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  • savpruitt_28

    June 30, 2007 at 3:00 pm

    Sadrad there was a huge article recently on MSNBC talking about infertility. Go talk to any fertility specialist and have them show you the graphs of fertility rates at any given age and notice the header fertility rates take starting in the early 30’s (oddly enough the exact time most people are in residency) The jist of it is that infertility in the mid 30s for women is very REAL and not as easily overcome as the hollywood media make it out. I know first hand how extremely traumatic, to both couples, this is to find out that at 34 you have already waited too long.
    We had multiple residents get pregnant during my residency, sure it was more work for the rest, but you know what, eveyone got through it fine. Have a child when you are ready. Your residency will deal with it and if they cannot they need to get their heads out of their rears.