If you are serious then yes it is possible but it takes a lot of work.
You can make money on CT, MRI and mammo and lose money on xray and fluoro. Ultrasound could go either way depending on staffing and volume. IR can make a lot of money if busy and handled properly (including followup clinic). The equipment is very expensive. The techs are very expensive and may be flaky. Some insurers will steer outpatients your way. Getting referrals may be tricky especially if anyone is employed by the hospital. Neurosurgery and urology are good sources if they’re independent. The hospital will forbid their employed docs, NPs and PAs from sending anything outside the hospital imaging department. The hospital may also badmouth your imaging center to the referrings which will carry more weight than you would think, for example “that imaging center took the worst techs, it did us a favor, they were dangerous and we were going to fire them. ” Before considering this, you might consider a detailed analysis of the volume required to keep the doors open and how much volume you can realistically expect. There are companies that can provide these analyses for you but I cannot speak to their accuracy.
We still have freestanding group owned imaging centers, but fewer than before DRA and less profitable. We try to avoid conflict with the local hospital and they generally don’t bother us, but they do forbid referrals to us by their employed physicians.