Romney wins big!
Posted by Unknown Member on October 3, 2012 at 11:24 pm[link=http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/10/03/cnn-poll-romney-wins-debate-by-big-margin/?hpt=hp_t1]http://politicalticker.bl…-big-margin/?hpt=hp_t1[/link]
Even the liberal polls agree that Romney gave Obama a good old-fashioned butt kicking. It wasn’t even close. Romney totally wiped the floor with Obama. Without the press shield, and the teleprompter Obama’s lack of substance shows. Very refreshing.btomba_77 replied 1 year, 7 months ago 15 Members · 139 Replies -
139 Replies
Commentators have their own agenda imho to try to hold up the Romney camaign in the last few days IMHO. Romney came of as a bully to the moderator and continues to insult his host with the PBS statement. NZ HEARld poll has Obama winning the debate by over 44% and Mitt by just 13%..
Quote from aldadoc
Even the liberal polls agree that Romney gave Obama a good old-fashioned butt kicking. It wasn’t even close. Romney totally wiped the floor with Obama. Without the press shield, and the teleprompter Obama’s lack of substance shows. Very refreshing.-
Quote from Noah’sArk
NZ HEARld poll has Obama winning the debate by over 44% and Mitt by just 13%..
I think that tells you more about Kiwi political sensibilities than Romney’s performance.
Doesn’t really matter how well Romney did tonight. He will probably still lose Ohio and thus lose the electoral college.-
Amen. PA is out of his grasp and as 47% comments ring over and over again, Ohio slips.
But, it is good to read ALL newspapers.
and Trump is no Warren Buffet. so agree with Obama on the assessment…just saying Buffet does rule/rockQuote from Elegiac
Quote from Noah’sArk
NZ Harold poll has Obama winning the debate by over 44% and Mitt by just 13%..
I think that tells you more about Kiwi political sensibilities than Romney’s performance.
Doesn’t really matter how well Romney did tonight. He will probably still lose Ohio and thus lose the electoral college.
Also, early voting started in many states prior to debate with just Romney’s 47% comments ringing in their ears.
Quote from Elegiac
Quote from Noah’sArk
NZ HEARld poll has Obama winning the debate by over 44% and Mitt by just 13%..
I think that tells you more about Kiwi political sensibilities than Romney’s performance.
Doesn’t really matter how well Romney did tonight. He will probably still lose Ohio and thus lose the electoral college.
Jim Lehrer sucked as moderator. He never took control & was wimpy & asked wimpy questions.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 4:15 am
Quote from Noah’sArk
Also, early voting started in many states prior to debate with just Romney’s 47% comments ringing in their ears.
Per a prof of poli sci on radio today – early voters are primarily partisans, who would never change their votes. Undecideds will wait until the end to vote.
Lehrer sucked. Obama’s performance was weak. Romney won.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 4:29 amIt looked like Romney wanted to be there and Obama wanted to get it over.
One commentator said it best. Romney was on top of his game Obama left it at home.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out the next few days.
I think Romney was like the Loud guy at the party. He said a lot of stuff that sounded pretty impressive but when you sit back and think about what he said in a few days you realize he is jus FOS-
Someone tell me what Romney’s positions are again? He’s anti-government but government is necessary. People who accept government help are part of the 47%, dependent and lazy and unproductive, looking to take something without contributing but those anecdotes of he should do something to help them. Like provide government assistance? Suddenly Romneycare is good but Obamacare is bad & will be repealed. Well except for the good stuff like everything in it. Except the bureaucrats who decide best practices. Insurance companies are bad but should decide how medicine is delivered. Government insurance is bad, period & private insurance will be cheaper. Really? Medicare is a government program that creates dependency but don’t worry, it’ll be there for everyone, certainly 100% for anyone close to 60 and above. Vouchers will allow citizens to find the best for-profit insurance they can afford, if they want to settle for that inferior (& more expensive) Medicare, AKA “government insurance” they can. Romney will lower taxes for the upper income groups in order to stimulate the economy but no rich person will pay less in taxes. He will increase spending & lower taxes but the deficit will not grow at all since he will cut spending. Come again? Obama stole $700 billion from Medicare which Romney will restore to the insurance companies, ignoring the fact that his plan also cut $700 billion from Medicare.
Still Nowhere Man only he’s more aggressive about it. The bigger disaster is not Romney’s “out of both sides of his mouth” positions but the fact that Obama could not lay a glove on him & didn’t even seem to try with his wonky but limp arguments.
I would say kpack123, that Obama’s self-expressed low expectations were more true than you wanted to acknowledge. Hopefully someone will bitch-slap him into wakefulness & he will present a hearty argument. Just being right isn’t good enough.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 5:39 am[b]Someone tell me what Romney’s positions are again?[/b]
That was kinda my Point. It will be interesting how the post debate shakes out. Romney said a bunch………..pretty much ran away from the far right but gave no specifics on anything.
Its’s like the loud guy at the party whom evryone thinks is great that night but after closer inspection yu realize he was just talkin out of his arse-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 6:29 amYou have to cut Obama some slack. These things are hard without a teleprompter. Not a bright guy. Not quick on his feet.
That was a smack down.
All the liberal arguments why the debate was a failure for Obama is a joke. Lehrer sucked? Yeah, he did…since he let Obama talk more than Romney (53% to 47% of the time). So if anything, that favored Obama.
As for positions…Obama presented no positions. Was there a single jobs proposal in the entire debate from Obama? Not that I recall?
On style and substance, Obama got his ass kicked. That is a simple truth. Obama has 2 more chances, and I don’t ever believe one debate is a game changer…but this debate could not have gone better for Romney. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 6:40 amWell We will see what people think in a few days
It doesn’t take a telepromptor to make vague statements with no specifics.
Romney Definitely looked better than anyone predicted.
He certainly did not look Stiff and out of touch which he has so many times during the campaign.
Obama certainly looked disinterested
Certainly a better night for Romney, I’d expect him to get a bump in the polls
But, Romney said a lot with no specifics. He is able to be cornered now.
Like I said it will be interesting to see how this plays out-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 6:59 am[b]”It doesn’t take a telepromptor to make vague statements with no specifics.”[/b]
Another idiotic lib statement. The ‘bamer has been there 4 years……where were his specifics? I heard nothing from the ‘bamer except uh,uh,uh,uh,uh,Bush was at fault. An empty teleprompter-less suit with nothing of substance. A pathetic performance from an unqualified community organizer that has been protected by the lame stream media for too long. The ‘bamer says “I have a plan” – well, why isn’t he put it in place? He has been ther 4 years. After all, he is still the President. You must be so ashamed and disappointed with this lame excuse for a leader of the free world. Blame the moderator???? Blame the ‘bamer and his Chicago mafia. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 7:17 amI don’t think Chris Matthews had a thrill going up his leg last night.
Obama even fell into all the traps. He talked about being unable to work with the other side and tried to make a big thing out of Obamacare — problem is that Romney was dead on and was able to parlay the joblessness problem with O’s championed cause — which by the way was fly by night passing through the legislature and something the American people have come out in droves to be against (2010). Romney even was able to say that he worked in his State with 87% Dems … O was just pwned over and over again.
It’s one thing if you think Romney is not good for the future of this country. If you didn’t see that Obama got destroyed, you are as hack a partisan as is out there. Even Bill Maher realized the big O got lambasted -
Instead of a thrill up his leg, Chris Matthews probably felt urine running down.
Sorry about the visual. -
there’s not all the much of either of them gave up in the way of specifics about their policies. While I think Romney had the better night, I don’t think it’s any kind of game changing blow out like some people are making it out be.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 8:07 amOl’ Chris was spewing saliva all over the place this morning in a wild-haired displayof his anger. That is one sick, sick boy, but after all, he is the voice of left…. Old Axelrod, the “rat boy” was his usual Chicago-style insane self. As Peggy Lee once sung “is that all there is (to the left)”
This was not of those debates where it was close, and the public gave it to one side or another. This was pretty lopsided.
