The main stream media has lost all journalistic integrity.
from the Washington Post:
Target stores see more bomb threats over Pride merchandise
The message [email threat], which accused Target of betraying the LGBTQ+ community, named a store in South Burlington, Vt., and ones in Plattsburgh, N.Y., and in Keene and West Lebanon, N.H.
The unknown senders said Target “betrayed the LGBTQ+ community” and “are pathetic cowards who bowed to the wishes of far right extremists who want to exterminate us.”
The headline wants you to think right wingers are sending bomb threats because of the sale of the pride merchandise.
If they had any sense of journalistic integrity, the headline should read:
Target stores see more bomb threats over REMOVAL of Pride merchandise
Absolute effing trash journalism. Basically incitement.
Would love to hear comments from reasonable people.