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  • kayla.meyer_144

    May 15, 2008 at 9:03 am

    ORIGINAL: OutpatientRadRules

    Rape is a crime against an individuals right to chose whom they have sex with—how is this a religious issue…..One commits violence upon another individual a form of battery–this isn’t a religious crime but one which we as an atheistic society deem reprehensible bsaed on damage to a member of society rather than some arbitray concept of sin or “morality”……..dude come on better arguments are out there then that!

    Here it comes…what’s your “scientific” theory for that?

    ORR, you’re missing his secret rules. His rule already allows rape because without God to say NO!, it’s allowed UNLESS! and only unless, you can show scientific theory that disproves the given that anyone can do anything because there is no God to say NO!, it’s allowed UNLESS! and only unless, you can show scientific theory that disproves the given that anyone can do anything because there is no God to say NO!, it’s allowed UNLESS! and only unless, you can show scientific theory that disproves the given that anyone can do anything because there is no God to say NO!, it’s allowed UNLESS! and only unless, you can show scientific theory that disproves the given that anyone can do anything because there is no God to say NO!, it’s allowed UNLESS! and only unless, you can show scientific theory that disproves the given that anyone can do anything because there is no God to say NO!, it’s allowed UNLESS! and only unless, you can show scientific theory that disproves the given that anyone can do anything because there is no God to say NO!,

    Circular argument in a box