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  • Roy Moore alleged to have initiated sexual encounter with 14 years old

    Posted by btomba_77 on November 9, 2017 at 1:59 pm

    [url=]Woman Says Roy Moore Initiated Sex When She Was 14[/url]
    Leigh Corfman says she was 14 years old when an older man approached her outside a courtroom in Etowah County, Ala. She was sitting on a wooden bench with her mother, they both recall, when the man introduced himself as Roy Moore, the [link=]Washington Post[/link] reports.
    It was early 1979 and Moore now the Republican nominee in Alabama for a U.S. Senate seat was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney. He struck up a conversation, Corfman and her mother say, and offered to watch the girl while her mother went inside for a child custody hearing.
    Alone with Corfman, Moore chatted with her and asked for her phone number, she says. Days later, she says, he picked her up around the corner from her house in Gadsden, drove her about 30 minutes to his home in the woods, told her how pretty she was and kissed her. On a second visit, she says, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear.
    Mainstream GOP condemnation has been swift:
    [url=]A running tally of Republican comments about Roy Moore today:[/url]
    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: “If these allegations are true, he must step aside.”Sen. John McCain: “The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they are proud of.”Sen. Lisa Murkowski said, “I’m horrified and if this is true he needs to step down immediately.” She also said she has spoken to Luther Strange about becoming a write-in challenge, ultimately challenging Moore in the Dec. 12 election.Sen. Jeff Flake: “If there is any shred of truth to the allegations against Roy Moore, he should step aside immediately.”Sen. John Cornyn, who endorsed Moore and is listed on his website, said the allegations are “deeply disturbing.”Sen. David Perdue called the allegations “devastating” and said Moore should withdraw if they’re true.Sen. Pat Toomey: “If there’s a shred of truth to it, then he need to step aside.”Sen. Richard Shelby: “If that’s true, then he wouldn’t belong in the Senate.”Sen. Mike Lee: “If these allegations are true, Roy Moore needs to step down.”Sen. Tim Scott: “If they’re accurate, he should step aside.”Sen. Cory Gardner, chairman of national republican senatorial committee: “If these allegations are found to be true, Roy Moore must drop out of the Alabama special Senate election.”Sen. Rob Portman: “It was very troubling … if what we read is true and people are on the record so I assume it is…” Moore should step aside.Sen. Susan Collins: “If there is any truth at all to these horrific allegations, Roy Moore should immediately step aside as a Senate candidate.”

    btomba_77 replied 2 years, 2 months ago 17 Members · 574 Replies
  • 574 Replies
  • kayla.meyer_144

    November 9, 2017 at 2:03 pm

    God told him to do it?
    She said she was 18?
    Girls let you do it?

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      November 9, 2017 at 2:20 pm

      Reverend Roy

      • 100574

        November 9, 2017 at 2:34 pm

        his son has been arrested HOW many times–white priv

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          November 9, 2017 at 2:48 pm

          That’s ok

          He as evangelical

          That means they are better than everyone and make their own rules

          • ruszja

            November 9, 2017 at 3:05 pm

            Who doesn’t cruise the mall for underage dating material when they are 34 ? Turns out the jokes about Alabama are not jokes.

            I can see why the lady who was 14 at the time kept it quiet.

          • ruszja

            November 9, 2017 at 3:11 pm

            Quote from kpack123

            That’s ok

            He as evangelical

            That means they are better than everyone and make their own rules

            He just needs to make a tearful public confession, beg for forgiveness from his evangelical god, be reborn and it is all a-ok. A great religion, really.

            • 100574

              November 9, 2017 at 3:20 pm

              so Trump’s bodyguard says Russian women were offered?????-please–this stinks

              • kayla.meyer_144

                November 9, 2017 at 3:41 pm

                Jeez, I can’t keep up without a notepad what with the accusations about so many people. Weinstein started a flood. Spacey, Mariah Carey, Louis CK. I’m sure I’ve forgot some already.

                • 100574

                  November 9, 2017 at 8:31 pm

                  note to Mothers when a 30 plus man offers to babysit your teenage daughter-RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  • kayla.meyer_144

                    November 9, 2017 at 8:37 pm

                    Moores supporters out there supporting him, the Man of God! & as we all know, Boys will be boys.

                    At least hes not gay?


  • 100574

    November 10, 2017 at 12:34 am

    it is really quite disgusting–they are using Jesus parents( I guess they forget the torch bearing march on UVA with the chant Jews will not replace us)
    I want to correct something–Mothers if a 30 plus guy offers to babysit your teenage daughter/son-Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote from Frumious

    Moores supporters out there supporting him, the Man of God! & as we all know, Boys will be boys.

    At least hes not gay?


    • ruszja

      November 10, 2017 at 1:38 am

      Some of the outrage is manufactured. He dated an 18 year old girl with her parents permission. That’s how it worked not so long ago. You hoped your daughter would date a guy with a good job rather than some motorcycle hooligan or long haired hippie who injects marijuana.

      • btomba_77

        November 10, 2017 at 3:35 am

        Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus. Theres just nothing immoral or illegal here. Maybe just a little bit unusual.
        Alabama state auditor Jim Zeigler (R), quoted by the [link=]Washington Examiner[/link], defending Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore (R

        • kayla.meyer_144

          November 10, 2017 at 4:19 am

          Now where is that sphincter who was always saying Mohammed was evil because he had a 14 year old bride? Was that cigar? F@ger? I thought this sh1te never happens with Christians?
          This is too creepy. So Moore might have been 30 when he had sexual encounters with the 14 year old. But exactly that, the accusation mentioned sexual encounter, not dating.
          I remember speaking to a Cuban woman I knew back in the 1970’s who told me she had been dating a man in his late 30’s or early 40’s, set up by her family. The purpose was to “groom” her to be a “proper” woman. But that was dating, no mention of sex.
          But that’s still creepy because it is woman as inferior, as chattel, property to be protected, not independent. 
          Why do the “best” excuses for pedophilia always seem to come from religious people? Today isn’t 2,000 years ago or 1,400 years ago. Child brides or sexual partners isn’t a thing to be done in the girl’s best interests no matter how much you twist it. 
          She had to be raped to save her? Make her a better woman? Now she’s “used” and damaged goods in these same societies.

          • kaldridgewv2211

            November 10, 2017 at 6:22 am

            so he raped a 14 year old.   This just puts him on the fast track to be a GOP Presidential Nominee some day.

            • Unknown Member

              Deleted User
              November 10, 2017 at 10:24 am

              This is just one more reason that Moore is a total scumbag, a f&$#ing piece of shit.  His stance on social views mirror that of Saudi Arabia; it’s like someone from the middle ages suddenly found themselves in this century.
              He should withdraw, but in the absence of compelling evidence against him, he won’t…and he’ll probably win.  It’s the deep south after all.

              • 100574

                November 10, 2017 at 10:41 am

                NCAA should ban the state if he gets in

                • Unknown Member

                  Deleted User
                  November 10, 2017 at 11:12 am

                  Quote from sentinel lymph node

                  NCAA should ban the state if he gets in

                  That’s a damn good idea, as the only way to deal with the tea party is through actions such as those.  

