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  • Looking for job advice

    Posted by mouzaalj_95 on April 19, 2023 at 2:38 pm

    Hoping for some advice on three jobs Im looking at. For background Im a generalist (IR trained but I like lite IR and read almost everything except mammo). Also early career and a fiancé whos willing to go anywhere

    Job 1- employed by a PP near Chicago, 550k but has q7 weekends, no IR call, volumes generally 120-150 per day, closer to 250-300 on weekends – comp not based on volume, you just read whatever comes on your list

    Job 2- partner track near Chicago, partners make around 600-650, volumes around 100 and weekends around 200, q6 weekends

    Job 3 – hospital employed, eat what you kill model, smaller town in Missouri but 1 hour from major city, docs there currently say they make around 1.2mil with the volumes of roughly 150 per weekday, around 250+ weekends, q5 weekends. Advantage is Im doing my MBA so employed is easier to get into admin roles and use the MBA too, biggest con is small town (always lived in major cities so far) and higher volumes

    Job 4 – employed with eventual opportunity to buy in to outpatient only imaging centers in Florida, 400k but volume much lower around 70-90 per day, no weekends. Pro is the free time to do other things with a big chunk (almost half the year) in tele, con obviously least money of all options (and I dont want to supplement with even more tele, Id use the time for other pursuits)

    They all appeal to different things so Im having trouble choosing. Some have much more money, some have lifestyle, some have other potential growth opportunities. Mostly looking for advice from later stage folks or things to keep in mind or different perspectives my brain currently is not seeing.
    Appreciate you all for your input

    IDWick replied 1 year, 4 months ago 17 Members · 26 Replies
  • 26 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    April 19, 2023 at 2:46 pm

    Quote from Sam679

    Hoping for some advice on three jobs Im looking at. For background Im a generalist (IR trained but I like lite IR and read almost everything except mammo). Also early career and a fiancé whos willing to go anywhere

    Job 1- employed by a PP near Chicago, 550k but has q7 weekends, no IR call, volumes generally 120-150 per day, closer to 250-300 on weekends – comp not based on volume, you just read whatever comes on your list

    Job 2- partner track near Chicago, partners make around 600-650, volumes around 100 and weekends around 200, q6 weekends

    Job 3 – hospital employed, eat what you kill model, smaller town in Missouri but 1 hour from major city, docs there currently say they make around 1.2mil with the volumes of roughly 150 per weekday, around 250+ weekends, q5 weekends. Advantage is Im doing my MBA so employed is easier to get into admin roles and use the MBA too, biggest con is small town (always lived in major cities so far) and higher volumes

    Job 4 – employed with eventual opportunity to buy in to outpatient only imaging centers in Florida, 400k but volume much lower around 70-90 per day, no weekends. Pro is the free time to do other things with a big chunk (almost half the year) in tele, con obviously least money of all options (and I dont want to supplement with even more tele, Id use the time for other pursuits)

    They all appeal to different things so Im having trouble choosing. Some have much more money, some have lifestyle, some have other potential growth opportunities. Mostly looking for advice from later stage folks or things to keep in mind or different perspectives my brain currently is not seeing.
    Appreciate you all for your input

    Have you read 250+ films per day? This can turn hair grey in just a few years.

  • tdetlie_105

    April 19, 2023 at 3:53 pm

    Quote from Sam679

    Hoping for some advice on three jobs Im looking at. For background Im a generalist (IR trained but I like lite IR and read almost everything except mammo). Also early career and a fiancé whos willing to go anywhere

    Job 1- employed by a PP near Chicago, 550k but has q7 weekends, no IR call, volumes generally 120-150 per day, closer to 250-300 on weekends – comp not based on volume, you just read whatever comes on your list

    Job 2- partner track near Chicago, partners make around 600-650, volumes around 100 and weekends around 200, q6 weekends

    Job 3 – hospital employed, eat what you kill model, smaller town in Missouri but 1 hour from major city, docs there currently say they make around 1.2mil with the volumes of roughly 150 per weekday, around 250+ weekends, q5 weekends. Advantage is Im doing my MBA so employed is easier to get into admin roles and use the MBA too, biggest con is small town (always lived in major cities so far) and higher volumes

    Job 4 – employed with eventual opportunity to buy in to outpatient only imaging centers in Florida, 400k but volume much lower around 70-90 per day, no weekends. Pro is the free time to do other things with a big chunk (almost half the year) in tele, con obviously least money of all options (and I dont want to supplement with even more tele, Id use the time for other pursuits)

    They all appeal to different things so Im having trouble choosing. Some have much more money, some have lifestyle, some have other potential growth opportunities. Mostly looking for advice from later stage folks or things to keep in mind or different perspectives my brain currently is not seeing.
    Appreciate you all for your input

    1. Regarding job 1, why would anyone aside from a breast only rad want to be an employee in a PP?
    2. Regarding job 3, have a hard time believing a hospital is paying an employed rad 1.2 million/year, unless these rads are reading 25k wRVU/year.
    3. Regarding job 4, I’ve never heard of an employed job with option to buy into outpatient imaging centers.  How about option to buy into the practice and becoming a partner?
    4.  All these volume #s and compensation#s are vague.  Ask these groups wRVU volume per year and compensation/wRVU and then you can compare apples to apples. 

