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  • Scott Atlas resigns in disgrace

    Posted by Unknown Member on November 30, 2020 at 5:18 pm


    Dont let the door hit you on your way out Scott.

    Thanks for making our profession look bad

    Unknown Member replied 2 years, 5 months ago 28 Members · 83 Replies
  • 83 Replies
  • nasosmunfc_332

    November 30, 2020 at 5:33 pm

    He can now become the chairman of Trump University Department of Radiology and Virology and State Insurrection.

    • mariacardei7_785

      November 30, 2020 at 7:45 pm

      Scotty, way to cement your reputation for EVER

      • ruszja

        November 30, 2020 at 8:11 pm

        He must have accrued some PTO, that’s why he dated his resignation one day forward.

        • ipadfawazipad_778

          November 30, 2020 at 8:54 pm

          I really liked him.  Seem to understand the plight of working poor and those who understand the risks and still want a chance to earn a living rather than relying on government handouts.   Seemed classy to wish his successor the best.

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            November 30, 2020 at 9:42 pm

            If I saw him in the hospital hallway thered be an accidental collision that tests his bone density.

            • i2906

              November 30, 2020 at 10:36 pm

              Smart dude.  He was with guys like Grossman.  Grossman?

              • jtpollock

                November 30, 2020 at 11:37 pm

                He was a good guy, chased out by all the liberal psycho’s out there. I’m sure they won’t be satisfied until his his life is ruined.

                Of course you can’t have any other view that deviates from the echo chamber of the Left, as logical as it may be.

                But alas, Biden “won” so here comes socialized medicine and everything will be OK.

                • Unknown Member

                  Deleted User
                  December 1, 2020 at 4:44 am

                  He is a stooge and was out of his league

                  • ruszja

                    December 1, 2020 at 5:04 am

                    There is material for a fMRI or PET study: What is it that makes intelligent people say such dumb stuff once they get into the Trump orbit ?

                    • edsonandrade

                      December 1, 2020 at 5:28 am

                      Scott Atlas’ major contribution to radiology will forever be a pile of letters in the trash.
                      What letters you ask? 
                      The letters we have all been writing over the past few months arguing against Medicare cuts, surprise billing legislation, etc. 
                      The recipient will see “radiology” and immediately say “idiots, I guess I should vote against whatever this crowd thinks.” 
                      Thanks, Scott. You’ve really done your profession well. But we should have known, shouldn’t we? No one who is a member of an  organization like the Hoover Institution is in favor of doing what’s best for all. They’re all about self-flagellation and doing what’s best for themselves.  

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 5:52 am

                      And if Im the Hoover institute you must constantly double down on failing policies no matter how bad they are

                      Basically the Hoover institute is a principled stance on failure or as one could otherwise say continue to do the same thing over and over despite obvious failure

                    • cindyanne_522

                      December 1, 2020 at 7:07 am

                      OP/KPac must have missed out on Moderna stock.  It’s a company Sens. Sanders and Warren would have bankrupted a few years ago if their draconian policy and hatred of private industry prevailed.
                      Thank God for Pharma and Operation Warp Speed. 

                    • btomba_77

                      December 1, 2020 at 7:17 am

                      Quote from MRImadman

                      OP/KPac must have missed out on Moderna stock.  It’s a company Sens. Sanders and Warren would have bankrupted a few years ago if their draconian policy and hatred of private industry prevailed.

                      Thank God for Pharma and Operation Warp Speed. 

                      And this has *what” to do with Scott Atlas?

                    • cindyanne_522

                      December 1, 2020 at 7:34 am

                      Quote from dergon

                      Quote from MRImadman

                      OP/KPac must have missed out on Moderna stock.  It’s a company Sens. Sanders and Warren would have bankrupted a few years ago if their draconian policy and hatred of private industry prevailed.

                      Thank God for Pharma and Operation Warp Speed. 

                      And this has *what” to do with Scott Atlas?

                      And this thread has “what” to do about General Radiology? This is a vituperative thread transferred here from the circle-lib-jerk Off Topics forum, which is ignored by most. 

                    • btomba_77

                      December 1, 2020 at 7:37 am

                      Quote from MRImadman

                      Quote from dergon

                      Quote from MRImadman

                      OP/KPac must have missed out on Moderna stock.  It’s a company Sens. Sanders and Warren would have bankrupted a few years ago if their draconian policy and hatred of private industry prevailed.