                  • kayla.meyer_144

                    November 10, 2017 at 11:39 am

                    I do too. & don’t limit it to the NCAA, let all kinds of businesses refuse to do business in or with the state.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      November 10, 2017 at 12:08 pm

                      And now we have Louis CK who just did a mea culpa and apologized for sexual misconduct admitting the stories are true. Someone who takes responsibility.

                    • 100574

                      November 10, 2017 at 1:54 pm

                      at some point people have to just rise up–the perv Governor–then lex luther strange not pursing this;-Moore and his son
                      football players don’t go there–Boycott the state
                      in my true heart as a grad of UVA–the voter turn out in Virginia may have also been driven thru the entire state by wahoos who said enuf is enuf –this President has trashed our President Jefferson and embraced haters that desecrated the sacred grounds of one of the top Universities in the country
                        heard on PBS radio the current governor–her speech was soooooo poor-I was like this sound like one of the most ignorant people I have ever heard speak–this is an elected official

                      Quote from Frumious

                      I do too. & don’t limit it to the NCAA, let all kinds of businesses refuse to do business in or with the state.

            • tdetlie_105

              November 10, 2017 at 8:50 pm

              Quote from DICOM_Dan

              so he raped a 14 year old.   This just puts him on the fast track to be a GOP Presidential Nominee some day.

              what other GOP Presidential nominee was accused of raping a minor?

              • kathleen.hibler

                November 10, 2017 at 9:25 pm

                Hi, Im hyperbole. Have we met?

                • ruszja

                  November 11, 2017 at 2:46 am

                  I do have to respect Louis CKs response to the allegations: Yep, did’t it. Have learned since that I can’t show my dick to people, even if I ask them beforehand.

              • kayla.meyer_144

                November 11, 2017 at 7:07 am

                Quote from jd4540

                Quote from DICOM_Dan

                so he raped a 14 year old.   This just puts him on the fast track to be a GOP Presidential Nominee some day.

                what other GOP Presidential nominee was accused of raping a minor?

                I think it’s like this, JD, had Harvey Weinstein been a politician, especially with religious backing, not only would he still have a job, he’d likely get re-nominated.

                • Unknown Member

                  Deleted User
                  November 11, 2017 at 7:32 am

                  Excuse me but

                  Biblical teaching is

                  Mary and Joseph had no relations before Jesus….. hence immaculate conception

                  To compare the reverend Moore to Joseph is therefore wrong on this account as well

                  • kayla.meyer_144

                    November 11, 2017 at 9:19 am


                    • 100574

                      November 11, 2017 at 9:06 pm

                      A former prosecutor who once worked alongside embattled Alabama GOP Senate candidate [link=][color=”#0066cc”]Roy Moore[/color][/link] in the early 1980s told CNN it was “common knowledge” at the time that Moore dated high school girls.
                      “It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird,” former deputy district attorney Teresa Jones told CNN in comments aired Saturday. “We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall … but you really wouldn’t say anything to someone like that.”
                      CBS News has reached out to Jones for comment.
                      Jones, now a partner at the Syprett, Meshad, Resnick, Lieb, Dumbaugh, Jones, Krotec & Westheimer, P.A. law firm based in Sarasota, Florida, served as deputy district attorney for Etowah County, Alabama from 1982 to 1985, according to her firm’s website. Moore worked as a deputy district attorney in that office from 1977 to 1982. Before joining the DA’s office, Jones was the assistant city attorney for the city of Gadsden, Alabama, the county seat of Etowah County.[b] [/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      November 12, 2017 at 6:16 am

                      Creepy piece of sheet

                    • kathleen.hibler

                      November 12, 2017 at 6:31 am

                      Dr. Fager, the champion of alleged child rapists everyone. A true hero.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      November 12, 2017 at 7:02 am

                      Ahhhhhhh he is just a follower of the burn it down no solution crew

                      Angry white guys usually rural areas and mad at the world

                    • tdetlie_105

                      November 12, 2017 at 8:04 am

                      What are the odds that he drops out or stays in and actually wins?

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      November 12, 2017 at 8:53 am

                      I think he still wins

                      The evangelicals who support him have no souls

                      They will vote for the perv no matter what and praise Jesus in the process

                    • julie.young_645

                      November 12, 2017 at 5:13 pm

                      Guilty until proven innocent, eh? 

          • heenadevk1119_462

            November 10, 2017 at 7:34 pm

            Quote from Frumious

            Now where is that sphincter who was always saying Mohammed was evil because he had a 14 year old bride? Was that cigar? F@ger? I thought this sh1te never happens with Christians?

            If you are going to call people names, at least get the facts right, butt nugget. Aisha was a robust 9 years old for Mo.  Also, I’m not a follower of Mr. Moore, nor did he nor anyone else claim he himself was a great man, or best human example as the Mohammedans do Mo. Can you actually understand what any of that means? I’m not even sure if you can reason on a human level any more you are so blatantly stupid and dishonest.
            More importantly, does anyone even know what the words “allegations” and evidence mean?
            40 years ago? GTFO

            • kayla.meyer_144

              November 11, 2017 at 6:41 am

              Quote from Dr. ****er

              Aisha was a robust 9 years old for Mo.  

              Āishah bint Abī Bakr was 9 or 10 but Mary was 12 or 13 when she conceived. Mohammed is evil but Joseph is a saint.
              So what is your “age of consent?” 12 or 13, anything before is evil?
              This is a dumb argument but cigar/F@ger as well as Moore’s defenders seem intent on making it.
              Although tangentially and with snark, is this what Originalilsm means in the context of Scalia meaning there can be no interpretation from original intent? The document is dead.
              Defending Moore on 2,000 year old practices is avoiding the issue. If the defenders have to go down this route to defend Moore, then Moore is guilty of pedophilia and statutory rape, period. Correct me please, but is there anyone out there who would want to be defended about an accusation of having sex with a 14 year old by a defender pointing out that Mary was 13?
              I would not. Might as well admit guilt.

  • ruszja

    November 10, 2017 at 1:53 pm

    Quote from sentinel lymph node

    NCAA should ban the state if he gets in

    The lobby of commercial college football as the enforcer of morality when it comes to sexual violence. You are a comedian.

    • 100574

      November 10, 2017 at 3:37 pm

      no like in Indiana –this is using dollars to knock some common sense in a state–Boycott Alabama

      Quote from fw

      Quote from sentinel lymph node

      NCAA should ban the state if he gets in

      The lobby of commercial college football as the enforcer of morality when it comes to sexual violence. You are a comedian.