    • g.giancaspro_108

      April 19, 2023 at 4:25 pm

      Not enough details, although I’d personally be very hesitant to work in Illinois.
      I agree with the above, you need to know what kind of wRVUs are being read, the hours, and other expectations like tumor boards, back up call, etc.
      Are you not finding any partnership opportunities in your search?

      • andy.lippman_422

        April 19, 2023 at 4:32 pm

        I’ll take the highest $/wRVU job but not more than 70-80 wRVU/day.

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          April 20, 2023 at 12:34 am

          “Generalist” who is fellowship-trained – I like it. 
          Fiance willing to go anywhere and simultaneously considering jobs in Chicago suburbs, small town Missouri, and Florida… I don’t like so much, in terms of priorities and a job hunt that’ll lead to happiness. It suggests you’re moving to a town or suburb or cold or humid or hicksville for the prospect of a great job…. jobs disappoint when you expect them to be perfect, and are best when they fulfill a limited need like paying the bills so you can live a life whose particulars you have control over. Just my 2 cents. 
          Personally, the particulars of a job in terms of the people, group culture, degree of subspecialization, geography, and lifestyle would outweigh a plus/minus of 100K in pretax income, as those factors – for me – would be important for my long term happiness than a bigger number in the investment account. Money matters more when you have less of it (right out of training), and matters less when you have some of it (5-10 years into your career). 

          • skysdad

            April 20, 2023 at 6:15 am

            Spouse willing to go anywhere sounds nice, but there is still a major difference between living in small town Missouri and Chicago, particularly if you’re not a WASP.
            Aside from that, make as much money as possible and get a side business going before the robots take us imo.

  • alex.nieto_484

    April 20, 2023 at 5:55 am

    Quote from Sam679

    Hoping for some advice on three jobs Im looking at. For background Im a generalist (IR trained but I like lite IR and read almost everything except mammo). Also early career and a fiancé whos willing to go anywhere

    Job 1- employed by a PP near Chicago, 550k but has q7 weekends, no IR call, volumes generally 120-150 per day, closer to 250-300 on weekends – comp not based on volume, you just read whatever comes on your list

    Job 2- partner track near Chicago, partners make around 600-650, volumes around 100 and weekends around 200, q6 weekends

    Job 3 – hospital employed, eat what you kill model, smaller town in Missouri but 1 hour from major city, docs there currently say they make around 1.2mil with the volumes of roughly 150 per weekday, around 250+ weekends, q5 weekends. Advantage is Im doing my MBA so employed is easier to get into admin roles and use the MBA too, biggest con is small town (always lived in major cities so far) and higher volumes

    Job 4 – employed with eventual opportunity to buy in to outpatient only imaging centers in Florida, 400k but volume much lower around 70-90 per day, no weekends. Pro is the free time to do other things with a big chunk (almost half the year) in tele, con obviously least money of all options (and I dont want to supplement with even more tele, Id use the time for other pursuits)

    They all appeal to different things so Im having trouble choosing. Some have much more money, some have lifestyle, some have other potential growth opportunities. Mostly looking for advice from later stage folks or things to keep in mind or different perspectives my brain currently is not seeing.
    Appreciate you all for your input

    None of them sound that great TBH. Job #2 and #4 sound best to me. How long is the partner track for #2?
    Job #1 is really high volume and you are an employee of a PP. Sounds terrible. Money is OK but not great. 
    Job #3 stay away. ive never seen an eat what you kill model work for radiology. 

  • aldoctc

    April 20, 2023 at 7:40 am

    Solely based on what’s in original post:  Job 2. 
    But as others have noted, many intangibles to consider.  
    Things that grabbed my eye:
    [ul][*]Job 1:  “…comp not based on volume, you just read whatever comes on your list”  Be prepared to be the scut boy and clean up the messes that no one else will deal with.  [*]Job 3:  As noted by another poster, doing 250+ exams on a weekend day will burn you out pretty quickly.  I’ll freely admit that everyone’s different regarding admin roles but, in my personal experience and from what I’ve observed, as rads get more into their careers they want LESS admin involvement, not MORE.  And no way you’re going to be reading 150-250 cases a day, grabbing 7 figures, raising a family, keeping the Mrs. happy in Bofunk East, AND doing admin work.  [*]Job 4:  Florida.  Need I say more?  [/ul] Good luck!

