seem tolerant, doesn’t it?)
I am not sure, but it seems you are equating church with morality, as if churches are always moral, and as if taking church influence out of government involves eliminating morality from the government. That notion is totally false.
People who do not go to church are just as moral as those who do. Also, historically, the involvement of the church in the state has led to very immoral activities. That is why the separation of church and state is such an enduring American value.
Actually, religion has been the major cause of genocide throughout history. Organized religion seems pretty tame now. But as I have said before, we are always only one generation away from such religious abuses as the Spanish Inquisition, the Holy Crusades, or the Holocaust. That is why we always need to be careful to keep religion out of our government.
Some will say “oh no. Not MY church. MY church is GOOD”. Well, that is what people have said throughout the ages just before they decided that God told them to kill those heathen who don’t have the same religious beliefs. Also, your version of what you KNOW is good may differ from what the guy who goes to the church down the street KNOWS is good. That is why the determination of laws is left to elected and appointed government officials who do not claim to KNOW what is good, but do do their best to apply existing laws and principles to determine what is best for society.