      • 100574

        November 10, 2017 at 4:05 pm

        so if sick GOP people will defend Moore to win then we have no doubt they would collude with Russia to win an election( and the lie after from Flynn/Manafort, Don, Jr/etc all shows it)

        • btomba_77

          November 10, 2017 at 4:16 pm

          Quote from sentinel lymph node

          so if sick GOP people will defend Moore to win then we have no doubt they would collude with Russia to win an election( and the lie after from Flynn/Manafort, Don, Jr/etc all shows it)

          Max Boot: [url=]Roy Moore response shows GOP deserves to die: [/url]

          This episode is the sorry culmination of two trends that have disfigured the conservative movement beyond all recognition: contempt for the facts and desire to win at all costs. Republicans are increasingly reliant on alternative facts manufactured by the likes of Fox News and Breitbart, which claim that global warming isnt real and neither is the Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee. The real scandal, they tell us, is the Steele dossier paid for by the Democrats in an attempt to uncover Trumps Russian connections. Or is it the evidence-free claim that Obama supposedly wiretapped Trump?

          In the final analysis, no indictment of their candidate will convince the faithful. As Trump once said, I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldnt lose voters Or, more to the point, Roy Moore could molest a 14-year-old girl and not lose votes. Because for Republican partisans, their opponents are the forces of evil, and anything is preferable to that. Even Donald Trump. Even Roy Moore. So in ostensibly fighting evil, Republicans have become complicit in it.

          This is a party that does not deserve to survive.

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            November 10, 2017 at 4:54 pm

            The evangelicals have no souls…..they lost them several years ago

            They will vote this perv in as a senator

            • heenadevk1119_462

              November 10, 2017 at 7:38 pm

              Quote from kpack123

              The evangelicals have no souls…..they lost them several years ago

              They will vote this perv in as a senator

              Your party supported Billy Boy and all the Hollyweird doing much worse than anything you can even imagine or dream of – FOR DECADES. And you have the audacity to talk about “souls” and “behavior?”
              You guys seem to be demon possessed.

          • heenadevk1119_462

            November 10, 2017 at 7:39 pm

            Quote from dergon

            Quote from sentinel lymph node

            so if sick GOP people will defend Moore to win then we have no doubt they would collude with Russia to win an election( and the lie after from Flynn/Manafort, Don, Jr/etc all shows it)

            Max Boot: [link=]Roy Moore response shows GOP deserves to die: [/link]

            This episode is the sorry culmination of two trends that have disfigured the conservative movement beyond all recognition: contempt for the facts and desire to win at all costs. Republicans are increasingly reliant on alternative facts manufactured by the likes of Fox News and Breitbart, which claim that global warming isnt real and neither is the Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee. The real scandal, they tell us, is the Steele dossier paid for by the Democrats in an attempt to uncover Trumps Russian connections. Or is it the evidence-free claim that Obama supposedly wiretapped Trump?

            In the final analysis, no indictment of their candidate will convince the faithful. As Trump once said, I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldnt lose voters Or, more to the point, Roy Moore could molest a 14-year-old girl and not lose votes. Because for Republican partisans, their opponents are the forces of evil, and anything is preferable to that. Even Donald Trump. Even Roy Moore. So in ostensibly fighting evil, Republicans have become complicit in it.

            This is a party that does not deserve to survive.

            Great job, Max. Whiny losers talking about what “should be” when they can’t even understand anything basic about the country or reality. Yeah, let’s listen to those liars. Sure, sounds good.

            • heenadevk1119_462

              November 10, 2017 at 7:43 pm

              This thread truly proves that leftist and progressive thinking is a mental disease. The responses here, based on nothing at all, have provoked an insight into your deluded minds.
              Cigar turned out to be right again, no wonder he was right and you were wrong. If you can’t see reality, you have no chance. At this point, you are your own punishment. That’s the saddest thing in life.

              • 100574

                November 10, 2017 at 8:04 pm

                the delusional just can’t see the light
                he says in his own words I asked mothers before–that’s subconscious recalling asking the mom he would watch the girl imho
                Boycott Alabama

                Quote from Dr. ****er

                This thread truly proves that leftist and progressive thinking is a mental disease. The responses here, based on nothing at all, have provoked an insight into your deluded minds.

                Cigar turned out to be right again, no wonder he was right and you were wrong. If you can’t see reality, you have no chance. At this point, you are your own punishment. That’s the saddest thing in life.

                • kayla.meyer_144

                  November 10, 2017 at 8:50 pm

                  Ooooo! Got under cigars/F@gers skin!

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    November 10, 2017 at 8:04 pm

    Based on nothing at all???

    The guy thinks the 10 commandments should take precedent over the constitution but when he was a 35 year old man he was trying to shag 14 yr olds

    Yeah thats absolutely nothing….nothing burger a big one

    You sick F just the rest of the evangelicals… soul

    • heenadevk1119_462

      November 11, 2017 at 8:10 am

      Quote from kpack123

      Based on nothing at all???

      The guy thinks the 10 commandments should take precedent over the constitution but when he was a 35 year old man he was trying to shag 14 yr olds

      Yeah thats absolutely nothing….nothing burger a big one

      You sick F just the rest of the evangelicals… soul

      Why do you keep posting when you have ZERO evidence? Answer the question, you dodge it and get exposed by this fact time and again. Stop distracting. Wait, that’s all you can do, because [b]you have no evidence for your claims.[/b]
      [b]More NOTHING BURGERS, [/b]what a surprise.

  • heenadevk1119_462

    November 11, 2017 at 8:13 am

    Quote from kpack123

    Excuse me but

    Biblical teaching is

    Mary and Joseph had no relations before Jesus….. hence immaculate conception

    To compare the reverend Moore to Joseph is therefore wrong on this account as well

    even kpack can’t stand for how bat-sht crazy frumi is here, lol
    funny thing is, as expected, kpack doesn’t even know that immaculate conception doesn’t refer to Jesus birth (lol, claims he’s RC) yet as usual, some outsider like Fager knows more than he does

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      November 11, 2017 at 8:58 am

      are you trying to argue with me dipsquit

  • 100574

    November 12, 2017 at 5:39 pm

    a former prosecutor who worked with him says EVERYONE knew–take off the blinders–he a 30 plus man was hanging around high schools

    Quote from DoctorDalai

    Guilty until proven innocent, eh? 

    • 100574

      November 12, 2017 at 5:50 pm

      USA today–sometimes this is the only thing that works:
      At least five companies said over the weekend that they will no longer advertise their products during Fox News’ “Hannity” television show, which sparked an outpouring on Sunday of counter-protests on social media.
      Keurig,, 23 and Me, Eloquii and Nature’s Bounty all pulled their ads from the television show, in response to Fox host Sean Hannity’s coverage of the sexual misconduct allegations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.[b] [/b][i] [/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]

    • ruszja

      November 12, 2017 at 11:37 pm

      Quote from sentinel lymph node

      a former prosecutor who worked with him says EVERYONE knew–take off the blinders–he a 30 plus man was hanging around high schools

      Quote from DoctorDalai

      Guilty until proven innocent, eh? 

      He doesn’t deny that. But there is a difference between dating an 18 year old with her parents permission and abusing a 14yo.