                      Thank God for Pharma and Operation Warp Speed. 

                      And this has *what” to do with Scott Atlas?

                      And this thread has “what” to do about General Radiology?

                      That Scott Atlas is now the highest profile radiologist on earth ever in history makes his political ascent and demise a topic of significant interest to the radiology community.  For the next decade if you ask a US citizen if they could name a radiologist the only answer they will give if they give any at all is “Scott Atlas.”  That is significant and important.

                      OTOH, one could almost get the sense that your post in this thread was just a b*tchy [i]non sequitor.[/i] 
                      But if your delicate forum sensibilities are so hurt by this thread’s presence in the General forum, I would have no qualms seeing it moved to OT.

                    • ipadfawazipad_778

                      December 1, 2020 at 8:11 am

                      Can somebody elaborate on what he did/said, rather than calling him names? I have no disagreements with what I am aware that he did. From my understanding he said the lockdowns and containment measures have failed and are causing more overall harm to people than benefit.

                    • cindyanne_522

                      December 1, 2020 at 8:26 am

                      Quote from dergon

                      Quote from MRImadman

                      Quote from dergon

                      Quote from MRImadman

                      OP/KPac must have missed out on Moderna stock.  It’s a company Sens. Sanders and Warren would have bankrupted a few years ago if their draconian policy and hatred of private industry prevailed.

                      Thank God for Pharma and Operation Warp Speed. 

                      And this has *what” to do with Scott Atlas?

                      And this thread has “what” to do about General Radiology?

                      That Scott Atlas is now the highest profile radiologist on earth ever in history makes his political ascent and demise a topic of significant interest to the radiology community.  For the next decade if you ask a US citizen if they could name a radiologist the only answer they will give if they give any at all is “Scott Atlas.”  That is significant and important.

                      OTOH, one could almost get the sense that your post in this thread was just a b*tchy [i]non sequitor.[/i] 

                      But if your delicate forum sensibilities are so hurt by this thread’s presence in the General forum, I would have no qualms seeing it moved to OT.

                      Scott Atlas is and will always be a seminal textbook writer, instructor and mentor in the field of neuroradiology. Edison is not remembered for designing the first electric chair. This thread is inspired more by cancel-culture than commentary of radiology or anything relevant or meaningful.
                      It sounds like your support of this b*tchy thread stems from your frustration of continued American economic resilience through the pandemic as compared with other Western democracies, and , the success of big pharma/operation warp-speed. That along with the rejection of dems socialism-lite policy of centralized economic directives in the recent (and upcoming) elections.
                      Truly an opportunity to wasted for leftists. It has to be disheartening for your ilk.  

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 9:10 am

                      Seminal is a good word for Scott Atlas

                      A bad seminal at that

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 9:16 am

                      Also the seminal Scott atlas resigns as the Covid deaths are approaching 2000 daily

                      By the next few weeks they will be pushing 3000 daily

                      The guy that pushed herd immunity on a daily basis (while befuddlingly denying it in an attempt to have it both ways) is seeing the fruits of his herd immunity evolve

                      He resigned because he knew he was going to get his theory and stupid predictions rammed down his throat over the next few weeks

                      He is a typical FOS fire starter

                      They always would do things differently because they are so smart

                      Well how did that work out for you Scotty

                      What a dumb F

                    • jerrymac719_439

                      December 1, 2020 at 9:22 am

                      I think he resigned because he was some kind of special government employee that could only work for 130 days.

                    • clickpenguin_460

                      December 1, 2020 at 9:55 am

                      Quote from MRImadman

                      Quote from dergon

                      Quote from MRImadman

                      OP/KPac must have missed out on Moderna stock.  It’s a company Sens. Sanders and Warren would have bankrupted a few years ago if their draconian policy and hatred of private industry prevailed.

                      Thank God for Pharma and Operation Warp Speed. 

                      And this has *what” to do with Scott Atlas?

                      And this thread has “what” to do about General Radiology? This is a vituperative thread transferred here from the [b]circle-lib-jerk Off Topics forum[/b], which is ignored by most. 

                      Ha.  So true.

