Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 13, 2008 at 5:01 pm
ORIGINAL: OculusPyramidis
I never said overpopulation was a reason to not perpetuate the species. I said overpopulation [i]can[/i] be a reason to not overpopulate the species. If you want to overpopulate the world well past its carrying capacity to improve the gene pool through random selection, I think you probably have chosen a rather inefficent method. Ethnic cleansing would probably work much better. Directly select for whatever genes you want. Don’t wait for nature to destroy the weak; that can take centuries. Kill them all right now for the public good.
Amen to that! Separate church and state! Let’s do away with these cumbersome morals and start eliminating the genetically unfit! Unfortunately that brings us back to the homosexual population. After all, not many things are less “fit” than homosexuality, and it is genetic…
(sure makes religion seem tolerant, doesn’t it?)