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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    May 19, 2008 at 11:37 am

    ORIGINAL: Frumious

    “Randomly moving particles” shows your bias. That is NOT a phrase that I would consider accurate – I do not consider any of us as “randomly moving particles.” I don’t have any idea what concept you are trying to form with that phrase. It’s completely foreign as an idea to me. There are groups of organisms (fungi, bacteria)that will coalesce into a single organism and function as an organized organism even though they are individuals, ie slime mold


    They are anything but “random moving particles.”

    Really?  We’re not made up of randomly moving particles?  Protons?  Electrons?  Neutrons?  Not random? 

    Don’t all chemical reactions depend on two compounds randomly running into each other?  If not random movement, what power is directing these particles?