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        November 13, 2017 at 4:41 am

        Yeah when you are 34…… that’s real fng normal too

        • ruszja

          November 13, 2017 at 8:59 am

          Quote from kpack123

          Yeah when you are 34…… that’s real fng normal too

          It used to be normal. We know he is a religious conservative wingnut, the kind that looks to marry a virgin and is hung up about his own sexuality. Back then, the kids weren’t humping each other in middle school, so there was still a chance to find a suitable mate if you caught one before they went off to college or trade school.

          • kaldridgewv2211

            November 13, 2017 at 9:26 am

            Some really strange reasoning going on.  Back then you used to just club her over the head and take her back to the cave.

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            November 13, 2017 at 9:56 am

            [b]Back then, the kids weren’t humping each other in middle school, so there was still a chance to find a suitable mate if you caught one before they went off to college or trade school.[/b]
            In the 70’s………………..Yes they were.  Maybe not the 50’s but as of the 60’s they were humping each other in middle school
            He was creep then and he is a creep now.  THat being said Evangelicals will justify it and vote for him

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            November 13, 2017 at 10:00 am

            [b]it used to be normal.[/b]
            It was not normal in the 70’s for a guy approaching middle age to date someone in or just out of high school

      • kayla.meyer_144

        November 13, 2017 at 8:06 am

        Quote from fw

        Quote from sentinel lymph node

        a former prosecutor who worked with him says EVERYONE knew–take off the blinders–he a 30 plus man was hanging around high schools

        Quote from DoctorDalai

        Guilty until proven innocent, eh? 

        He doesn’t deny that. But there is a difference between dating an 18 year old with her parents permission and abusing a 14yo.

        The concern is the 14 year old and the alleged behavior of a 32 year old Asst Prosecutor hanging around the High School for dates. Sounds like a stereotype joke. Or “Dazed and Confused” punch line.  

        “That’s what I love about these high school girls, man. I keep getting older, they stay the same age.”

        There is a definite creep factor here at a very minimum. And what is astounding is how many Alabama voters have stated that “even if true” they still support Moore.  
        WTF. Vote for the Pedophile! He’s a Godly man! 

        • kayla.meyer_144

          November 13, 2017 at 8:33 am

          And let’s ask the question put to Moore to all the AM posters, when asked if you remember dating young girls, you answer “Not generally” as an appropriate answer?

  • kayla.meyer_144

    November 13, 2017 at 10:24 am

    McConnell just said he believes the women.

  • btomba_77

    November 13, 2017 at 5:16 pm

    [url=]ROy Moore had been banned from shopping mall due to interactions with teenage girls[/url]

    This past weekend, I spoke or messaged with more than a dozen peopleincluding a major political figure in the statewho told me that they had heard, over the years, that Moore had been banned from the mall because he repeatedly badgered teen-age girls. Some say that they heard this at the time, others in the years since. These people include five members of the local legal community, two cops who worked in the town, several people who hung out at the mall in the early eighties, and a number of former mall employees.

    • kayla.meyer_144

      November 13, 2017 at 5:19 pm

      A 5th woman appears complaining she was 16.

      The new accuser, Beverly Young Nelson, told a news conference in New York that Mr. Moore attacked her when she was 16 and he was a prosecutor in Etowah County, Ala. Ms. Nelson was represented at the news conference by Gloria Allred, a lawyer who has championed victims of sexual harassment.

      I tried fighting him off, while yelling at him to stop, but instead of stopping, he began squeezing my neck attempting to force my head onto his crotch, Ms. Nelson said in a statement she issued at the news conference. She said Mr. Moore warned her that no one will believe you if she told anyone about the encounter in his car.

      I believe she stated something about who would believe a 16 year old girl over an assistant prosecutor.

      We are in Alabama, so who would believe a 16 y/o over the assistant prosecutor?

    • kaldridgewv2211

      November 13, 2017 at 5:22 pm

      I just read this also and wholly cow. It looks like Even the cops knew he was a perv trolling for teens. GOP bringing out the finest.

      there’s also some really creepy Biden photos floating round today. Like creeping on senators daughter.

      • 100574

        November 13, 2017 at 7:31 pm

        NY POST
        Roy Moore regularly hung out at an Alabama shopping mall, flirting with teenaged girls and much younger women, local residents said.
        The embattled US Senate candidate accused, on the record,[link=][color=”#cc3333″] by five women of making creepy moves on them when they were teens and he was in his 30s[/color][/link] was a regular at the Gadsden Mall where he enjoyed chatting up young ladies, [link=][color=”#cc3333″]witnesses told[/color][/link]
        He would go and flirt with all the young girls, said nurse Blake Usry, who grew up in the area and lives in Gadsden. Nobody could believe they hadnt come out yet.
        Usry said anyone who grew up in Gadsden at the time when Moore was a 30-something deputy DA knew he had a penchant for flirting with these women and girls.
        Its not a big secret in this town about Roy Moore, Usry said. Thats why its sort of frustrating to watch some in the public disbelieve the women who have come forward.[b] [/b][i] [/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]

        • heenadevk1119_462

          November 13, 2017 at 7:46 pm

          You guys have supported worse offenders than this EVEN if it’s true which there is no evidence for. The question is, why are you so (kpack’s word, not mine) “soulless” to have supported the party that led the league in this kind of activity for DECADES?
          The hypocrisy and idiocy is breathtaking. Shall I go through the names? Or should I go through all the high profile “rape” cases that were hoaxes, every single one of them?
          I can’t even believe you take yourselves seriously. You support the most degenerate politicians and sides of society yet try to use some weird reasoning to get an “enemy” to resign here. Super telling of how little integrity and much lie you all are.

      • heenadevk1119_462

        November 13, 2017 at 7:48 pm

        Quote from DICOM_Dan

        I just read this also and wholly cow. It looks like Even the cops knew he was a perv trolling for teens. GOP bringing out the finest.

        there’s also some really creepy Biden photos floating round today. Like creeping on senators daughter.

        It’s the chaotic culture in decline eating itself, mostly the left, finally catching up to it. Since women can never be held accountable, and are to be believed no matter what, and we all know “men are the problem” [sarc] this is what you get.
        If you don’t know history and how stupid this culture is, both in its anti-biology and lack of truth telling, you’ll see why all of this is happening.

        • kaldridgewv2211

          November 13, 2017 at 8:20 pm

          And then Dr F@ger flew away in his space ship. Grown @$$ men often sign yearbooks of teenie boppers. Like the GOP says the evidence is seemingly overwhelming the response. Happenstance he’s the sole judge who ruled for suspect in tape of a 4 year old. Roy Moore is awful.

          • btomba_77

            November 14, 2017 at 7:05 am

            [link=]Roy Moore nt believable in denial of 5th accuser[/link]
            He says “I dont even know the woman. I dont know anything about her.   I dont even know where the restaurant is or was.”
            However, he signed her high school yearbook:  
            [b]To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say Merry Christmas. Christmas 1977. Love, Roy Moore, D.A. [/b]
            Below his name, he wrote the date and Olde Hickory House, the name of the restaurant he now claims he has no knowledge of.

