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  • ranweiss

    September 5, 2023 at 5:52 am

    Quote from anonrad454

    Yes Fee basis NTP 1099

    It’s purely eat what you kill, with a cap on hourly compensation. When I was doing it, cap was 250/hr weekdays 300 weekends 400 holiday. Rates may have changed. I got an email blast from them a year ago or so that they were offering 250/hr for at-home weekend work but you had to commit to like 50 weekend days

    I think it was 10 or 15 bucks for an X-ray, 50 for any CT (brain, chest, AP, spine) I forget what the ultrasound and MR comp was. Someone on here knows for sure. When I started, CT AP counted as 2 studies, was 100 bucks, which was awesome. Then got lowered to 50

    The patients are NOT simple, they are old and sick, vasculopaths etc

    Those rates are absolute trash. I get 350-400 / hr to read from home for my 1099 side gig. Some complex cases but mostly bread and butter. Read about 12 mixed a hour. nothing crazy. At my own pace / whenever I want.