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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    September 1, 2009 at 10:27 am


    There are problems in radiology…it is certainly not perfect, and incomes are sure to drop. I complain about it as much as anybody.

    But, when I take a step back, there is no other physician I would rather be in the hospital.

    Are you kidding me? I can think of a bunch of physicians that have a better gig. hows this dermatologist, rad onc, opthalamologist, allergist, pathologist, rhuematologist, sports medicine docs, endocrinologists, pediatric neurologists., pmr and pain doctors. All of these docs have zero to minimal call. Radiology lifestyle is going to be shiftwork like er physicians. FACE IT OLD TIMERS THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE IS UPON US BECAUSE OF YOUR LAZY ARSES. KEPT BRAGGING ABOUT HOW MUCH MONEY AND VACATION YOU HAD MADE ALOT OF ENEMIES THAT ECREATED ENVIOUS ENEMIES. RADIOLOGY IS NO LONGER A LIFESTYKE FIELD AND IN THE FUTURE IT WONT EVEN BE A HIGHLY PAID SPECIALTY. IF I WAS IN MY TWENTIES AND THIRTIES I WOULD THINK LONG AND HARD ABOUT RADIOLOGY. THE OLD TIMERS HERE ARE ALREADY PARTNERS. FUTURE OF RADIOLLOGY WILL BE ALL ABOUT RVUS AND PRODUCTIVITY.