            At least he could make an effort to come up with more believable lies.  (Although, when you have Jan the Third level willingness to disbelieve what is plainly evident  rampant among the Alabaman voting population I suppose any old lie, not matter how weak, will do. )

            • kayla.meyer_144

              November 14, 2017 at 7:15 am

              The signature is a plant, a conspiracy by the lizard people.
              Who was it that was proudly referring to Pepe & the other right-wingnut memes on AM before? cigar?

              • kaldridgewv2211

                November 14, 2017 at 9:01 am

                Paul Ryan finally says Roy Moore should step down.   I guess it was his turn using the shared backbone of the GOP.
                He probably got it right after Lying Ted was done with it
                “The people of Alabama deserve to have the option of voting for a strong conservative who has not committed criminal conduct,”

  • 100574

    November 14, 2017 at 3:11 pm

    LOL –it is getting that desperate–like he has been on that spaceship for quite awhile
    How do u get banned from a mall–really Roy–you are sick–just sick

    Quote from DICOM_Dan

    And then Dr F@ger flew away in his space ship. Grown @$$ men often sign yearbooks of teenie boppers. Like the GOP says the evidence is seemingly overwhelming the response. Happenstance he’s the sole judge who ruled for suspect in tape of a 4 year old. Roy Moore is awful.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      November 14, 2017 at 5:21 pm

      Moore campaign now spreading fake robocalls

      A guy who claims to be Bernie Bernstein faking a New York Jewish accent (even though you can clearly hear the southern twang) is robocalling alabama voters saying he will pay them no questions asked for dirt on Roy Moore

      You can’t make this sheet up

      We got Jan fw and figler preaching this bible to us…… hahahaha

      • 100574

        November 14, 2017 at 5:36 pm

        the evangelical Christian white right–pure hypocrites

        Quote from kpack123

        Moore campaign now spreading fake robocalls

        A guy who claims to be Bernie Bernstein faking a New York Jewish accent (even though you can clearly hear the southern twang) is robocalling alabama voters saying he will pay them no questions asked for dirt on Roy Moore

        You can’t make this sheet up

        We got Jan fw and figler preaching this bible to us…… hahahaha

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          November 14, 2017 at 5:39 pm


          You literally can’t make this sheet up

          • 100574

            November 14, 2017 at 5:57 pm

            the mall thing is disturbing–I graduated from a Catholic grade school and one of the priest was always kinda of concern due to his always being around young female pupils–I believe in high school I was out shopping in one of the malls with My parent and she said oh there is father so and so–he was with a teenager and seemed awkward–we thought it odd again but a couple of years later he was busted and thrown out of the priesthood–I think back now about his sheer brazen behavior that he would go out to a mall with a teenager and think people would not raise eyebrows–it is just sheer predatory behavior/pattern

            • 100574

              November 14, 2017 at 9:23 pm

              so Rand Paul of the broken rib controversy still has not withdrawn his support even though word is out that Bannon may be rethinking
              Moore–pretty ridiculous whining why am I being harassed but no comment on WHY a mall banned U–that some pretty serious stuff

      • 100574

        November 14, 2017 at 10:18 pm

        saw this on twitter
        [b]Bernie Bernstein[/b] would have won[b] [/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]

        Quote from kpack123

        Moore campaign now spreading fake robocalls

        A guy who claims to be Bernie Bernstein faking a New York Jewish accent (even though you can clearly hear the southern twang) is robocalling alabama voters saying he will pay them no questions asked for dirt on Roy Moore

        You can’t make this sheet up

        We got Jan fw and figler preaching this bible to us…… hahahaha

        • 100574

          November 14, 2017 at 10:23 pm


  • btomba_77

    November 15, 2017 at 5:35 am

    [url=]Hannity Gives Roy Moore 24 Hours[/url]

    Fox News host Sean Hannity walked back his original remarks insinuating that the five women accusing Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore (R) of sexual assault when they were teenagers might be lying.

    Said Hannity: For me, the judge has 24 hours. You must immediately and fully come up with a satisfactory explanation for your inconsistencies that I just showed.

    • kaldridgewv2211

      November 15, 2017 at 6:52 am

      Shep also called shenanigans on his own network’s coverage of Uranium One yesterday.  I heard some sound clips of Roy Moore and he sounds like he’s all in still.   Got to bring Alabama back to God.  This dude should scare any reasonable Alabamite.  

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        November 15, 2017 at 7:49 am

        I’m still thinking Alabama will elect this creep to the senate

  • btomba_77

    November 15, 2017 at 8:01 am

    Quote from kpack123

    I’m still thinking Alabama will elect this creep to the senate

    Oh yeah ….. 70/30   80/20 odds he wins
    Whether or not he is ever seated is another question.

    • kayla.meyer_144

      November 15, 2017 at 8:05 am

      He wins in Alabama & I think Republicans will collapse & do nothing outside of wringing hands. Politics is too important. As many Republicans have already stated, anything and anyone rather than a Democrat.
      All the saner ones think this is just hyperbole, not literal. How wrong they are. Ergo we have kitty-grabbing, 5th Avenue shooting Trump.

    • heenadevk1119_462

      November 15, 2017 at 4:55 pm

      Quote from dergon

      Quote from kpack123

      I’m still thinking Alabama will elect this creep to the senate

      Oh yeah ….. 70/30   80/20 odds he wins

      Whether or not he is ever seated is another question.

      What don’t you guys get about this being a non-issue. This country, mostly because of you guys and the Dems, in so many ways supports absolutely filthy, unbiological and historically repugnant social issues and policies. But you have some moral authority on a guy supposedly doing something with teenage girls that doesn’t even have real evidence? All with the backdrop off your most heralded politicians being the biggest sleazeballs of them all? You really need me to mention names?
      You wouldn’t on your most sane day ever call any such standard on yourself —which is exactly the point. When your party has no standards for anything traditional, it’s a pretty hard sell to make anyone who is on the fence or already against you to buy a BS argument.

      • 100574

        November 15, 2017 at 5:32 pm

        U are really a sick puppy–he was banned from a mall/ state prosecutor said oh every one knew–he does this oh messiah crap–let me tell u I have met some of the biggest sinners/scam artist who use the bible as part of their scam/narcissism–that little gun waving use shows the old goat has a I am in control issue

        Quote from Dr. ****er

        Quote from dergon

        Quote from kpack123

        I’m still thinking Alabama will elect this creep to the senate

        Oh yeah ….. 70/30   80/20 odds he wins

        Whether or not he is ever seated is another question.

        What don’t you guys get about this being a non-issue. This country, mostly because of you guys and the Dems, in so many ways supports absolutely filthy, unbiological and historically repugnant social issues and policies. But you have some moral authority on a guy supposedly doing something with teenage girls that doesn’t even have real evidence? All with the backdrop off your most heralded politicians being the biggest sleazeballs of them all? You really need me to mention names?

        You wouldn’t on your most sane day ever call any such standard on yourself —which is exactly the point. When your party has no standards for anything traditional, it’s a pretty hard sell to make anyone who is on the fence or already against you to buy a BS argument.