                    • tselvidas_246

                      December 1, 2020 at 7:18 am

                      Dr. Atlas has a pretty good neuro book, I have trouble believing that this is the same man that I see on TV!

                    • btomba_77

                      December 1, 2020 at 7:33 am

                      Quote from icthrewu

                      Dr. Atlas has a pretty good neuro book, I have trouble believing that this is the same man that I see on TV!

                      “Everything Trump touches dies”

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 9:38 am

                      Quote from dergon

                      Quote from icthrewu

                      Dr. Atlas has a pretty good neuro book, I have trouble believing that this is the same man that I see on TV!

                      “Everything Trump touches dies”

                      Will Trump be remembered as one of the worst presidents in US history? Next to James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce? LOL

                    • clickpenguin_460

                      December 1, 2020 at 9:57 am

                      Quote from drad123

                      Quote from dergon

                      Quote from icthrewu

                      Dr. Atlas has a pretty good neuro book, I have trouble believing that this is the same man that I see on TV!

                      “Everything Trump touches dies”

                      Will Trump be remembered as one of the worst presidents in US history? Next to James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce? LOL

                      No, he will likely be remembered as above average to good because our memories of personalities (his weak point) fade over time and the policies/actions are remembered.  He will be remembered as
                      – Being wrongfully spied on and targeted by a partisan party
                      – Ending the covid pandemic with operation Warp Speed
                      – Middle East peace, no new wars
                      – Strong economy
                      In 50 years, I would bet my entire life savings that Trump will be considered a better President than Obama and Bush.

                    • rannyerypessoa

                      December 1, 2020 at 12:18 pm

                      Possible benefit!  Maybe now most people know that Radiologists are doctors.

                    • btomba_77

                      December 1, 2020 at 12:32 pm

                      In 50 years I would bet my life savings that Trump is [i]at best[/i] ranked in the lower quartile of American Presidents. 

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 12:49 pm

                      Quote from dergon

                      In 50 years I would bet my life savings that Trump is [i]at best[/i] ranked in the lower quartile of American Presidents. 

                      I bet 10% of my life savings that Dergon’s life savings trump Cubsfan10s. -Just based on the coversations of both.
                      Trump will be in the bottom quartile.
                      ‘Not since Abraham Lincoln has anybody done what I’ve done for the black community’.” Donald Trump, presidential debate

                    • ruszja

                      December 1, 2020 at 1:50 pm

                      Quote from drad123

                      Will Trump be remembered as one of the worst presidents in US history? Next to James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce? LOL

                      I think it has been a while since a president endorsed a military coup to stay in office when his term expired.

                    • heartmirror_672

                      December 1, 2020 at 2:09 pm

                      If we are betting life savings, I bet mine that in 10 years Joe Biden won’t remember that he was at one time president of the United States.

                    • mferg47_176

                      December 16, 2020 at 3:33 pm

                      @gasmasspsoas,  Definitely agree, and further, 
                      that Mr. Biden will not remember he a chose a Communist Vice-President to succeed him. 
                      #Stupid Americans

                    • ipadfawazipad_778

                      December 16, 2020 at 5:34 pm

                      Rome destroys itself

                    • pranav.devata

                      December 22, 2020 at 11:41 am

                      Wow. A LOT of frankly whackadoo BS comments here. Such hatred and vitriol from both sides!
                      The whole thing was calculated.
                      Atlas wanted his 15 minutes of fame and attached himself to the Trump blimp. When it became very very clear that airship was going down, he abandoned ship to preserve whatever “dignity” he had left. Just like Barr, et al. They are counting on the remaining sycophants who go down with the ship to create such a spectacle as to make everyone forget about the guys who dropped off before impact.

                    • 22002469

                      December 22, 2020 at 11:51 am

                      “A Pandemic of Misinformation” by Scott Atlas.
                      I saw the headline and thought for a brief second, wouldn’t it be great if this is a mea culpa article? Maybe he is going to beg for forgiveness to get his life back?
                      Nah…. not the narcissistic way.

                    • btomba_77

                      December 22, 2020 at 12:02 pm
                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 22, 2020 at 12:10 pm

                      I didn’t even know who Scott Atlas was before this pandemic.  Now I know who he is…A legendary disgrace.  He is top 2 in the radiologist hall of shame, the other being a Rajashahker P. Reddy who blindly signed off on reports generated by his techs without ever looking at the images.  

