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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 31, 2009 at 7:19 pm

    1. Hospitalist wins in years of training
    2. You’ve got to be kidding. You think the salaries of radiologists will fall beneath that of hospitalists? Give me a break.
    3. Not all hospitalists work the 1 week on 1 week off schedule
    4. Hospitalist wins the malpractice premiums
    5. Stress is subjective. I’ve certainly seen how stressful call can be as a radiologist but if you think being on the floors as a “resident” (which is essentially what a hospitalist is) for the rest of your life is a bundle of joy, you may want to take a 2nd look. There’s a reason why burnout is so prevalent. And oh by the way, those caps the ACGME put in place for residents no longer apply. Just the other night our admitting team dumped 7 non-teaching admissions on the night time hospitalist. Poor gal looked like she would cry on the spot.
    6. Respect is overrated. Those who need the constant reminder of respect from others will likely be unhappy in whatever they pursue.
    7. Sense of accomplishment? Are you f*cking kidding? Should we include the custodial staff too? Because they feel the weight of a long day more than all of us. Maybe we should all transition that way?

    All in all, lame attempt to discourage applications.

    My advice to you: should’ve done better earlier in medical school. Trying to spook people off now is lame and oh yeah, ineffective.

    Good luck scrambling.

    Oh, and -1 for being a coward and using an anonymous account. D*uchebag.

    ORIGINAL: amusermatch

    Radiology vs Hospitalist

    1.  Years of training 5 (likely 6 years since many do fellowships) vs 3 years (Internal Medicine)
    2.  Salary $400,000+ vs $210,000+ (Salary will go down for radiology and Hospitalist will go up)
    3   Vacation 12 weeks vs 26 weeks (1 week on and 1 week off)
    4.  Malpractice top 3 for radiology vs bottom 1/3 for internal medicine
    5.  Stress  Radiology is about a 8/10 vs 6/10 for internal medicine
    6.  Respect  Radiologists are considered techs vs Medicine physicians are considered M.D.
    7.  Sense of Accomplishment 3/10 for radiology vs 5/10 for internal medicine

    Hmmm…Hospitalist seems like the new radiology. 

    With push for primary care and some groups offering $300K.  26 weeks off vacation vs 12 weeks of vacation. 

    The big factor is malpractice.  All radiologists will get sued.  It comes with the territory.  Also the stress level for radiologists is extremely high.