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          November 15, 2017 at 5:41 pm

          Agree figler is a sick puppy

          Angry white male complex

        • 100574

          November 15, 2017 at 6:03 pm

          Trump and the water thing today–looked old confused demented–see straight jacket in the future

          • 100574

            November 15, 2017 at 7:11 pm

            more women come out
            on Maddow-Reporter says they can’t find an age appropriate person that he dated

  • btomba_77

    November 15, 2017 at 9:06 am

    Here’s how it goes down:
    Moore wins. He is not seated in the Senate.  The Senate expels him for ethical reasons.
    The GOP governor of Alabama appoints a replacement.  It’s Jeff Sessions.  That allows the GOP to hold the seat with a reliable vote while at the same time allowing Trump to get rid of Sessions as AG.

    • kayla.meyer_144

      November 15, 2017 at 9:45 am

      Possible. But it depends on whether Republicans are willing to tell Alabama evangelicals to screw off since it would the the Establishment Republicans removing Moore, the enemy per Bannon & extremists. They would be removing the evangelical messiah. I don’t know they have that courage in these times.
      As for Sessions, gives him back his old seat without too much of a blemish & allows Trump to install a better lackey-loyalist as AG. Ironic thinking Sessions isn’t loyalist enough.

      • 100574

        November 15, 2017 at 4:54 pm

        Sessions is not giving up the AG title/the plane he gets,etc–he has the job he always wanted–any action DT does now will lead to an explosion–in a bind w/ Bannon/GOP/Dems/Independents)
        in spite of Gloroa Allred’s theatrics –her client was quite credible and conveyed her sense of injustice in an appropriate matter while giving her lawyer the look please stop with the theatrics( Allred always does the pull the seat out drama and push her client up to the table–it makes her look like the humble layer–the client though conveyed quite well cut it out-I am here to tell my story and the fear that that person inflicted on me that day/-he took my dignity away that night)
        Folks–at some point the mall felt some legal weariness–I don’t know if someone saw something in a bathroom or in a hidden corner but they felt they needed to take action–let’s see if u can get banned from the mall but seated as a senator

    • heenadevk1119_462

      November 15, 2017 at 4:50 pm

      Quote from dergon

      Here’s how it goes down:

      Moore wins. He is not seated in the Senate.  The Senate expels him for ethical reasons.

      The GOP governor of Alabama appoints a replacement.  It’s Jeff Sessions.  That allows the GOP to hold the seat with a reliable vote while at the same time allowing Trump to get rid of Sessions as AG.

      Can’t be done. It has never been done. It is unconstitutional. All of the above. There are only 2 qualifications to be Senator: 30 years of age, elected by your State (obv) and living in your State. You can’t remove a sitting Senator based on catwomen testimony, among other things

  • 100574

    November 15, 2017 at 8:03 pm

    he summoned a girl while she was in school—Roy –u don’t want to bring a law suit against any of these ladies–look at Cosby-U will regret it–u will be broke

    • 100574

      November 15, 2017 at 8:06 pm

      Shelby–the last elected Democrat prior to his flipping-claims he won’t vote for Moore–

      • 100574

        November 15, 2017 at 11:14 pm

        pretty racist and sick for that attorney to thro shade on Ali Velshi 
        [link=][color=”#001ba0″]Roy Moore lawyer brings up Ali Velshis background while defending client from underage sex allegations[/color][/link]

        • kayla.meyer_144

          November 16, 2017 at 3:21 am

          8 women now have come forward about Moore.

        • kayla.meyer_144

          November 16, 2017 at 3:25 am

          9 women now have come forward.

          • btomba_77

            November 16, 2017 at 4:16 am

            GOP now considering the drastic (and profoundly undemocratic) action of cancelling the election.
            Probably violates the 17th amendment… but they are really stretching to save that seat.
            [url=[link=][/link]]Larry Sabato moves the race to a very slight ‘leans Dem'[/url]

            Perhaps Republicans find a way to maneuver out of this pickle, or Alabama voters are more disgusted by the idea of voting for a Democrat than they are of voting for a man facing multiple allegations of sexual assault against minors. But Moores implosion is so bad that we have to install Jones as a small favorite. If Jones were to win in a state Trump won by 28 points, it would be nearly the mirror opposite of Scott Browns (R) Obamacare-aided victory in a Massachusetts Senate special election in January 2010. Barack Obama had won the Bay State by 26 points in 2008.

            Weve noted throughout this cycle so far that the chances of a Democratic takeover in the Senate were almost beyond remote, for the simple fact that the map is so terrible for Democrats next year. They are defending 25 of the 33 seats being contested, including 10 in states that Donald Trump carried. Republicans are defending just eight, and only one in a Clinton state (Nevada), although Arizona, now an open seat, is a top Democratic pickup opportunity too. Still, even if Democrats held all their seats and it is hard for the presidential party to beat a Senate incumbent from the other party in a midterm, although several Democratic incumbents, like McCaskill, should have very hard races and won Arizona and Nevada, that would still get them to only a tied, 50-50 Senate, with Vice President Mike Pence breaking ties and keeping Republicans technically in the majority.

            Well, a Jones victory in Alabama would turn that 50-50 to 51-49 Democratic, assuming a clean sweep for Democrats in all the states they currently hold and victories in Arizona and Nevada. We would not say such an outcome is likely, but an Alabama upset would at least open the door to the [i]possibility [/i]of a Democratic Senate majority.


            2010 all over again in mirror image ….. with Jones as Scott Brown and Alabama as Massachussettes

        • btomba_77

          November 16, 2017 at 7:34 am

          Quote from sentinel lymph node

          pretty racist and sick for that attorney to thro shade on Ali Velshi 
          [link=][color=”#001ba0″]Roy Moore lawyer brings up Ali Velshis background while defending client from underage sex allegations[/color][/link]

          Yeah. Roy Moore’s legal team coming off as racist and confirming how weird and creepy Moore is. 
          “His process would be, before he would date anybody, whether they’re 25, 35, or whether he doesn’t know their age, he would ask the mother’s permission.”
          [i]That’s[/s] the defense?!

          • kayla.meyer_144

            November 16, 2017 at 7:40 am

            So their mamas are pimping their daughters?
            And where are the fathers? Moore only looking for girls with no fathers around to cause problems? Or is that another feature of Alabama, missing fathers?

            • kaldridgewv2211

              November 16, 2017 at 8:18 am

              The funniest thing I saw was the Roy Moore tweeted our to Mitch McConnel “Bring it on”.  At which pointly someone aptly pointed out on twitter that is a movie about teenage girls.  Point, set, match.

  • btomba_77

    November 16, 2017 at 8:22 am

    It just gets creepier and creepier….

    Now one woman says she got called out of [i]trigonometry class[/i] to the principal’s office….    When she gets there Roy Moore D.A. is on the phone for her.


    Internal Republican polling has Moore down 12 points today.


    Moore has [url=]threatened to sue the Washington Post[/url].   Want to know whether or not Moore [i]really[/i] thinks he’s innocent?   See if he actually files suit.    If he does make a defamation claim that will open him up to discovery …. and once that happens bad things could occur.   I highly doubt he actually follows through with the lawsuit.

