Good exercise. Interesting point that never gets mentioned: Mr. Obama says he “makes a lot more than $250,000”. Uh….. where is this coming from? A senator’s salary is $169,300.
Joe doesn’t call anyone anything. Mr. Obama goes round and round on Joe’s situation, attempting to minimize the impact on Joe’s plans, and noting how the tax increases are supposed to help people get to the $250k status faster. You can spin it as fair, I can spin it as “wealth redistribution.” And of course it’s just a [i]little[/i] bit of extra tax.
Oh, and by the way, he mentions NO capital gains taxes for small business? Where did [i]that[/i] one come from, and how it that going to work? Sounds like a great recipe for creative accounting…. Let’s all divide up our businesses so we are composed of small entities that earn $249,999 and have them invest in our name!
The more you listen, the more convoluted this tax plan becomes.