I don’t think time is going to make it better for Obama. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 8:48 amprob is that Obama now has a record to defend – and Romney is challenging him to defend it.
cant just talk about hope and change -
1st Mondale/Reagan debate…how did that go? 1st Kerry/Bush. As far as I can tell Romney presented himself better and more aggressively…whether that makes his ideas more appealing remains to be seen. If next debates are similar, things might tighten up (but really how many true undecideds in key states are watching) but the electoral college math (and hisotry) still does not look good for Willard Mitty
1st Mondale/Reagan debate…how did that go? 1st Kerry/Bush. [/quote]
Bush did not look good in his first debate but what helped was the following week Cheney debated John Edwards and Edwards did not come out on top and the momentum was stopped. Next week Biden v Ryan. Do not think Biden can do same as Cheney. Especially after telling the crowd in NC two days ago that the middle class was hurt by the last four years. I also loved watching the MSNBC pundits reaction after the debate. Priceless. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 11:45 amNow this is priceless!!!!
[link=http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/gores-blames-altitude-obamas-debate-woes_653613.html]http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/gores-blames-altitude-obamas-debate-woes_653613.html[/link] -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 9:28 amThe libs are furious at Lehrer for not jumping in and saving Obama. I thought that it was good for Lehrer to get out of the way and let the candidates debate. It should be up to the candidateds to litigate their case without the media filters, not up to the moderators. This is the first time that Obama has been vigorously cross-examined and rebutted. The slogans and talking points don’t help much under these circustances. He obviously didn’t enjoy the experience. At one point, there was even a “no mas” moment from Obama. Priceless!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 9:32 amThe debate was a game-changer. The shield of invincibility was shattered. This is not a good position for Obama to be in under the current conditions of stubborly high unemployment, a poignantly partisan and divisive 4-year record, foreign policy in shatters, a looming fiscal cliff and a sour electorate. Watch the polls turn in Romney’s favor.
Now Obama is clearly not getting a Reagan landslide no matter what; but reading this take from 1984 you could almost substitute Romney for Mondale and Obama for Reagan and match the generalities. Eerie -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 10:18 amZmmmmm. The Dems are spinning like tops. Sorry Thor, it won’t help. Your guy got beat to a pulp.
Romney drew the most blood when he addressed the bipartisanship issue. This issue has been underplayed, but seems to hit a cord with many voters. Romney has a proven record of being able to work across the isle. Obama, by contrast, has been the most polarizing president in recent history. -
Thor is right, none of the debates may matter. That is why I don’t think this is a game changer.
I think the race is still a coin flip…like I said above. It helped Romney to be sure, but marginally only. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 11:55 am
Quote from MISTRAD
Thor is right, none of the debates may matter. That is why I don’t think this is a game changer.
I think the race is still a coin flip…like I said above. It helped Romney to be sure, but marginally only.
Thor is wrong. Well if you say none “may” matter, then that is a hedge that doesn’t mean anything. But if the contention is that they don’t matter, that is wrong. Ask Richard Nixon and Jimmie Carter, and Gerald Ford. All of them had their balloons punctured by debates. At the VERY least it has reversed the MSM portraying an Obama win as a foregone conclusion, and changed the atmosphere of the coverage. Now no one is portraying Romney as a sure loser. That is important. It is necessary for Romney to appear presidential and to appear as a winner. Whether it is sufficient will be told in a few weeks.
Meanwhile, I wouldn’t want to be a staffer in the Obama campaign this morning. It would be unpleasant.
Even the Liberal press are saying that BHO sorely missed his teleprompter.
If BHO can reverse this in the next debate, then that may turn out to be even stronger for him than if he had tied all the debates. But, if he doesn’t recover, it’s over. I expect that he will be much better next time. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 1:32 pmThe next debate is on foreign policy. I just don’t see BHO’s foreign policy as a big success. No way he wins. We’ll be hearing a lot of “on my command, I got Bin Laden”. That narrative should be easy for Romney to counter. The rest is Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt. Russia, Israel, Poland, apology speeches and dhimmitude. These are problematic areas for Obama. He’s toast.
TV is visual.
BHO depressed, limpid, not even trying.
MR energetic.
50 mill saw it. -
All well and good until Romney’s positions in the debate are compared with his last 7 months of talking points. Particularly like the tax cut that is not a tax cut stuff. I for one look forward to the Daily Show tonight…should be quite entertaining
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 2:37 pmGood night for Mitt but I still think Obama will win reelection. From what I have seen and heard, the US voters are not the sharpest tools in the shed. And ultimately people like to be promised free stuff.
[link=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI[/link] -
It was a confused Obama trying to dispassionately defend bits of disconnected socialism that is the composite of his administration. He can’t. And, when there’s no: 1) No major media help in his campaign of character assignation 2) Nowhere to duck from the challenges the media has shielded him from 3) No substance (when directly confronted) to the false class warfare claims—we are left with a near-empty suit and the sleazy manner at which he and other dems have unicamerialy forced statism on everybody. I’m ready to see 2 more displays of pathetic socialist warbling before America officially shuts him down.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 6:26 pm
Quote from aldadoc
The next debate is on foreign policy. I just don’t see BHO’s foreign policy as a big success. No way he wins. We’ll be hearing a lot of “on my command, I got Bin Laden”. That narrative should be easy for Romney to counter. The rest is Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt. Russia, Israel, Poland, apology speeches and dhimmitude. These are problematic areas for Obama. He’s toast.
re: Bin Laden – yes probably. BUT that is one thing that sets my hair on fire. BHO didn’t do $hit except to order the seals to go get him. The Seals were risking their lives. BHO was risking – what? his job? SO WHAT? Claiming credit for this is about as valid as if Nixon had claimed credit for the moon landing.
So in this one instance, he executed his duty. And we are supposed to think this is extraordinary?
Well, if that is the only card you have, you play it.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 7:26 am
Quote from Dr.Sardonicus
BHO didn’t do $hit except to order the seals to go get him. The Seals were risking their lives. BHO was risking – what? his job? SO WHAT? Claiming credit for this is about as valid as if Nixon had claimed credit for the moon landing.
So in this one instance, he executed his duty. And we are supposed to think this is extraordinary?
Well, if that is the only card you have, you play it.
God, Sardonicus, name one thing you think a President did that you consider an example of a president “doing $hit”. I’m curious what you think a president must be able to do to get direct credit.
If you don’t give him credit for bin Laden’s demise, I guess you don’t give him credit for low unemployment, slow economy, the Mid-East problem, and everything else beating down on the USA now.
Do you not give any credit to George Bush for anything too? After all, he spent half his time cleaning his boot soles out at the ranch.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 10:34 amObama quote:
we cant have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We dont mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 3:51 pm
Quote from aldadoc
Romney has a proven record of being able to work across the isle. Obama, by contrast, has been the most polarizing president in recent history.
[i]”…proven record of being able to work across the isle [sp]”,[/i] indeed. What a bunch’o’baloney. Romney has “proven” no such thing.
That could just as easily be interpreted to indicate the the Democrats are the more cooperative party willing to make concessions in the spirit of serving the people, while the Norquist Party insists on being an impenetrable and confrontational cry-baby brick wall.
I thought compromise was out of the Conservative lexicon Alda. You sure Grover will allow Mitt to work across the aisle?
Give us 1600 Penn and the 55 in the Senate and we will work with you.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 4:42 pm
Quote from MSK/SW
Give us 1600 Penn and the 55 in the Senate and we will work with you.
And yet another terrorist attempts to negotiate a trade. lol
Compromise as a legislator? Just look at the record of the two candidates.
A power-hungry outwardly-anointed minority figurehead Senator Obama filibusters all Republican judicial nominees and elevation of the debt ceiling. Then, a stubborn inexperienced ideologue young president Obama foists unpopular measures without bipartisan consideration. Has there been any major legislation offered by Obama that had bipartisan support?
During Romney ‘s tenure as Gov of Massachusetts, he was compelled to do so with a near-total democrat controlled legislature–all while creating a 2billion surplus and cutting taxes.
