Northwestern University Thoracic and Cardiac Imaging Fellowship Opening 2021
[center][b]2021 Thoracic and Cardiac Imaging Fellowship Available![/b][/center] We have an opening for a Thoracic and Cardiac Imaging Fellowship starting July 1, 2021 at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. This is a non-ACGME fellowship.
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The Thoracic and Cardiac Imaging fellowship is a dedicated one-year program incorporating all aspects of thoracic and cardiac imaging. It will allow the trainee to embark on a clinical or academic career as a cardiothoracic radiologist – a discipline that is currently in high demand.
Towards this goal, there are three specific objectives of the fellowship. The first objective is to provide training and education in all technical and clinical aspects of cardiothoracic CT, MRI and radiography. The second objective is to enhance their teaching proficiency. The third objective is to provide support in research methodology in cardiothoracic CT, MRI and radiography.
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[b]Qualification: [/b]Applicants must be an MD or equivalent, have completed a Radiology Residency, PGY 4 or higher, ECFMG certified at the time of entry into the fellowship, and all must have taken and passed the USMLE exams 1-3.
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[b]Application Requirements:[/b]
[ul][*]Curriculum Vitae[*]Personal Statement[*]Three letters of recommendation addressed to: Dr. Nishant Parekh[*]USMLE transcripts (1-3 required)[*]McGaw GME application located at [link=http://mcgaw.northwestern.edu/docs/GME-App-4-pages.pdf]http://mcgaw.northwestern.edu/docs/GME-App-4-pages.pdf[/link] [/ul] Application materials or questions may be directed to the fellowship coordinator via e-mail:
[center][b][email protected][/b][/center]
For more information visit [link=https://www.radiology.northwestern.edu/education/fellows/thoracic-cardiac-imaging.html]https://www.radiology.northwestern.edu/education/fellows/thoracic-cardiac-imaging.html[/link]
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