And by the way, concerning Mr. Obama’s income: [link=http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/17/us/politics/17obama.html?ref=politics]http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/17/us/politics/17obama.html?ref=politics[/link]
$4 Mil last year, mainly from book deals. Being a candidate sure helps your book sales! And I’m sure he will pay his share in taxes as President. Of course, his personal expenses will plummet…he will have a mansion, 747, limosines, Camp David, staff, babysitters, cooks, etc. etc. etc. at our expense. Now [i][b]THAT’S[/b][/i] what I call [color=#ff0000][b][i]REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH[/i][/b][/color]!