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  • jquinones8812_854

    June 25, 2008 at 10:20 am

    How does limiting a household to 2 cars help?  If two people are driving 13 cars, they are still only driving 2 cars at a time. 

    I agree totally with solar panels.  I have them in my house, but they are expensive.  It is unlikely anyone lower than upper middle class could afford them reasonably at this time.

    I agree in large part to stir22.  Incentives are the fastest way to get private corps to push innovation.  Especially the car companies.  We could give them huge tax breaks for increasing their gas standards.  That would do two things:  reduce our dependence on oil, and also support our domestic workforce.  I think that kills two birds with one stone.

    That said, if we don’t start drilling and building refineries, as well as nuclear power plants, we are going to have a growing energy problem for the next decade.