    • ruszja

      November 16, 2017 at 8:53 am

      Oh, I hope he sues the Washington Post. Those depositions on both sides should be put on pay per view.

  • ruszja

    November 16, 2017 at 9:35 am

    Once Moore gets into the senate, Al Franken can make him a member of the bipartisan creep caucus. Honorary leader of the caucus Joe Biden could do the honors of handing him his membership card.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      November 16, 2017 at 9:59 am

      So are you equating a bad comedy skit with trying to date underage girls

      Is that what you are doing

      At what point do you draw the line between being an arsewipe and a decent human being

      Or is your life that pathetic?

    • kaldridgewv2211

      November 16, 2017 at 9:59 am

      Do we know when that Al Franken photo was taken?  He was a comedian.  This looks more like he was playing around.  Pretty tough to honk on some hooters through a flak jacket.

      • julie.young_645

        November 16, 2017 at 10:01 am

        How would you feel if that woman was your daughter, Dan? Or your wife? 

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          November 16, 2017 at 10:04 am


          How do you feel about the Bernie Bernstein robo call
          By the Moore campaign?

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            November 16, 2017 at 10:06 am

            2nd question

            Is Al Frankens failed comedy skit above the Moral equivalent to Roy Moore trying to bang 14 yr olds

            Are you saying this is morally equivalent

            • ruszja

              November 16, 2017 at 10:08 am

              Al Franken needs to be expelled from the senate.

              • julie.young_645

                November 16, 2017 at 10:16 am

                kpack, I’m ashamed of you. The stuff about Moore is pure allegation. Did he do it? Only he and the women and G-d know for sure, and G-d isn’t talking. But here you have a photo of Al Franken grabbing at the breasts of a sleeping female soldier. And you think that’s the same thing? What if that was YOUR daughter or YOUR wife?  
                Oh, by the way, where is the condemnation of Jerry Seinfield for dating a teenager when he was 39?
                IF and that’s key….IF Moore crossed the line and did more than simply date teenagers when he was 30, I’ll be at the front of the line with a pitchfork, demanding he quit the race. But then the other pervs in Washington, like Franken, like Big Bill, like Weird Uncle Joe Biden…they ALL need to go away and never, ever, EVER show their faces in public again. 

                • btomba_77

                  November 16, 2017 at 10:43 am

                  Im fine with an ethics investigation on Franken.

                  But unless a lot more comes out this is nowhere near the level of Roy Moore.

                  Also, if this Franken event is going to be the new standard it should be applied across the board in Congress regardless of party affiliation.

                  • Unknown Member

                    Deleted User
                    November 16, 2017 at 10:44 am


                    Let’s make this the standard

                    As the father of 2 daughters I’m fine with it

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      November 16, 2017 at 10:55 am

                      Agree. If WHATABBOUTISM is the new call and screening/vetting for politicians, let’s put every single one through the vetting process & have them answer.
                      Start from the top.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      November 16, 2017 at 10:56 am


                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      November 16, 2017 at 10:58 am

                      Also too

                      Let’s make moral equivalence to everything a boob grab in a comedy skit is the same as having relations with a 14 yr old is th same as banging sheep or cattle in the farm

                      Boys will be boys it all the same

                      Locker room guy stuff

                    • nicolasvg.1003

                      November 16, 2017 at 10:56 am

                      Franken is a weirdo and creep and that pictures is crass and pathetic. He needs to go. Hell, let’s clean house

                    • ruszja

                      November 16, 2017 at 10:58 am

                      Quote from Frumious

                      Agree. If WHATABBOUTISM is the new call and screening/vetting for politicians, let’s put every single one through the vetting process & have them answer.

                      Start from the top.

                      So it looks like you are ok with Al Franken kissing and groping women.

                    • savpruitt_28

                      November 16, 2017 at 11:11 am

                      “So it looks like you are ok with Al Franken kissing and groping women.”
                      My God, this entire thread is like the poster child for really bad argumentative fallacies.

                  • julie.young_645

                    November 16, 2017 at 11:05 am

                    Don’t play the moral equivalence game. Dating 16 year olds at age 30 is creepy but not a crime. I mention Seinfield because he did just that (at age 39) and no one had any problem with it. Trying to rape young girls IS a crime, but we have no proof that Moore did that beyond some accusers who came out of the woodwork at the very last minute.
                    Fondling a sleeping woman is perhaps a lesser crime, but a crime nonetheless and there is photographic PROOF (not just he said she said allegations) that he did it. You can see it for yourself. Franken needs to resign TODAY. I haven’t heard any of you chest-thumpin’ holier-than-thou types answer my question as to how you would feel if the fondled woman was your wife or daughter? Bloody hypocrites.
                    As for “Bernie Bernstein”…. Of course it would never occur to you that [i]DEMOCRATS [/i]would do such a thing to get attention. Nah…

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      November 16, 2017 at 11:11 am

                      Dalai it is a crime

                      14 yr olds are minors

                      Again I honestly know nothing about jerry Seinfeld…. not sure where you are going with that one

                      I’m fine with Franken resigning and making what he did the standard for politicians. Let’s do it and go there

                      Let’s make that the standard

                      As for the Bernie Bernstein thing…., you know Moore is the Bannon…. white nationalist candidate right….. are you Ok with this?

                    • ruszja

                      November 16, 2017 at 12:15 pm

                      Quote from DoctorDalai

                      Don’t play the moral equivalence game. Dating 16 year olds at age 30 is creepy but not a crime. I mention Seinfield because he did just that (at age 39) and no one had any problem with it.

                      Howard Stern of all people confronted Seinfeld about it. [i]So, Stern said, feigning moral indignation, you sit in Central Park and have a candy bar on a string and pull it when the girls come?[/i]

                • tdetlie_105

                  November 16, 2017 at 11:12 am

                  Quote from DoctorDalai

                  kpack, I’m ashamed of you. The stuff about Moore is pure allegation. Did he do it? Only he and the women and G-d know for sure, and G-d isn’t talking. But here you have a photo of Al Franken grabbing at the breasts of a sleeping female soldier. And you think that’s the same thing? What if that was YOUR daughter or YOUR wife?  

                  Oh, by the way, where is the condemnation of Jerry Seinfield for dating a teenager when he was 39?

                  IF and that’s key….IF Moore crossed the line and did more than simply date teenagers when he was 30, I’ll be at the front of the line with a pitchfork, demanding he quit the race. But then the other pervs in Washington, like Franken, like Big Bill, like Weird Uncle Joe Biden…they ALL need to go away and never, ever, EVER show their faces in public again. 

                  Definition of adulthood seems extremely blurry, is it 18, 21, 25 or something else?  Some 18 y/o’s apparently have the intellectual/emotional capacity to fight and die in wars, some 15 y/o’s have the intellectual/emotional capacity to drive without supervision but apparently teenagers (18 y/o and up) are incapable of navigating intimate relationships with “real” adults older than them?  If an 35 y/o female hooks up with an 18 y/o guy, most of us are ok with this (way to go cougar!) but if its an older male hooking up with an 18 y/o female, many of us get protective/paternalistic and think the older guy is a perv and needs a beat-down.  Most of us are accepting of different types of sexual expression (homosexuality/bisexuality etc) but then we get all weird/freaked out when its comes to age gaps between consenting adults, what am I missing? 

