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  • jquinones8812_854

    October 23, 2008 at 11:47 am

    ORIGINAL: eradicator

    [b]You guys tell us it is patriotic to pay taxes…so why can’t we call you unpatriotic?[/b] 

    Would you like to tell me when exactly I said that?

    [b]Understand…Obama’s policy don’t work if people like you and me find ways NOT TO PAY EXTRA TAXES!!![/b] 

    I am saying that at all.  What I am saying is that the small business/business that I control….will take advantages of any tax benfit it can.

    You didn’t say paying taxes was patriotic…your vice presidential candidate did.

    And those tax advantages that you are talking about?  That is exactly the same kind of thinking that lets big business, big oil, and the ultra wealthy from paying what you guys call ‘your fair share’. 

    And if every one of the people that fall under the increased taxes do what you do…how does Obama’s tax plan work?  Easy answer…it doesnt.  And if you vote for Obama, you should believe that he is smarter than you, and can spend your money more wisely for the greater good than you can.

    Why don’t you want to pay your fair share, erad?