The record is straight when it comes to this.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 5:32 pmThis debate is like the first period of a hockey game
The underdog comes out with a new twist on their power play and goes up by 2-3 goals. Now they think they can win
See what happens next period and the third period when the other side has a chance to regroup and attack the new Power play.
Romney definitely came out on top………….. but now Obama’s team know his gameplan
Should be interesting to see how the next one goes.
If you take the offer now we promise to go easy on BHO in the next debates.
Otherwise, it is the ‘deflation in Denver’ all over again.
Romney is in BHOs OODA loop.
BHO changes to respond to MRs first debate, MR knows this and prepares, and pounces. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 7:20 am
Quote from RVU
Compromise as a legislator? Just look at the record of the two candidates.
A power-hungry outwardly-anointed minority figurehead Senator Obama filibusters all Republican judicial nominees and elevation of the debt ceiling. Then, a stubborn inexperienced ideologue young president Obama foists unpopular measures without bipartisan consideration. Has there been any major legislation offered by Obama that had bipartisan support?
During Romney ‘s tenure as Gov of Massachusetts, he was compelled to do so with a near-total democrat controlled legislature–all while creating a 2billion surplus and cutting taxes.
The record is straight when it comes to this.
I don’t understand your point. Are you saying it’s ok for the Republican party to stonewall President Obama because of his behavior as Senator Obama?
You’re saying a political eye for an eye is the preferred and most responsible way to serve the people?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 3:43 pm
Quote from Maldini
[b]”It doesn’t take a telepromptor to make vague statements with no specifics.”[/b]
Another idiotic lib statement. The ‘bamer has been there 4 years……where were his specifics? I heard nothing from the ‘bamer except uh,uh,uh,uh,uh,Bush was at fault. An empty teleprompter-less suit with nothing of substance. A pathetic performance from an unqualified community organizer that has been protected by the lame stream media for too long. The ‘bamer says “I have a plan” – well, why isn’t he put it in place? He has been ther 4 years. After all, he is still the President. You must be so ashamed and disappointed with this lame excuse for a leader of the free world. Blame the moderator???? Blame the ‘bamer and his Chicago mafia.Yes, by all means let’s deny the Republican Party any credit for Obama’s inability to[i] “put it in place”. [/i]
Closer inspection ,yes, Obama won. He kep calm and would not engage in Mitt’s last gasp of steroidal desperation. The far right have not noticed how the flip flopper moved away from them and told lie after lie while bullying a senior moderator IMHO. A body language expert on Anderson basically saw what I saw in Romney with all the movement and that is a desperate salseman trying to sell his pitch and will do or say anything. He wanted so bad for Obama to become aggressive and portray the militant angry look. Mitt was the one sweating like buckets and kept wiping his other lip which is another sign some would say that you know you are saying mistruths/ flip flopping and feel helpless because you have now boxed yourself into to being outed as a complete hypocrite.
One question, though would America/ media have tolerated President Obama looking Mitt in the face and calling him a liar.. Have we, come that far?? If we have then America has really made progress.Quote from kpack123
[b]Someone tell me what Romney’s positions are again?[/b]
That was kinda my Point. It will be interesting how the post debate shakes out. Romney said a bunch………..pretty much ran away from the far right but gave no specifics on anything.
Its’s like the loud guy at the party whom evryone thinks is great that night but after closer inspection yu realize he was just talkin out of his arse
I am socially very liberal, but fiscally very conservative just like most doctors. I rarely vote for republican candidates, but I have to say I was pretty impressed with Romney’s debate performance. There was substance as well as confidence, and he clearly showed that he is smart and efficient. For the first time I felt like he could be a very good president. I love Obama, and his speeches, but his performance in this debate was really dull. It felt like he himself was not too confident about his policies and seemed somewhat guilty. He kept repeating the same socialistic ideas (which is not all bad) without explaining how he can grow the economy and improve the job market.
The main problem with Mitt’s performance is the question of who exactly is the progressive candidate, Obama or this new Mitt? Yeah, he said for government to get out of the way but he defended every progressive government program there is as necessary. And now Mitt will not cut taxes on the wealthy! Where did the republican candidate go? You mean all those things Mitt has said over the past several years was he was only fooling? Etch-A-Sketch RINO is the darling of the right? Someone please explain his policies again? Or winning is the only thing that matters.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 3:40 am
Quote from Frumious
The main problem with Mitt’s performance is the question of who exactly is the progressive candidate, Obama or this new Mitt? Yeah, he said for government to get out of the way but he defended every progressive government program there is as necessary. And now Mitt will not cut taxes on the wealthy! Where did the republican candidate go? You mean all those things Mitt has said over the past several years was he was only fooling?
OR – more to the point – All the things the pundits said he was saying, they were constructing what they wanted him to be saying. So last night, he said it straight out and there was no distorting what he was saying.
Further – He took Obama to task for not doing anything about the too big to fail situation. Finally. Obama’s greatest failure may be not dealing with this. He had a Democratic congress, and himself in office. This is supposed to be right up their alley, but …. nothing. Romney did not say specifically what he would do, and I would not be surprised if it was less than I want, but…. but… he indicated that he is concerned about this, and of the two candidates, he is the only one.
Praise and blame. Can’t condemn and then with hold praise selectively.
Terhan 1980 – Operation Eagle Claw – is seen by many as one of the undoings of reelection campaign for then President Carter, sure other factors but this was definitely a black eye and earned him alot of bad press and undermined the nations confidence in him.
Fast forward to a gutsy decision to go against many of his advisors and strike at OBL and BO is not offered any of the polar opposite praise to Carter’s condemned failed raid.
Agree, he was not on the delivering end of the rifle but he called the shots. And that’s his job. He did his job, made a tough decision and deserves the credit for his decision.
Many a CEO and coach are routinely sacked for poor decisions. Many are praised and receive deserved credit for gutsy desicions while never being “in the pocket” of a risky play or typing the code of the next OS platform. But they are still steering the ship and rightly deserve the praise for their role.
No different with BO and OBL raid. -
Barry O is making the point of the real Romney didn’t show up for the debate. From what I read this morning Romney is backtracking on his comments about the 47 percent and now those comments were wrong. Flipping and flopping.
Tuff Gong,
I’ve always said, to get credit you need to take on risk. Saying “OK go get bin Laden” is like saying, “OK, let’s go for it on 4th down (with :30 left and you’re down 7)” If you fail, would anyone blame you? One of the dumbest things ever. Give me a break “We got bin Laden” crazy -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 7:35 am
Quote from Bernardini
Tuff Gong,
I’ve always said, to get credit you need to take on risk. Saying “OK go get bin Laden” is like saying, “OK, let’s go for it on 4th down (with :30 left and you’re down 7)” If you fail, would anyone blame you? One of the dumbest things ever. Give me a break “We got bin Laden” crazy
Why do you think Dubya cowered away from making the same decision if it truly was such ripe fruit?
Quote from Bernardini
Tuff Gong,
I’ve always said, to get credit you need to take on risk. Saying “OK go get bin Laden” is like saying, “OK, let’s go for it on 4th down (with :30 left and you’re down 7)” If you fail, would anyone blame you? One of the dumbest things ever. Give me a break “We got bin Laden” crazy
Uumm. Yes. Carter 1980. Lost lives of soldiers and arguably a second term. Operation Eagle Claw. Read about it. Commander in Chief calling the shots with lives at risk and potential for a massive backlash if failure. Risk. Was with Carter, bad outcome. Was with Obama, good outcome.
Hate to tell you but, 7 down, 30 seconds to go on 4th and 15 coaching is a poor analogy to what was done by both presidents
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 9:15 am[link=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/post/this-is-no-jobs-recovery/2012/10/05/75174676-0eec-11e2-bb5e-492c0d30bff6_blog.html]http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/post/this-is-no-jobs-recovery/2012/10/05/75174676-0eec-11e2-bb5e-492c0d30bff6_blog.html[/link]
Jobs report is a sham. Very convenient last minute manipulation to make our empty chair president look good. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 9:28 amOne of the salient images coming out of the debate is the incredible competence and preparation that Romney showed. His complete command of the issues and deep understanding of the economy contrated with Obama’s superficiality.