                    • ruszja

                      December 24, 2020 at 2:36 pm

                      Quote from striker79

                      I didn’t even know who Scott Atlas was before this pandemic.  Now I know who he is…A legendary disgrace.  He is top 2 in the radiologist hall of shame, the other being a Rajashahker P. Reddy who blindly signed off on reports generated by his techs without ever looking at the images.  

                      In terms of the damage, Reddy is minor league. A couple 10,000 x-rays reviewed by a uncredentialed radiologist vs. poor  decisions that affected hundreds of millions.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 24, 2020 at 10:02 pm

                      There’s not a whole bandwagon of Reddy’s out there.  There is a whole bandwagon of Atlas’s out there, lead by the president of our united states.  There are thousand’s of Atlas’s out there, many rads on this rads forum agreed with Atlas, not sure how many still do.  

                    • 22002469

                      January 11, 2021 at 3:54 pm


                      Atlas comes out of hiding on twitter to make sure everyone knows he lost 12k followers. What a lunatic. 
                      Commenters assume some combination of deaths from COVID and Nazis that left twitter.
                      Why did he have to be a radiologist??

                    • afazio.uk_887

                      January 11, 2021 at 4:11 pm

                      It actually doesnt surprise me at all that he is a radiologist, is that bad?

                    • 22002469

                      January 11, 2021 at 4:19 pm

                      Yes that’s bad (for radiology).
                      Though it doesn’t surprise me either unfortunately. 

                    • pranav.devata

                      December 22, 2020 at 2:03 pm

                      I jut skimmed the article. I stopped at his claim of “80-90% of Americans were wearing masks in August”. That is a huuuuge load of crap. Anyone who stepped out of their house could see the reality of maybe 50-60 percent. Maybe. Around me, in the whackadoo state, I would say closer to 30% in August. Peaked near 50%, but by November, we were down in the 20s. Insanity.

                    • clickpenguin_460

                      December 22, 2020 at 2:58 pm

                      California has the strictest lockdowns and has had mask mandates since June. You’re saying all cases there are just due to mask noncompliance?

                    • pranav.devata

                      December 22, 2020 at 3:14 pm

                      That’s not what I said. You are inferring something. I basically said Atlas is full of shit with his statistics that 80-90% of people were wearing masks in August. Not in THIS country. Not even close. I made no claim on infection rates.
                      But American Exceptionalism is alive and well. Everyone thinks we are somehow inherently “better” than other countries and things won’t affect us…just because we are the USA. And we lead the world in infections and deaths, perhaps because of it.

                    • clickpenguin_460

                      December 22, 2020 at 4:20 pm

                      Oh okay, so Atlas is right then?

                      How can you talk about masks but not talk about infection rates? Isnt that the whole point of masks?

                    • pranav.devata

                      December 24, 2020 at 8:10 am

                      BTW yes, I believe the majority of cases are due to “noncompliance”. In my state it is rather willful noncompliance, but there is a lot of just plain ignorance out there. Even with the strictest mask policies, there is a percentage of people who will adamantly refuse to wear a mask…lets call them “antivaxxers”, just for fun. Then you have the group of people who simply don’t know any better. They hear mixed messaging on Fox news and think masks do nothing, vaccines are too risky, and the all of the world’s governments (and Bill Gates!) have agreed on a single method to try to control you. So they don’t wear masks unless they get called out in Walmart. To further that problem, people who DO wear masks are unlikely to understand even a basic aseptic technique of mask wearing and handwashing. They blow their nose and put their mask on, then open the grocery store door. Then the next mask wearer does the opposite. And this is how virus is spread, even with mask mandates. Even in California.
                      And no, Atlas is not right. He is taking the easy road to get his 15 minutes. He implies the current measures don’t work and we should just buckle down and wait for herd immunity because everything else is futile and hurts the economy. But LOGIC states that everything, even the smallest thing, we can do to limit exposures helps somewhat. So we don’t HAVE to watch 2 million Americans die before we have enough immunity to protect the population. Something is always better than nothing.

