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  • izdiha91

    July 7, 2007 at 11:13 am

    Between written boards in the summer of 3rd year and oral boards at the end of the 4th year is more than 1 1/2 years, and that’s plenty of time to have a child.
    Regarding other residents having to pick up the slack I think it’s a moot point as long as the missed call days are eventually made up by the child-bearing resident. It’s easier to receive charity than give it of course, so those on the receiving end will think it’s great and those giving it will grumble, but if the resident ultimately does the required number of call days then no charity has been rendered. No reason to complain.
    It’s an interesting thought, though, as an aside, to imagine what would happen if other residents could also take time off for things that required hard work but were of personal benefit. Say someone wanted to do medical volunteer work in another country, or take months off to take a studio arts course. The argument against that might be that these things are voluntary. But so is timing of pregnancy. I guess the best argument is that having children is something people have to do eventually and it’s just a matter of when. The earlier you start the better. It’s an odd situation though where more sacrifice is expected from outside people than would be asked under most other conditions, barring serious illness.