The Democrats have spent a lot of time and money trying to portray Romney as a poor candidate in order to dispirit Repiblicans. Those who tried to paint Romney as a “poor candidate” had their storyline destroyed by a very commanding performance.
The question for a lot of people now is, do you believe your own lying eyes and ears or do you believe the propaganda coming out of the Chicago political machine. I’m guessing that most people will choose the former. -
So Lying is now a command of issues…you also probably thought Ryan gave a great speech at the RNC. Reread all the love from the right…it is all about performance and nothing about substance. He won the beauty pageant. Congratulations. Your candidate by any other name is still Honey Boo Boo
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 10:02 amThor, you have been reading Axlerod’s talking points. You are starting to believe (and disseminate) the propaganda.
The lies and obfuscation have been coming from Obama, not Romney. Check the Fact Checker’s site. The Obama budget proposal is a sham. If you want to look at lies, you may want to start with Obame. Let’s see:
Fast and Furious, the Mohamed movie causing the Benghazi assault, job “saved or created”, cutting the deficit in half during his term, counting the end of the Iraq and Afghan wars as “savings”, closing Gitmo, not raising taxes, Obamacare lowering premiums … This administration has been one big lie. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 12:00 pmI must have been watching a different debate. This is what I saw.
[image]http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/thefw.com/files/2012/10/Romney-Obama-hair-swap.jpg[/image] -
Obama looks like Lincoln there.
Can’t wait for Nov 16th when Lincoln comes out for the movie theatersQuote from stir22
I must have been watching a different debate. This is what I saw.
Does anyone else think that Obama with Romney’s hair looks like Sharpton?
No. Looks like Lincoln. I have never seen Al at that weight. Look at attached pic..really all you need it to photoshop a beard and Obama looks like Lincoln with the photography back then.
Quote from Thor
Does anyone else think that Obama with Romney’s hair looks like Sharpton?
No the height/thinness…I see Lincoln
Al ain’t never been that thin..but if you are using BP’s eyes then big bird may look like AlQuote from Frumious
Look at Al now.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 8, 2012 at 8:56 am
Quote from Noah’sArk
No the height/thinness…I see Lincoln
Al ain’t never been that thin..but if you are using BP’s eyes then big bird may look like AlQuote from Frumious
Look at Al now.
i dunno Noah…maybe Mittens can pull off the Lincoln.
[image]http://earloftaint.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/mr-lincoln.jpg[/image] -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 8, 2012 at 8:58 amand, in the interest of fairness…
[image]http://earloftaint.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/bo-lincoln.jpg[/image] -
No Obama has him beat with the height and weight. Also all of those old Civil war photos make Obama/lincoln a better fit
Quote from stir22
and, in the interest of fairness…
Mitt’s weasel eyes don’t fit the depth/soul of Lincoln like Obama’s does. It u want to know about the makeup of a person’s/ soul and character..look very deeply into their eyes
Quote from stir22
Quote from Noah’sArk
No the height/thinness…I see Lincoln
Al ain’t never been that thin..but if you are using BP’s eyes then big bird may look like AlQuote from Frumious
Look at Al now.
i dunno Noah…maybe Mittens can pull off the Lincoln.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 8, 2012 at 11:25 amoh, i absolutely agree, Noah…he reminds me of the antagonist in Stephen King’s “The Dead Zone”. He’s just waiting…for ascendancy. With the world fast becoming a geopolitical tinderbox, Mitt is the LAST person we need in the white house.
Anybody not gulping the leftist identity politics kool aid can clearly see that Owebummer is now appropriately seen as the Manchurian candidate. There he was : the great minority messiah in the debate. But, he was de-programmed, tentative and wondering. A literal witless deer caught in the headlights. All it took was deprivation of the man’s teleprompter so he couldnt just rattle off his unending fabricated pieced together scriplets of classware and false hope/change via statism.
Obama is inspired by dead or exhausted radicals, not reality or real people. That’s why he can’t reach back and talk geniunely to the avg. voter.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 8, 2012 at 3:15 pmLooks like Romney got a big bump in the polls after destroying Obama in the debate. All it took was an unfiltered face to face. Things are starting to look up. Maybe we will get rid of Obamacare after all.
Bad news..Romney will replace it with Romneycare but glad you are enjoying Mitt’s move to the center left
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 8, 2012 at 4:54 pm
Quote from Thor
Bad news..Romney will replace it with Romneycare but glad you are enjoying Mitt’s move to the center left
Hammer Boy, the only move Romney will have is to the Oval Office. Get used to it……
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 8, 2012 at 5:48 pmWasn’t it interesting how strong and defiant Obama sounded speaking to a crowd the day after the debate.
Was amazing. What happened. He left
Denver and the high altitude? Did some blow?
Oh that’s right — he used a teleprompter.
That should tell you all you need to know. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 6:49 am
Quote from Maldini
Hammer Boy, the only move Romney will have is to the Oval Office. Get used to it……
[i]”Hammer Boy”[/i]
Is this infantile name calling really the debate standard of today’s physician?
[i]”…all Romney did was give a gay guy a much needed haircut”[/i]
Oh [b][i][u]PLEASE[/u][/i][/b] tell me you are NOT a physician.
My niece is currently applying to medical school, but if THIS is the new moral standard of today’s physician, I’ll advise her to become a used car salesgirl instead. It would be a huge improvement over your pathetic disregard for mankind.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 7:28 amIt was only a much needed haircut, not brain surgery.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 7:47 am
Quote from Maldini
It was only a much needed haircut, not brain surgery.
Even if your relentless juvenile claim was valid, you are admitting Mitt violated state law because he was not licensed to cut anyone’s hair. Oh My God, Mitt is on record as jeopardizing the safety of the general population, and you admit you want to still vote for that criminal to be President of the United States of America???
The polls showed a tied race in September, show a tied race today.
Nothing has substantially changed, except now Republicans are more excited. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 10:31 am
Quote from MISTRAD
The polls showed a tied race in September, show a tied race today.
Nothing has substantially changed, except now Republicans are more excited.
Nonsense. All polls but Rasmussen have consistently shows Obama ahead by 2-10 percent depending on the poll. Even Rasmussen now shows Obama tied with Romney.
Regardless, national polls are meaningless. Only state polls count at this point, and you know that, and they are not showing a dead heat by any measure.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 12:05 pm
Quote from Lux
Quote from Maldini
It was only a much needed haircut, not brain surgery.
Even if your relentless juvenile claim was valid, you are admitting Mitt violated state law because he was not licensed to cut anyone’s hair. Oh My God, Mitt is on record as jeopardizing the safety of the general population, and you admit you want to still vote for that criminal to be President of the United States of America???
“lol” all you want to. The ‘bamer has made a mockery of the Constitution on numerous occasions. All Romney did as a young man was give that gay kid a free haircut. Who is the criminal? The ‘bamer by far. You can rest assured that Romney will get a whole lot of votes. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 1:30 pm
Quote from Maldini
The ‘bamer has made a mockery of the Constitution on numerous occasions. All Romney did as a young man was give that gay kid a free haircut. Who is the criminal? The ‘bamer by far. You can rest assured that Romney will get a whole lot of votes.
Yes yes, the Republicans have shown far greater respect for the Constitution than the Democrats. That’s why the GOP wants to pass a law that respects a religious tenet and trashes the First Amendment.
And sure, the President of the United States is a criminal; that’s obvious by the way the Supreme Court of the United States supports his criminal activities.
And I’m sure Romney will indeed get “a whole lot of votes”, thanks to Faux Newz and its Orwellian abuse of the First Amendment.
lol -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 1:47 pm[b]”the Supreme Court of the United States supports his criminal activities.”[/b]
Show me one case where SCOTUS supported the ‘bamer. Don’t say Obamacare. They said in that ruling that he was a liar, it was a tax after all. “lol” that one. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 2:19 pm
Quote from Maldini
[b]”the Supreme Court of the United States supports his criminal activities.”[/b]
Show me one case where SCOTUS supported the ‘bamer. Don’t say Obamacare. They said in that ruling that he was a liar, it was a tax after all. “lol” that one.
