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  • a useful website for ACR white paper

    Posted by jsantamaria_746 on April 11, 2019 at 10:36 pm

    My friend just finished a first draft of a personal website.  [link=][/link]
    In this website, he has deconstructed all twelve ACR white paper guidelines (such as Fleischner, TIRADS, Lung-rads, renal lesion, liver lesion, ovarian lesion,etc).  Anyone using the website just need to click through several simple questions,  they can find the specific white paper recommendations for a specific lesion.  So no more pulling out and looking through the paper, no more memorization of algorithm and no more making dozens or even hundreds of macros(the new Fleischner recommendations alone have over 100 different scenarios). He placed a button at each specific recommendation, so with one click, one can copy the correct recommendation to the report. He also put the citation of the article with each recommendation, so the report will look more professional and more evidence-based if one copies the recommendation from this website.  
    Also, in addition to the white papers, he has also put some of the most commonly used reference on the website. 

    Could anyone take a look and give him some feedback.  I know there are several similar websites like his, but so far I found his website is the most accurate and useful. Please give him some feedback so he can keep improving it. 


    AngPat replied 3 years, 2 months ago 10 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • tselvidas_246

    April 12, 2019 at 6:46 am

    You should add to the ovarian/adnexal section that this applys only to lesions evaluated in 3D.

    • AngPat

      April 12, 2019 at 7:31 am

      Excellent idea!

      • jsantamaria_746

        April 12, 2019 at 12:04 pm

        Thanks. I think using this website makes the report look evidence-based and much more professional.  It is a good way doing it until one day AI takes over and inserts all those recommendations automatically into machine-generated report. 

        • JAMELLESEABURY_446

          April 12, 2019 at 2:53 pm

          I think this is a great idea. However, you should just have check boxes/radiobuttons with result on same page rather than having to click and wait for next prompt moving from page to page. 

          • jsantamaria_746

            April 14, 2019 at 11:21 am

            It is a good suggestion. I am not sure if the author has the IT expertise to build it that way since this is his very first attempt to build a website.  However, I did notice if one becomes familiar with this website, it takes no more than 10 seconds to click through the questions and find the conclusion one wants. 

            • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

              April 14, 2019 at 12:14 pm

              Pretty awesome resource.  Kudos and thanks to your friend.  

              • Unknown Member

                Deleted User
                April 14, 2019 at 1:22 pm

                Looks like a great start. Agree with Flee, not having to click through a different page for each different lesion attribute would be a positive.

                • Dr_Cocciolillo

                  April 14, 2019 at 3:12 pm

                  There are too many clicks for simple things — Fleishner for lung nodules.  Need a somewhat better layout to be able to get the information quicker.  
                  For others, it’s much better — pancreatic cysts, laying out both the “suspicious” and “benign” features , but still, there are a good 5-10 clicks to get to the right answer.  that seems too cumbersome for daily practice.  My point is, something with a flowchart, if readily available, would be perhaps easier to get to.  

    • jsantamaria_746

      April 12, 2019 at 11:59 am

      Thanks. I will let him know. But I do not remember seeing the message of 3D either in the ACR white paper for CT or SRU whitepaper for ultrasound. Where do you see it? 

  • doctorhassankhaldi_408

    April 15, 2019 at 8:59 pm

    would he consider making this into an app?

    • vuonganhhmuk112_783

      April 16, 2019 at 3:54 am

      Radiologiq app on iOS

    • jsantamaria_746

      April 16, 2019 at 11:26 am

      There is already a great app made by the guys in Cleveland Clinics available in iOS. It is very well designed. It is simply called “Followup”.   
      A big reason I like the website layout is it allows me to copy and paste the recommendations into the report directly. Some of the recommendations are really long. For example, the 10 year followup schedule for pancreatic cyst(6 monthsx4, 1 yearx4, 2 yearx2, etc. ) It is hard to dictate that word for word into report without any mistakes. Plus he added the reference info into the recommendation available for copy, it makes the report look more professional and evidence-based. 
      Also, many recommendations are based on clinical scenario. For example, the Fleischner ask if the patient is a high risk smoker or not. For private practice, most of the time we just don’t know. My friend wisely added a third category of “unknown risk” in such situation in his website to synthesize both high risk and low risk patients. I found that to be helpful.