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      April 20, 2023 at 8:21 am

      Job #3 super malignant. This is why salaries are so high. Can’t recruit. Poorly managed or totally unfettered rvu grab makes for misery. Can’t slow down ever. Other rads will take your rvus.

      • william.wang_997

        April 20, 2023 at 12:11 pm

        To OP:
        I wont want to do any of these jobs, but job 2 would be my pick; if I really have to choose among the jobs provided.

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          April 20, 2023 at 1:11 pm

          Heck I have five jobs that are much better than those with much higher security and super short partnership.  In this job market with your ability to move anywhere it seems you came up with some duds IMHO.

  • leonardo.campos2804

    April 20, 2023 at 1:15 pm


    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      April 20, 2023 at 1:16 pm

      Quote from Jackie Treehorn


      Getting close but no, go farther west

      • mouzaalj_95

        April 20, 2023 at 3:04 pm

        Thank you guys so much for the input, thats pretty helpful!

        Personally Im ok with volume but I wanna be paid for it if its way above average.

        I havent found any partnerships that make more than 650 that also allow me to be more diagnostic (only ones Ive found want me to do IR call and be IR heavy because of my fellowship but I want to do lite IR and mostly read, ok with DR call but not IR calls overnight/weekends). Am I looking in the wrong places?

        • alex.nieto_484

          April 20, 2023 at 3:08 pm

          Quote from Sam679

          Thank you guys so much for the input, thats pretty helpful!

          Personally Im ok with volume but I wanna be paid for it if its way above average.

          I havent found any partnerships that make more than 650 that also allow me to be more diagnostic (only ones Ive found want me to do IR call and be IR heavy because of my fellowship but I want to do lite IR and mostly read, ok with DR call but not IR calls overnight/weekends). Am I looking in the wrong places?

          Are you in fellowship right now or a practicing radiologist? I have found that most people in training underestimate how stressful a high volume practice is. Being in a group that reads 120-150 studies every single day and is stretched thin is not fun. I was in one and left after a year. 

        • sraghuvanshi1

          April 20, 2023 at 3:16 pm

          If you are really this geographically flexible, consider doing tele in Puerto Rico and paying almost no taxes.

        • tdetlie_105

          April 20, 2023 at 3:49 pm

          Quote from Sam679

          Thank you guys so much for the input, thats pretty helpful!

          Personally Im ok with volume but I wanna be paid for it if its way above average.

          I havent found any partnerships that make more than 650 that also allow me to be more diagnostic (only ones Ive found want me to do IR call and be IR heavy because of my fellowship but I want to do lite IR and mostly read, ok with DR call but not IR calls overnight/weekends). Am I looking in the wrong places?

          What’s average compensation per w/RVU in your opinion?  What are these groups saying their compensation per w/RVU is? What is the annual expected w/RVU production per year for each of these groups? 
          If you can’t answer these questions you really have no idea about any of these jobs when it comes down to compensation. 
          At face value (eg. not knowing the actually above #s), all these jobs seems pretty subpar given the current dire need for radiologists.  

          • mouzaalj_95

            April 20, 2023 at 6:56 pm

            None of the gigs except the hospital one pay per RVU, which does 45-50 depending on the shift. They said they average around 25-30k per year. The others dont track it, its whatever comes in that shift.

            Im already an attending and im one of those groups, except I ready around 150-180 – its doable for me but Im only doing it because of partners that wont pull their weight which frustrates me to no end

            • g.giancaspro_108

              April 20, 2023 at 8:14 pm

              Are you saying they read 25k-30k wRVU per year??
              That is insanity.

              Quote from Sam679

              None of the gigs except the hospital one pay per RVU, which does 45-50 depending on the shift. They said they average around 25-30k per year. The others dont track it, its whatever comes in that shift.

              • poymd25

                April 20, 2023 at 8:41 pm

                Do you prefer to own or be owned?

                • alex.nieto_484

                  April 21, 2023 at 5:18 am

                  Quote from turfwar

                  Do you prefer to own or be owned?


                  • gshaughness

                    April 21, 2023 at 6:15 am

                    Honestly, I would pick job 4 all things considered

      • leonardo.campos2804

        April 21, 2023 at 6:28 am


        • ljohnson_509

          April 21, 2023 at 6:35 am

          Not sure how those volumes can be compatible with a long and satisfying career?

          • Pasant

            April 21, 2023 at 5:09 pm

            Honestly – #4. Outpatient only is life changing. No ER/inpatient train wrecks, no calls q5 min asking what to order. It’s diagnostic radiology at its most fun. If the workflow let’s you finish earlier if you’re faster, that’s ideal. There are outpatient jobs in Florida that pay higher too (for probably more volume). 

            • IDWick

              April 21, 2023 at 7:43 pm

              I have a job similar to #4. I agree its very nice. 
              One downside is that once you have seen the light it would be very hard to go back to a hospital based practice.