They’ve supported him in everything he’s done. SCOTUS has never indicated that Obama has done anything contrary to applicable law.
But since you’re so sure he’s a criminal, why don’t you show us one thing they’ve busted him for that confirms his criminal tendencies.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 4:52 pm[b]”But since you’re so sure he’s a criminal, why don’t you show us one thing they’ve busted him for that confirms his criminal tendencies.” [/b]
[b] [/b]
Hey “show me your data person”, show me one thing the SCOTUS supported him on. You can’t. You just painted yourself into another corner.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 6:15 pm[b]”Washington (CNN)[/b] — The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struck down key parts of an Arizona law that sought to deter illegal immigration, but let stand a controversial provision allowing police to check a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws.”
Only partia support, but left in the most important piece of the legislation.
The PPACA decision was no Obama win, it just shows what a lying scoundrel he really is. It was a tax and he knew it. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 8:13 pm
Quote from Maldini
The PPACA decision was no Obama win, it just shows what a lying scoundrel he really is. It was a tax and he knew it.
And why didn’t the Republicans know it was a tax? Did Obama pull a fast one by exploiting their ignorance of the US Constitution? Is that what makes him a [i]”lying scoundrel”?[/i]
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 10, 2012 at 7:48 am
Quote from Lux
Quote from Maldini
The PPACA decision was no Obama win, it just shows what a lying scoundrel he really is. It was a tax and he knew it.
And why didn’t the Republicans know it was a tax? Did Obama pull a fast one by exploiting their ignorance of the US Constitution? Is that what makes him a [i]”lying scoundrel”?[/i]
If you read something other than the Washington Post or watched a real new organization like FOX you would have known that the Republicans have said all along that it was a tax and the ‘bamer was a liar if he said it wasn’t. Deal with it!!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 10, 2012 at 9:56 am
Quote from Maldini
If you read something other than the Washington Post or watched a real new organization like FOX you would have known that the Republicans have said all along that it was a tax and the ‘bamer was a liar if he said it wasn’t. Deal with it!!
You’re so full of boloney. If the Republicans truly[i] “said all along that it was a tax”[/i] then why did they fight it at SCOTUS? Surely they would have known that if it was a tax enacted by Congress, then it was certainly legal. So then why all the fuss in the first place.
You have brass ones, telling anyone else to get their facts straight. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 10, 2012 at 11:52 am
Quote from Lux
Quote from Maldini
If you read something other than the Washington Post or watched a real new organization like FOX you would have known that the Republicans have said all along that it was a tax and the ‘bamer was a liar if he said it wasn’t. Deal with it!!
You’re so full of boloney. If the Republicans truly[i] “said all along that it was a tax”[/i] then why did they fight it at SCOTUS? Surely they would have known that if it was a tax enacted by Congress, then it was certainly legal. So then why all the fuss in the first place.
You have brass ones, telling anyone else to get their facts straight.
Where have you been for the past few years? This obamacare distaster was pushed through congress by botox pelosi and light-in-the-loafers Reid without any of them ever reading it. Even old prune-faced pelosi admitted that. The Republicans said it was atax from the beginning. Speaking of “brass”……
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 10, 2012 at 12:54 pm
Quote from Maldini
Quote from Lux
Quote from Maldini
If you read something other than the Washington Post or watched a real new organization like FOX you would have known that the Republicans have said all along that it was a tax and the ‘bamer was a liar if he said it wasn’t. Deal with it!!
You’re so full of boloney. If the Republicans truly[i] “said all along that it was a tax”[/i] then why did they fight it at SCOTUS? Surely they would have known that if it was a tax enacted by Congress, then it was certainly legal. So then why all the fuss in the first place.
You have brass ones, telling anyone else to get their facts straight.
Where have you been for the past few years? This obamacare distaster was pushed through congress by botox pelosi and light-in-the-loafers Reid without any of them ever reading it. Even old prune-faced pelosi admitted that. The Republicans said it was atax from the beginning. Speaking of “brass”……
I see you diverted once again from explaining why the Republicans took it to court. That’s because you’re full of boloney. You know darn well the Republicans did NOT think it was a tax — if they did, then they’d know it was legal and would not have objected. Rather, they insisted it was a mandate for [i][u]commerce[/u][/i], and they were shot down when Roberts called it a tax.
Man, I never saw anyone with as much pathological resistance to acknowledging the truth as you’re showing in these discussions. You’re behaving like a 7 year old relentlessly insisting that your imaginary friend stole your homework.You’re a dangerous person, Maldini.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 10, 2012 at 1:18 pmLux, on every thread you go down in flames. If you made sense with your posts maybe someone would “show you the data”. Can’t “show the data” unless there is an intellegent, understandable question.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 10, 2012 at 1:27 pm
Quote from Maldini
Lux, on every thread you go down in flames. If you made sense with your posts maybe someone would “show you the data”. Can’t “show the data” unless there is an intellegent, understandable question.
Very well, I present to you an “intelligent, understandable question”:[i] [/i]
[blockquote] [i]”Why did the Republicans bring Obamacare to the Supreme Court to rule on the individual mandate?”[/i]
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 10, 2012 at 1:58 pmApparently you were asleep at the wheel again as SCOTUS made their ruling. The suit was brought forward by states attorney general because obamacare would bankrupt them. There was no Constutional ruling because they ruled the IM a tax. They did sock it to the ‘bamer on the expansion of Medicaid to 133% of the Federal poverty line. They were upset the way Obamacare coerces the states to accept the new funding levels by threatening to cut all current Medicaid funding for states that did not comply. It ain’t over yet. The fat lady has yet to sing.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 10, 2012 at 2:26 pm
Quote from Maldini
Apparently you were asleep at the wheel again as SCOTUS made their ruling. The suit was brought forward by states attorney general because obamacare would bankrupt them. There was no Constutional ruling because they ruled the IM a tax. They did sock it to the ‘bamer on the expansion of Medicaid to 133% of the Federal poverty line. They were upset the way Obamacare coerces the states to accept the new funding levels by threatening to cut all current Medicaid funding for states that did not comply. It ain’t over yet. The fat lady has yet to sing.
I’m not talking about Medicare; you’re deflecting again. And it was indeed Republicans who brought it to court, not Democrats. And the Supreme Court will not hear a case if someone merely claims [i]”obamacare would bankrupt them”. [/i] What matters is that Republicans brought it to the Supreme Court because they thought the individual mandate was [i][u]illegal[/u][/i] (that’s one of those pesky requirements if you want SCOTUS to hear your case). And so you [i][u]STILL[/u][/i] have not cited what they wanted the Supreme Court to do.
Why are you avoiding the answer to this simple question?
Maybe it’s because you really [u]DO[/u] know the answer…
And no Republican said no this is Constitutional and a waste of valuable state resources that could go to filling budget shortfalls? How come thiese bastions of fiscal intelligence (aka red states) poured dollars down a sinkhole when the statute was clearly constitutional as you admit?
By the way agreeing that the mandate is the same as a tax is calling it constitutional but I guess simple logic is too complex for your two cell brain -
Happy holiday T,
given the prior comments on this board concerning borderline personality disorder and my prior psych experience, I spent the weekend looking up the criteria of pathologic liar. Interesting reading.Quote from Thor
Bad news..Romney will replace it with Romneycare but glad you are enjoying Mitt’s move to the center left
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 2:25 am
Quote from aldadoc
Looks like Romney got a big bump in the polls after destroying Obama in the debate. All it took was an unfiltered face to face. Things are starting to look up. Maybe we will get rid of Obamacare after all.
Seems so.
Interesting – all the news reports discuss “up 1 percent” or numbers similar and never discuss the margin of error (often around 3 percent). To my reading it is a tossup and has been for the last several months.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2012 at 6:14 amPolls were wrong and biased this time last week. The right wingers were attacking the messenger
Last week unemployment was above 8% and the right wingers were rejoicing
This week all of a sudden the polls are wonderful because Romney has bumped. They are no longer controlled by democrats
And now job numbers half to be a sham because they disagree with your talking points
Do you guys honestly believe this garbage?