                    • btomba_77

                      December 1, 2020 at 2:10 pm

                      Quote from fw

                      Quote from drad123

                      Will Trump be remembered as one of the worst presidents in US history? Next to James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce? LOL

                      I think it has been a while since a president endorsed a military coup to stay in office when his term expired.

                      Yep. Depending on how the future plays out, the historical narratives around the Trump Presidency will ranges from “Incompetent narcissist demagogue who tried to destroy democracy” to “Incompetent narcissist demagogue who set American democracy on a course of decline.”

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 2:31 pm


                      The big tough guy bettors on this site are all
                      Talk and FOS

                      The guy with 57 aliases bet me on the election

                      He owes me at least 500$

                      Now he is hiding out and he wont pay up

                      So when someone wants to put money on it just realize the whiney little welchers all talk and they wont pay up

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 2:35 pm

                      That aside America looks better and stronger today than we have in a while

                      Our democracy works

                      We had a crazy as F leader who tried to tear down our democracy

                      But 80 million people voted and kicked his fat Butt out

                      The world took notice and we are better off for it

                      Trump goes down in history as a fraud a liar and a loser

                      James Buchanan is a happy man today. There is somebody worse than him

                    • nasosmunfc_332

                      December 1, 2020 at 2:36 pm

                      Trump and Atlas’s legacy will be gross mismanagement of Covid by asserting herd immunity, when targeted shutdowns/masks/social distancing/tracing was much more successful in the far east. 

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 2:38 pm

                      Atlas may have killed an extra 100-200,000 people before this is all

                      Rise up

                    • julie.young_645

                      December 1, 2020 at 2:49 pm

                      Trump is Trump. I think history will be much kinder to him, assuming the historians are non-partisan and not 1984-esque government employees.
                      Far more troublesome to me are those who fly into a spittle-spewing vein-popping rage when the name “Trump” is even mentioned. I had no idea that mental illness was so wide-spread amongst our population. 

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 2:51 pm

                      Easy Qualai

                      I had no idea there were Q-Anon radiologist til I started on this site

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 2:53 pm

                      And again

                      Atlas may have killed an extra 100-200,000 people by the time this plays out

                      All because of his anti mask herd immunity rise up BS

                      Thats whats really troublesome

                    • ipadfawazipad_778

                      December 1, 2020 at 2:58 pm

                      Atlas didnt kill anybody. This is scary to see such hatred and exaggeration.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 3:06 pm

                      Atlas in a few months by pushing herd immunity criticizing masks and encouraging noncompliance with local policies most certainly killed people

                      There are consequences for your actions and the higher up the higher the consequences

                      What is scary is how you deniers stand by these nut cases

                      Atlas may have killed and extra 100-200,000 people with his lax nothing to worry about messaging

                      Thats scary

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 3:08 pm

                      Charles Manson didnt directly kill anyone

                      He just encouraged the sheep

                      Atlas encouraged his sheep and look where we are

                    • jun52.park

                      January 12, 2021 at 11:54 am


                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      January 12, 2021 at 12:20 pm

                      Scott Atlas, controversial former Trump adviser, deletes Twitter account
                      Monday night at 5:44 p.m ET,  Atlas posted to Twitter: I have lost 12k followers in the past few days. Just FYI.
                      Tuesday morning, his account was gone. 

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      January 12, 2021 at 12:36 pm

                      time for Scott to move to the night shift
                      Gonna be some sweet sounds
                      Comin’ down, on the nightshift
                      I bet you’re singing proud
                      Oh, I bet you’ll pull a crowd
                      Gonna be a long night
                      It’s gonna be all right, on the nightshift

                    • btomba_77

                      January 12, 2021 at 12:46 pm

                      Quote from drad123

                      Scott Atlas, controversial former Trump adviser, deletes Twitter account


                      Monday night at 5:44 p.m ET,  Atlas posted to Twitter: I have lost 12k followers in the past few days. Just FYI.
                      Tuesday morning, his account was gone. 

                      Good riddance, you sociopathic, insurrection-baiting, right wing quack! You are a disgrace to the profession of radiology.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      January 12, 2021 at 1:18 pm

                      Quote from dergon

                      Quote from drad123

                      Scott Atlas, controversial former Trump adviser, deletes Twitter account


                      Monday night at 5:44 p.m ET,  Atlas posted to Twitter: I have lost 12k followers in the past few days. Just FYI.
                      Tuesday morning, his account was gone. 