                  • Unknown Member

                    Deleted User
                    November 16, 2017 at 11:17 am

                    Man we are F’d up as a society if we think 35 yr old hookup with 18 yr old is somehow normal

                    Make or female

                    If evangelicals and republicans think this sheet is ok then we are really F’d up as a society

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      November 16, 2017 at 11:18 am

                      Getting banned from the mall fir stalking teens is normal


                    • julie.young_645

                      November 16, 2017 at 11:21 am

                      It was OK for the rich and famous Jerry Seinfield.
                      Answer my question, please. 

                  • ruszja

                    November 16, 2017 at 12:10 pm

                    Quote from jd4540

                    Definition of adulthood seems extremely blurry, is it 18, 21, 25 or something else?  Some 18 y/o’s apparently have the intellectual/emotional capacity to fight and die in wars, some 15 y/o’s have the intellectual/emotional capacity to drive without supervision but apparently teenagers (18 y/o and up) are incapable of navigating intimate relationships with “real” adults older than them?  If an 35 y/o female hooks up with an 18 y/o guy, most of us are ok with this (way to go cougar!) but if its an older male hooking up with an 18 y/o female, many of us get protective/paternalistic and think the older guy is a perv and needs a beat-down.  Most of us are accepting of different types of sexual expression (homosexuality/bisexuality etc) but then we get all weird/freaked out when its comes to age gaps between consenting adults, what am I missing? 

                    That. All of it.
                    A man in the girls lockerroom is a-ok because he is ‘trans’ but an adult dating a young woman right out of high-school brings out the pitchforks.

                • kaldridgewv2211

                  November 16, 2017 at 12:14 pm

                  Quote from DoctorDalai

                  kpack, I’m ashamed of you. The stuff about Moore is pure allegation. Did he do it? Only he and the women and G-d know for sure, and G-d isn’t talking. But here you have a photo of Al Franken grabbing at the breasts of a sleeping female soldier. And you think that’s the same thing? What if that was YOUR daughter or YOUR wife?  

                  Oh, by the way, where is the condemnation of Jerry Seinfield for dating a teenager when he was 39?

                  IF and that’s key….IF Moore crossed the line and did more than simply date teenagers when he was 30, I’ll be at the front of the line with a pitchfork, demanding he quit the race. But then the other pervs in Washington, like Franken, like Big Bill, like Weird Uncle Joe Biden…they ALL need to go away and never, ever, EVER show their faces in public again. 

                  he wasn’t grabbing the breasts, look at the photo.  There’s 0 boob grasping going on over that flak jacket.  That’s why it looks more like he’s fuding around.
                  I didn’t follow Seinfeld that much when I was 13 but yeah that seems like a creeper move if he was dating an underage girl.
                  What you’re hearing about Moore right now makes him pretty creepy, and a lot of people seem to believe the girls, the police, the mall over Roy Moore.  The thing is I don’t believe it’s the only reason he should be DQ’d.  This is the 10 commandments judge, flouts rule of law, dude whipped out a pistol on stage, he dissented in the rape of a 4 year old.  

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            November 16, 2017 at 10:11 am

            Nobody is supporting Moore.  If allegations are true he is 
            a sexual predator.  No one is equating Moore with Franken.
            Unless Franken had that woman’s consent it is sexual misconduct.
            Dan seems to be implying that its ok because he was only a comedian
            at the time. That is pretty twisted logic.

        • kaldridgewv2211

          November 16, 2017 at 11:23 am

          Quote from DoctorDalai

          How would you feel if that woman was your daughter, Dan? Or your wife? 

          I don’t know the backstory but it looks like a younger Franken and the woman looks like a civilian.  That’s what I was curious as to when it was from.  He could be good friends or fellow comedians.  It doesn’t even look like he’s squeezing her chesticles.  It was more like he was he was posing and they could’ve just been screwing around.

          • julie.young_645

            November 16, 2017 at 11:27 am

            You aren’t that naive. 
            We have a photo of Franken assaulting a woman (that’s the definition of assault…unwanted touch) and her claim that this was forced on her…while she slept. If that were Judge Moore or pretty much any other Republican, you guys would be falling all over each other demanding his execution, not just resignation.
            For once, stop being hypocrites and MAN UP. 

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            November 16, 2017 at 11:45 am

            Quote from DICOM_Dan

            Quote from DoctorDalai

            How would you feel if that woman was your daughter, Dan? Or your wife? 

            I don’t know the backstory but it looks like a younger Franken and the woman looks like a civilian.  That’s what I was curious as to when it was from.  He could be good friends or fellow comedians.  It doesn’t even look like he’s squeezing her chesticles.  It was more like he was he was posing and they could’ve just been screwing around.
            You could take a few minutes to read the woman’s description of the events so you don’t have
            to be curious.  They were not screwing around.  She was asleep.  Franken went to Harvard. I
            guess they never taught him that you can’t fondle a woman’s breast without consent.  This has nothing
            to do with petty politics.  We are learning that there are a lot of creepy guys in the world.  But according
            to the libs the Republican creeps are always worse than the democratic creeps.  This thread has just become stupid.
            Man you guys have a lot of time to waste.  I guess radiology volume is not as high as you guys make it out to be?

            • Unknown Member

              Deleted User
              November 16, 2017 at 11:51 am

              He should resign and this should be new standard

              • kayla.meyer_144

                November 16, 2017 at 12:01 pm

                Now we are supposed to be defending Seinfeld??? I don’t give a rat’s ass about Seinfeld. I don’t watch his stuff as I’m exactly a fan & he’s not running for office.
                WHATABOUTISM on steroids.
                Talk about throwing up a smokescreen.

                • ruszja

                  November 16, 2017 at 12:02 pm

                  Harvey Weinstain ruined things for gropers of all stripes.

          • ruszja

            November 16, 2017 at 12:04 pm

            Quote from DICOM_Dan

            I don’t know the backstory but it looks like a younger Franken and the woman looks like a civilian.  That’s what I was curious as to when it was from.  He could be good friends or fellow comedians.  It doesn’t even look like he’s squeezing her chesticles.  It was more like he was he was posing and they could’ve just been screwing around.

            No, they are not friends or fellow comedians. In this setting, they were co-workers and he had already molested her earlier in the trip.

      • ruszja

        November 16, 2017 at 10:07 am

        Quote from DICOM_Dan

        Do we know when that Al Franken photo was taken?  He was a comedian.  This looks more like he was playing around.  Pretty tough to honk on some hooters through a flak jacket.

        Yes, we do know when this was taken. On board of a USAF C17 returning from a USO tour in 2006. His clumsy advances during the tour had been rebuffed by the victim so he apparently decided to get a handful while she was asleep on the way out of the country.

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