Aladoc specifically you. Do you really believe this garbage or are you just plaing the game?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 8, 2012 at 1:57 pmYeah, I definitely agree with Noah. Mitt Lincoln looks like Abe’s shifty younger brother, the used coach salesman.
[i] “Four score and seven miles ago…”[/i]
Quote from aldadoc
Thor, you have been reading Axlerod’s talking points. You are starting to believe (and disseminate) the propaganda.
The lies and obfuscation have been coming from Obama, not Romney. Check the Fact Checker’s site. The Obama budget proposal is a sham. If you want to look at lies, you may want to start with Obame. Let’s see:
Fast and Furious, the Mohamed movie causing the Benghazi assault, job “saved or created”, cutting the deficit in half during his term, counting the end of the Iraq and Afghan wars as “savings”, closing Gitmo, not raising taxes, Obamacare lowering premiums … This administration has been one big lie.If we check the fact checkers at politifact it shows that the administration has not been one big lie.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 1:55 pm
Quote from aldadoc
Jobs report is a sham. Very convenient last minute manipulation to make our empty chair president look good.Wrong again. The Dept. of Labor made it VERY clear this morning that the number is real — the decrease unemployment rate to 7.8% is absolutely due to increased employment and not to job market defection.
According to her own byline, Jennifer Rubin fully acknowledges that she gets [u]PAID[/u] to specifically write [u]conservative[/u] content for the Wash Post. If she didn’t write that, she’d get fired. Maybe that’s what you want, so that you can include her as another stat in your imaginary economy.
Does the new jobs data/unemployment include new government jobs?
Romney debate success explained….
[link=http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Gish_Gallop]http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Gish_Gallop[/link] -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 7:29 pm
Quote from Thor
Romney debate success explained….
Obama crash and burn explained:
Obama’s lame performance last night seemed typical to us. We can think of a few occasions in which we’ve seen the president less flaccid, less dull-brained, less jejune, less shifty, less downcast. But only a few.
But these qualities–or, to put it another way, this lack of quality–was harder than usual to miss last night because of the contrast with the highly effectual Romney. One reason it came as such a shock to Obama is that it was the first time in his career that he shared a debate stage with a serious opponent.
Think about it: John McCain was feeble. Alan Keyes, whom Obama beat in his 2004 Senate campaign, was crazy. All the Democrats who ran in 2008 were preposterous except Hillary Clinton, and she, as a beneficiary of nepotism, was highly overrated as a politician. He used Chicago-style dirty tricks to dispatch his original opponent in 2004, as well as the state senator he replaced back in the 1990s. The test he failed last night is one to which he had never been put.
But the journalists who are pointing the finger at Obama have three fingers pointed back at themselves. Instead of challenging the president, the press corps–with a few honorable exceptions, like ABC’s Jake Tapper and the guys from Univision–have spent the past four-plus years puffing him up and making excuses for him. ”
Quote from Bernardini
Does the new jobs data/unemployment include new government jobs?
The ADP data is private non-farm payrolls. The unemployment numbers include both governmental and private employment. However, one of the big drags on the unemployment numbers has been the decrease in public sector jobs since the recession, particularly state and local government. Total government employment is down around 600k jobs since 2009. -
Give credit where it is due…Romney lied convincingly just not sure if it was during the debate or prior year of campaigning
Now Will, Krauthammer, Kristol are falling all over themselves trying to praise Mitt for his “moderate” statements. So the knock on Mitt was he was never conservative enough and now he suddenly voices himself back to center and he is now a better candidate?
Goes on Hannity and renounces his 47% remark even though hannity loves to pontificate on the “moocher class” and Hannity gives him a pass.
Love from Alda here when Mitt acts the centrist
Is the admission that Mitt and the party was too far to the right all along or something else
Judging how the Romney camp is already backtracking on what he said during the debate it simply is not clear.
BTW here is a nice catalog of “the transformation”
What a joke -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 7:32 am
Quote from Dr.Sardonicus
Quote from Frumious
The main problem with Mitt’s performance is the question of who exactly is the progressive candidate, Obama or this new Mitt? Yeah, he said for government to get out of the way but he defended every progressive government program there is as necessary. And now Mitt will not cut taxes on the wealthy! Where did the republican candidate go? You mean all those things Mitt has said over the past several years was he was only fooling?
OR – more to the point – All the things the pundits said he was saying, they were constructing what they wanted him to be saying. So last night, he said it straight out and there was no distorting what he was saying.
Further – He took Obama to task for not doing anything about the too big to fail situation. Finally. Obama’s greatest failure may be not dealing with this. He had a Democratic congress, and himself in office. This is supposed to be right up their alley, but …. nothing. Romney did not say specifically what he would do, and I would not be surprised if it was less than I want, but…. but… he indicated that he is concerned about this, and of the two candidates, he is the only one.
Surely you MUST know that Mitt has no intention whatsoever to eliminate the “too big to fail” clause. Like it or not, if we truly decided to let big banks fail (or ANY big corporation that affects the income of hundreds of thousands of people), it would add to the economic collapse.
And by the way, like it or not, today’s announced drop in unemployment to 7.8% and higher than expected job numbers will pretty much neutralize any bump Mitt got [i]WAAAAY BACK[/i] in that first debate! lol
Yet another example of the short memory span and low standards of the American people.
Quote from Dr.Sardonicus
OR – more to the point – All the things the pundits said he was saying, they were constructing what they wanted him to be saying. So last night, he said it straight out and there was no distorting what he was saying.
Further – He took Obama to task for not doing anything about the too big to fail situation. Finally. Obama’s greatest failure may be not dealing with this. He had a Democratic congress, and himself in office. This is supposed to be right up their alley, but …. nothing. Romney did not say specifically what he would do, and I would not be surprised if it was less than I want, but…. but… he indicated that he is concerned about this, and of the two candidates, he is the only one.
No Sardonicus, he did a 180. He distorted what he’d been saying all these years and especially the past year himself.
As for “Too big,” that’s a giant red herring in a global economy. It was Bush as you recall who underscored the Too Big To Fail when he authorized TARP. And Bush did let Lehman fail & look what happened, it accelerated the panic. [u]How do you propose to stop the markets from ever panicking again?[/u] Making sure the other houses like Goldman-Sachs failed too as well as the foreign banks like Deutsche Bank & the British banks? I’m sure that’s a sure fired Rx for success and recovery! -
Rate dropped down to 7.8%! & added 114K jobs!
Adding to the positive news, job gains were revised upward by 40,000 for July (to 181,000) and by 46,000 for August (to 142,000), which had been considered a disappointing month, casting a slightly rosier hue on the summer slowdown.
The private sector, which has been adding jobs since March 2010, grew by 104,000 workers in September. Governments, where cuts have been a drag on the recovery, added 10,000 jobs. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 3:33 am
Quote from Voxel77
I am socially very liberal, but fiscally very conservative just like most doctors. I rarely vote for republican candidates, but I have to say I was pretty impressed with Romney’s debate performance. There was substance as well as confidence, and he clearly showed that he is smart and efficient. For the first time I felt like he could be a very good president. I love Obama, and his speeches, but his performance in this debate was really dull. It felt like he himself was not too confident about his policies and seemed somewhat guilty. He kept repeating the same socialistic ideas (which is not all bad) without explaining how he can grow the economy and improve the job market.
He can’t explain how he can grow the economy because he has used all his ideas and they did not work. He is played out. Time for a new game plan
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 1:41 pm
Quote from Dr.Sardonicus
He can’t explain how he can grow the economy because he has used all his ideas and they did not work. He is played out. Time for a new game plan
Once again, he WAS growing the economy, and rather rapidly until McConnell declared war.