                      Good riddance, you sociopathic, insurrection-baiting, right wing quack! You are a disgrace to the profession of radiology.

                      Who knew there were right wingers left in the bay area and Stanford no less. I assumed they had gone extinct.

                    • 22002469

                      January 12, 2021 at 1:35 pm

                      In my view, Twitter has become a destructive place that mainly inflames extreme thinking and disseminates distortions, rather than elucidating factual information and respectful, civilized discussion, Atlas said in an email.
                      Adios Scotty boy, don’t let the door hit ya on the way out.
                      Enjoy teaching typewriter maintenance at the Rocco Clubo School for Women.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      January 12, 2021 at 2:57 pm

                      As a parent o dont let my kids on Twitter

                      Insertectionists need to be punished like children

                      A lot of these trumpers need better parents

                      Take their phones and internet and go to their room


                      January 12, 2021 at 2:58 pm

                      Lot of people assume California is this left wing law abiding monolith, I guess? First of all, what your politics are dont have a 100% alignment with your attitude towards masks (though there is some relationship there sadly). Second of all, large swathes of California are not democratic and are definitely not wearing masks – specifically San Joaquin valley and counties around LA, which also have by far the worst out break. And I I have lots of relatives in LA; despite being full of anti trumpers, lots of people either refuse to wear masks or are not educate on when are the correct situations where it is esp important – there was very little mask compliance in many areas of LA- mixed in with a lot of mask hawks who dont even like seeing unmasked people outdoors.

                      Yet in the Bay Area, I see hardly anyone non mask compliant. Outside of Santa Clara , the outbreak here is the relatively light, even in SF, despite having some of the highest urban density in the nation. This despite the fact that the same business lockdown procedures were in place in all these locations.

                      If anything, Cali is a strong argument for masking

                    • jennycullmann

                      January 12, 2021 at 4:48 pm

                      Based on what rozakk, I see no evidence provided. So please, humor me.


                      January 12, 2021 at 5:31 pm

                      ? The data in case rates per 100k people in CAare easily available im not going to go pull that up for you, go look yourself.

                      Youre never going to get your DBCT study for mask benefit but from a risk/benefit analysis here. The chief epidemiologist in Korea has much better data on spread in masked vs unmasked situations and I invite you to look at the numbers he has presented on the effectiveness of masks. Of course, he could also be in bed with the global leftist/democrat conspiracy to make us put cloth on our face so I can totally understand how you may disregard anything he has to say.

                    • btomba_77

                      April 25, 2022 at 10:08 am


                      [b]Dr. Scott Atlas, former Trump COVID-19 advisor, speaks at MSU[/b]

                      During his speech, Atlas told the crowd a number of falsehoods, including that the lockdowns from 2020 were responsible for more deaths than COVID-19 and said that vaccines against the disease were ineffective.

                      Early in the speech, Atlas put up a slide of facts and then claimed that each one was false, such as COVID-19 being more fatal than influenza.

                      In addition to the myriad of falsehoods, Atlas told the crowd that any university president that requires vaccination of healthy, young students, should be fired.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      April 25, 2022 at 4:14 pm

                      Ah politics, 
                      the problem is we are living in information bubbles that only reinforce what we already believe. Nobody has a conversation anymore. Will probably only get worse. Wish we could try to see each other’s side and try to understand more…but unfortunately the far left and far right are by far the loudest and equally crazy. 
                      Does the science back me getting a booster even though I have been vaccinated and had COVID? To get immunity for a few months? Should I not be allowed to go out to dinner because of this?
                      Is it right that a man who identifies as a woman won the NCAA swimming championship? Is that fair to the biological women competitors?
                      Should we punish the insurrectionists like children but leave the BLM activists burning buildings down alone?
                      Is it possible youth are identifying at an exponentially increasing rate as trans because its a trend and more or less a form of teenage rebellion?
                      Should someone be able to identify as a different race? If gender is fluid why not race?
                      These are just a few questions I would like to have deep conversations about. And we all know when it comes to deep thoughtful and respectful interaction there is no place as good as this. 