The data is VERY clear when you look at the jobs graph and the new unemployment claims each month of his term. The moment the Republicans saw that recovery shoot from minus 800k jobs/mo at the end of Bush’s term to PLUS 500k jobs per month by the middle of 2010, they KNEW Obama was headed for a 2nd term, and so they desperately needed to do something to stifle it fast. And the best thing they could think of doing is to make Obama a lame duck by not approving the additional legislation he needed to keep the economy trending upward. The mere public announcement that the Republican Party planned to hold the government in seige (e.g., through the Norquist blood-pact conspiracy) caused all the economic turmoil they needed to stop the growth that was coming.
In my educated opinion, [b]the Republican Party deliberately and effectively sabotaged the American Economy[/b] so that they could blame Obama for it and retake the White House. And about half of all Americans are too stupid to see what really happened.
Dare ya to [u]prove[/u] me wrong
…and “proof” does NOT include name-calling, denial of facts, or quoting Rush, Rasmussen, or Faux! lol
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 5, 2012 at 3:34 am
Quote from Voxel77
I am socially very liberal, but fiscally very conservative just like most doctors. I rarely vote for republican candidates, but I have to say I was pretty impressed with Romney’s debate performance. There was substance as well as confidence, and he clearly showed that he is smart and efficient. For the first time I felt like he could be a very good president. I love Obama, and his speeches, but his performance in this debate was really dull. It felt like he himself was not too confident about his policies and seemed somewhat guilty. He kept repeating the same socialistic ideas (which is not all bad) without explaining how he can grow the economy and improve the job market.
He can’t explain how he can grow the economy because he has used all his ideas and they did not work. He is played out. Time for a new game plan
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2012 at 3:38 pm
Quote from kpack123
It looked like Romney wanted to be there and Obama wanted to get it over.
It actually occurred to me while watching the thing last night, that there could very well be a few things that are critical going on around the world that Obama probably felt a lot more obligated to be spending his time than in front of a camera doing a chicken dance. We complain that he’s not dealing with the economy properly, and that there are uncounted stresses in Asia, Mid-east, and Europe, and we expect him to be shined up as well as Romney, who has virtually nothing else to do than prep for yet another debate this year.
Did you notice how quickly they escorted the Obama’s off stage while Mitt’s family stayed on stage all thoughout the credit roll?
Look, I’m not defending Obama, I’m only suggesting that his plate is indeed a bit fuller than Mitt’s, and it showed last night.
A good take on the new Romney documentary.
This is a man, and a family, with plenty of political experience, so they view the prospect of running and serving with appropriate trepidation. They see it as a duty, a noble sacrifice. Their patriarch, a man so stiffly handsome that his face seems ready-made for chiseling on Mount Rushmore, is a good man, a rich man with impeccable morals and credentials, a man who doesnt need to become president of the United States for his own sake. He runs out of a sense of[i]noblesse oblige[/i]. He is the charmed Romney familys gift to the American peoplethe perfect man, perhaps the only man, to steer the troubled ship of state back toward its divine destiny.
…Most critics have deservedly praised this well-made little feature, and many have suggested that it succeeds where Romneys campaigns failed: It shows Mitt to be a lovely, likable, sweet-natured, good-humored man. In his way of walking with mincing steps and his penchant for tidying up after others, he is endearing. He is clearly beloved. His face is capable of only one or two broad expressions, but they are smile and laughter. And while no family as savvy as the Romneys would ever have an unguarded moment with a camera crew in plain sightMitts notorious 47 percent speech was before a hidden oneIm willing to accept that there is not a starkly different man or family behind these scenes. The Romneys are a wholesome and pretty family, and dont they know it.
The hurt reaction to his defeat is the response of a family whose generous gift has just been rudely cast aside. They are disbelieving. There is an ever-present patina of sweetness and gracethey are, after all, on camerabut beneath it is a deep and unmistakable arrogance. How could the body politic be so ungrateful, so misguided? How could they not see? Nowhere in the stunned hotel room does anyone even fleetingly consider that there might have been something lacking in Mitt, in them, or in their vaguely defined vision for the country. Nowhere is the thought that Barack Obama ran a better campaign, that his unique personal history, his vision for America, was somehow more in tune with the 21st century electorate, or that the American people had made even a defensible choice. No. This is not just a rejection of Mitt, but a disastrous national blunder.
One of Mitts advisers suggests that his concession speech ought to be more pastoral than political, that it was a time to soothe his disappointed supporters.
To soothe is not my inclination, says Mitt, who sees Obama as a certain disaster. This is really serious, guys. This is really serious. I cannot believe that he is an aberration in the country. This is following the path of every other great nation, which is were following greater government, tax the rich people, promise more stuff to everybody, borrow until you go over a cliff. We have a very high risk of reaching the tipping point sometime in the next five years. He frowns and shrugs.
He was more gracious in the speech itself, congratulating the president, and leaving out the prophecy of doom.
The film ends with Mitt and Ann saying goodbye to their Secret Service entourage and carrying their own luggage back into their home. They still have their handsome and loving family, their wealth, but judging by the portrait in this film, not much else. Mitt flops into his armchair without even removing his jacket, and stares out at the vista from his living room. I felt a little bit sorry for him, but relieved for America.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 14, 2014 at 8:08 amYou libs keep throwing out these left-wing trash rag articles written by “bleeding heart” libs and you present it as some sort of vindication for a complete failure of this failed social experiment of a Presidency. God knows if we had Governor Romney in the White House today we wouldn’t have this astronomical debt, divided country, immorality, violent crime, loss of stature as a nation, devastating unemployment, a country of entitlements, and………
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 14, 2014 at 8:46 amyou are calling Dergon a lib?
I do believe his post indicates support for Romney.
Well, I am a liberal.
I just found the article to be interesting.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 14, 2014 at 10:53 am
Quote from dergon
Well, I am a liberal.
I just found the article to be interesting.
You must forgive ol’ sardinocus, he is getting up there in age, and he had just awaken from his long winter nap.
Quote from Point Man
You libs keep throwing out these left-wing trash rag articles written by “bleeding heart” libs and you present it as some sort of vindication for a complete failure of this failed social experiment of a Presidency. God knows if we had Governor Romney in the White House today we wouldn’t have this astronomical debt, divided country, immorality, violent crime, loss of stature as a nation, devastating unemployment, a country of entitlements, and………
Help me understand this claim. How would a Mitt Romney Presidency mean that we wouldn’t have violent crime? Also how are we losing stature as a nation? Are we losing stature to Russia? Have you seen any Olympic coverage of Sochi? It’s like a third world country.-
[h1]Romney wins! (No, not that Romney.)[/b][/h1]
Ronna Romney McDaniel, the niece of Mitt Romney, was elected as Michigan Republican Party chairwoman this weekend.
It’s a win for a family with a dozen state or nationwide general elections under its collective belt more if you expand beyond Mitt’s immediate family (his cousin, Vernon, was a Utah Attorney General from 1969 to 1977 and ran unsuccessfully for Utah governor in 1976).
The Romneys, overall, have a losing record, with 4 wins and 9 loses. George is the most successful with his three wins in Michigan, followed by Romney with his Massachusetts win.-
[link=https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2021/05/01/mitt-romney-booed-raucous/]Salt Lake Tribune[/link]
[h1][b]Mitt Romney booed at raucous Utah GOP convention as speakers attack the Biden agenda[/b][/h1]
Arent you embarrassed? said Romney trying to deflect the chorus of catcalls that greeted him as he took the stage.
Im a man who says what he means, and you know I was not a fan of our last presidents character issues, said Romney as delegates attempted to shout him down. Accusations that Romney was a traitor or communist flew from the crowd like so many poison darts.
You can boo all you like, said Romney. Ive been a Republican all of my life. My dad was the governor of Michigan and I was the Republican nominee for president in 2012.[/QUOTE]
About the *other* Romeny … Ronna Romney McDaniel, RNC Chair
…No matter how much boot you lick, there’s always a Trumpier douche waiting in the wings ….
[b]Long Time Trump Advisor David Bossie is mounting a quiet bid to replace Ronna McDaniel, who won Trumps ire after refusing to push his election-fraud claims.
Longtime Trump adviser and Republican operative [b]Dave Bossie[/b] is floating a run for chairman of the Republican National Committee, according to Republicans who spoke with [i]Vanity Fair.[/i] But those same Republicans are split on whether the longtime Trump adviser and RNC committee member from Maryland is serious about trying to win the chairmanship next year or simply trying to raise his profile with former president [b][b]Donald Trump.[/b] [/b]
The RNC met in Salt Lake City this week, ostensibly preparing for the 2022 midterms and the 2024 presidential election. But an effort by Bossie to expel representatives [b]Liz Cheney[/b] and [b]Adam Kinzinger[/b] from the party kicked up chatter behind the scenes that hes gunning for [b]Ronna McDaniel[/b]s job leading the party.
…A veteran Republican operative close to the RNC pushed back on the idea that Bossie could win enough votes even if he does secure Trumps support: The reason Ronna got reelected was the members were really worried that some Trump grifter, like Bossie, was going to take over.
[h2]Private RNC member emails reveal frustration with McDaniels response to Trump[/h2]
In a series of private email threads obtained by POLITICO, a handful of Republican National Committee members denounced former President Donald Trump, with one pushing for fellow members and RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to forcefully condemn his decision to host a pre-Thanksgiving dinner with antisemites.
The emails, which were sent to all 168 committee members email addresses, offer a rare glimpse at the agitation that is roiling among some in the Republican National Committee at a moment of intense scrutiny of the institution and the party it represents. It also brings to the surface tensions over whether or not McDaniel can or should lead the RNC in this current political climate, with an increasingly undisciplined Trump launching a third presidential run and the party coming to terms with midterm losses that many blame on the former president. McDaniel claims the support of a majority of committee members, but has recently faced challenges for the chair position.
The email, like the others, underscores the brewing conflicts within the party and behind the scenes jockeying for chair. They also illustrate the uncertainty that many members have with the status quo. Speaking about the exchanges in an interview with POLITICO, Palatucci said he liked McDaniel on a personal level.
But I think its time to go, he added. Its time to move on and make a change. The alternatives? Thats the hard question. I think we need a change. I was encouraging [former congressman Lee] Zeldin to run and he took himself out and Harmeet stepped forward and I have had one brief conversation with her and I like her. Havent made a decision yet but I prefer her to not making a change. Its a bit of a Hobbesian choice.[/QUOTE]maybe i should make a dedicated *ronna* thread ,…
[h1][b]Ronna Romney McDaniel Might Be in Trouble[/b][/h1]
[link=https://thetriad.thebulwark.com/p/ronna-romney-mcdaniel-might-be-in?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=87274&post_id=92090971&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email]Joe Perticone[/link]: After three consecutive election cycles in which Republicans have underperformed or been outright crushed, Ronna McDaniels campaign to hang on as chair of the Republican National Committee has hit a bump in the road.
She now has challengers looking to take her job, including right-wing lawyer Harmeet Dhillon, who personally has profited from the Trump era and the McDaniel-run RNC
A source close to Dhillon estimates their whip count to be around 60 of the 168 committee members who will vote on the next chair. The source also noted that many are defections from McDaniels initial list of 101 supporters from the November letter.
She was going down as soon as pillow bro announced. Lol.
cognitive dissonance, thy name is GOP
[link=https://www.foxnews.com/politics/harmeet-dhillon-lands-endorsements-major-gop-donors-bid-unseat-mcdaniel-rnc-chair]Fox News
A group of Republican mega-donors say [link=https://www.foxnews.com/category/politics/elections/republicans]the party[/link] is “on the verge of permanent irrelevance” if it fails to come together and support a change of leadership.
“The Republican Party currently faces the most organized, radical, and weaponized [link=https://www.foxnews.com/category/politics/elections/democrats]Democrat Party[/link] the nation has ever seen,” the donors said. “Despite this clear and present threat to our freedom, the highest levels of the Republican National Committee appear to be more focused on blaming others for their lack of leadership and lining the pockets of cherry-picked consultants than on winning elections.”
They noted a growing perception among party donors and activists that the RNC needs “fresh leadership in order to make the necessary changes to win elections.” [/QUOTE]and who is going to move the Republican party forward in way that can win elections again?
A Trump lawyer, of course!
In a public letter addressed to the [link=https://www.foxnews.com/category/politics/elections/republican-convention]Republican National Committee[/link], the donors threw their support behind Harmeet Dhillon
It’s always projection
“The Republican Party currently faces the most organized, radical, and weaponized [link=https://www.foxnews.com/category/politics/elections/democrats]Democrat Party[/link] the nation has ever seen,”
[b]A Three-Way Race for RNC Chair[/b][/h1]
A three-way race for chairman of the Republican National Committee could deal another setback to a party looking to enter the 2024 cycle with a unified front, [link=https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/13/politics/rnc-chair-race/index.html]CNN[/link] reports.
Each of the three candidates running for chair incumbent Ronna McDaniel, California-based attorney Harmeet Dhillon and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell confirmed to CNN either themselves, or through allies, that they have qualified to be on the ballot.
It will be the first time in more than a decade that a drawn-out balloting process set to take place when the committees 168-member voting body gathers in Southern California later this month is likely to occur.-
[link=https://www.semafor.com/article/01/17/2023/why-does-anyone-want-to-re-elect-the-rnc-chair-we-asked]Semafor[/link] on the state of the RNC Chair race
McDaniel told Semafor that she had well enough support to win a fourth and final term at the partys winter meeting next week and that her decisive bloc of 100 out of 168 voting members whod publicly vowed to support her early in the process remained committed.
Nonetheless, Dhillon has turned her uphill battle into a feast for conservative media, where voices are eager to assign blame for yet another disappointing election night.…
Dhillon just kept going, personally appealing to fellow RNC members while encouraging conservatives to push them from the outside. (Lindell, whos also seeking the job, told CNN that he was keeping his own endorsements [link=https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/13/politics/rnc-chair-race/index.html]discreet[/link] before the meeting, which will elect a chair by Jan. 27.)
But its also not clear a campaign based on outside pressure will work as well in a race thats decided by party chairs and committee members away from the publics eye.
[h1]Ronna McDaniel’s Closing Argument: She Can Keep Trump from Going Third Party[/h1]
[link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/01/19/rnc-mcdaniel-dhillon-trump/]Washington Post[/link] –
Republican Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, facing a surprisingly aggressive challenge to her leadership, has argued in recent weeks that she is best positioned to prevent former president Donald Trump from forming a third party if he fails to win the 2024 GOP presidential nomination next year.
She made the comments as she campaigned privately among the 168 voting members of the Republican National Committee to win reelection to another two-year term at a party meeting next week in California, according to the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the private exchanges. A person close to McDaniel said she has spoken about the need to make sure all the likely candidates for president, including detractors of Trump, support the eventual nominee after the coming election season.This is not like running for Congress. This is like running for class president. Everybody knows everybody, said Ron Kaufman, a longtime committee member from Massachusetts and current party treasurer. He is supporting McDaniel and expects her to win.
Mike Lindell would probably a good pic for the dems. The election BS seems like it was just thoroughly whooped in the 2022 midterms. So keep chugging on those train tracks.
[b]DeSantis Seeks to Oust Ronna McDaniel as RNC Chair[/b][/h1]
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is backing former Trump campaign adviser Harmeet Dhillon in her bid to take the Republican National Committee chairmanship away from Ronna McDaniel, [link=https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3831844-desantis-praises-dhillon-in-rnc-chair-race-i-think-we-need-a-change/?email=066c0990fa413d52c3842f29a42abb22ffa00eae&emaila=02c3337a6605235631b8cab2e023d54e&emailb=e0d37ab6f97ed06914f0e75a1ebed673001a81f7f84978ff9209f3e23f7ba5d3&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=DeSantis%20backs%20Dhillon]The Hill[/link] reports.
Said DeSantis: I think we need a change. I think we need to get some new blood in the RNC.
He added: Weve had three substandard election cycles in a row: 18, 20 and 22. And I would say of all three of those, 22 was probably the worst. -
Ronna McDaniel elected to 4th term as RNC head
167 total votes
McDaniel – 111
Dhillon – 51
Lincell – 4
Lee Zeldin – 1