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      April 25, 2022 at 8:17 pm

                      The things he says make him look like an idiot..not good for radiology.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 3:25 pm

                      Quote from DoctorDalai

                      Trump is Trump. I think history will be much kinder to him, assuming the historians are non-partisan and not 1984-esque government employees.

                      Far more troublesome to me are those who fly into a spittle-spewing vein-popping rage when the name “Trump” is even mentioned. I had no idea that mental illness was so wide-spread amongst our population. 

                      Trump is fine on a reality TV show. -just not the presidency.

                    • btomba_77

                      December 1, 2020 at 3:31 pm

                      Quote from DoctorDalai

                      Trump is Trump. I think history will be much kinder to him, assuming the historians are non-partisan and not 1984-esque government employees.

                      I can see it now..
                      “The historians treated me very unfairly.  Lots of people are saying that I had the best history. But the fake history won’t report on that.”
                      ** tweets a link to an OANN clicker poll that ask whether Trump is the greatest President ever or the greatest leader the world has ever known**

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      December 1, 2020 at 3:44 pm

                      Best President everrrrrr. Did more than Washington & more for Black people than Lincoln. 
                      So says Donald Trump himself. So you know it is true!
                      Anyone who disagrees has proven themselves unfair partisans full of deranged hatred for Trump.
                       When not building himself up hes singing, poor poor pitiful me.
                      And regarding Scott Atlas, no, I dont think he killed hundreds of thousands but I do feel he does deserve responsibility for casting COVID as not dangerous & confusing the issue for lay people who hear both sides & arent capable of knowing the truth. I mean they hear their media, FOX, their leader, Trump & a physician telling them that COVID being dangerous is a Liberal & Democratic hoax. I do think they share blood on their hands for a lack of responsible leadership.

                    • leann2001nl

                      December 1, 2020 at 4:06 pm

                      Hundreds of thousands ? Come on. Atlas is a tool but if you think he has that much influence you are insane.

                      Funny how kpack made a new name after being banned. Pretty easy to tell based on how you post, just need to start saying bullsheet again

                    • leann2001nl

                      December 1, 2020 at 4:07 pm

                      That was in response to kpack above , not frumi, I cant quote on phone for some reason

                    • julie.young_645

                      December 1, 2020 at 4:18 pm

                      See my other post concerning the rising rates of mental illness in this nation. 

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 5:04 pm

                      If he would have advocated masking distancing and testing instead of hitting 400,000 possibly 500,000! Dead Until we get majority vaccinated in a few months maybe we would have made it to near immunity with 300,000 -400,000 dead

                      Thats 100,000-200,000

                      Remember this is the same board with the same idiots that laughed and screamed when the Washington group predicted 400,000 by January without sufficient mitigation

                      Looking like they are going to hit that number thanks to the deniers like Atlas

                      Not real sure how a lot of you function in society on a daily basis

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 5:06 pm

                      Funny too

                      Qualai points out mental illness

                      But he is a conspiracy theorist

                      Just keep telling yourself that your ok and every one we lose is crazy

                    • mgmacielendocrino_912

                      December 1, 2020 at 5:59 pm

                      Scott Atlas is pretty dumb guy for having authored a neuroradiology book. His callous and careless attitude will result in the excess deaths of tens of thousands of people.  Why is he against mask wearing and exhibiting basic principles of infectious disease containment? Why won’t he defer to virologists and epidemiologists?  He has forever sealed his legacy as a Trump croney and represents the worst of Radiology and healthcare in general. 

                    • jennycullmann

                      December 1, 2020 at 6:17 pm

                      I can answer those questions, but again, if you haven’t been listening for almost a year now, why would you listen yet again? You don’t want to know, or study the science, or be an adult and look at tradeoffs, or see how many MORE people are harmed by the things you claim are good for the gander.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 1, 2020 at 6:46 pm

                      Where is my money

                      I will take an Amazon gift card in my pm

                      Dont be a welcher pay up

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      December 2, 2020 at 5:36 pm

                      Atlas is a legend in his own mind.

                    • julie.young_645

                      December 2, 2020 at 6:16 pm

                      Quote from Chirorad84

                      Funny too

                      Qualai points out mental illness

                      But he is a conspiracy theorist

                      Just keep telling yourself that your ok and every one we lose is crazy

                      I’m pointing out YOUR mental derangement, ChrioEligy.