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  • First job negotiation

    Posted by dorisbueno on April 9, 2023 at 11:06 am

    I have two offers in the same town, both the 2 major groups. When is it reasonable if ever to play one offer against the other and let 2nd group know you have offer from the other? I dont want to burn any bridges or be an a-hole. 

    dorisbueno replied 1 year, 5 months ago 9 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • 260268

    April 9, 2023 at 11:38 am

    Then just dont be an a-hole or burn bridges

    I wouldnt view it as playing one against the other. I mean in essence you are kind of doing that, but I would just be cool about it.

    Figure out the job you want and tell them you have a competing offer and ask specifically for what you want. Signing bonus? Shorter partner track? Those are the big two that come to mind.

    See what they say. I asked when I found my first job, I was nice about it. They declined, and I signed there anyways. The job market at the time was not nearly as hot.

    As long as you are nice about it and ask for something reasonable, I doubt you are going to piss anyone off.

  • g.giancaspro_108

    April 9, 2023 at 1:22 pm

    It is appropriate and expected.  You will not be viewed as burning bridges or an a-hole unless a) you’re doing that or b) the group negotiators are dysfunctional.
    Be polite and factual, don’t ask for anything outrageous and be fair to each group and hopefully they will be fair to you.  Ask for what you want, justify why you should get it, and be respectful.  Don’t take anything personally.  Don’t lie.  Don’t say you’ll walk over something unless you will.  The groups should in turn be able to justify what they want to offer and why and should be respectful to you.  The way each group handles negotiations may tell you something about the way they treat their staff (although it may not).
    If you’re polite and businesslike about this then any reasonable group would view your negotiations as a positive reflection of you and they will offer what they can.  If they seem punitive then maybe it isn’t such a great place to be.  
    Come back and let us know how it went.

    Quote from vln

    I have two offers in the same town, both the 2 major groups. When is it reasonable if ever to play one offer against the other and let 2nd group know you have offer from the other? I dont want to burn any bridges or be an a-hole. 

  • JohnnyFever

    April 9, 2023 at 2:33 pm

    It all hinges on your social skills and presentation.  

    • william.wang_997

      April 10, 2023 at 12:46 am

      Join the group which is more democratic and less autocratic and people are happier and there is better work life balance ( money in radiology comes from the number of shifts you do or the no. of studies you read ).
      Avoid the group with micromanagers.
      The very fact that you are actually thinking about using offers against each other …pick any.

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        April 10, 2023 at 5:21 am

        Agree with above. Threading this needle requires you a good communicator. And you are right about not wanting to burn bridges: in a town with 2 major groups, you never know what the future holds.

        If all else is roughly equal, Id pick the group that has more partners working part time and with slower work pace, if they coincide in the same group, even if it means a bit lower income or less vacation. This thing is better run as a marathon with lots of stops to smell the flowers, and by the time you start thinking of retirement you want to have built up a decent back squat and other personal enrichment metrics, and not just be another rich fat guy.

        • zoranaciricmd_377

          April 10, 2023 at 6:17 am

          Once you have a contract. Ask for a little bit more of everything. For example, if bonus is 10k, ask for 25k. Perhaps back it up with a few reasons why you find yourself to be a strong applicant. You dont need to mention the competing offer at all unless you find a tactful way to do so. This process is easier to do with employed positions or larger pp groups who are run by business savvy individuals. Agree that you should strongly consider the job that has more work-life balance and ideally good age mix with higher percentage of younger partners.

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            April 11, 2023 at 7:09 am

            You can very easily burn bridges in a two horse town playing them against each other.  If this is your home town then the results could be really bad for you.  I assume they know you are considering both so it’s all out there with each giving you their best offer.  As mentioned make your decision based on the lifestyle/income balance that is best for you and most important the culture of the group and the people you like the best.  If one offer is way better than the other is shows you who really wants you.  If they are comparable then that is really the going rate in the area.  As mentioned you can make your pick and ask for a signing bonus but don’t ask for a bonus from both then turn one down after the agree to the bonus.  Just put yourself in their shoes.

            • smfst7_929

              April 11, 2023 at 7:35 am

              Dont play them against each other. All it takes is one disgruntled partner who knows someone in the other group to blow up your deal for both jobs. With that said, this is worst case scenario and in todays market people might hold their nose and give you what you want. But you would create a bad first impression in my opinion, warranted or not.

              • smfst7_929

                April 11, 2023 at 7:38 am

                Also keep in mind people fresh out of fellowship arent a known quanitity volume wise. Nobody knows what youre capable of til you hit the door. For all they know youll come in and give great reads but only read 30 studies a day. You could bethe smartest guy in the world but nobody is gonna tolerate a slowpoke.

                If you play the money game, dont be surprised if you feel like youre more under the microscope for the first year.

                • dorisbueno

                  April 12, 2023 at 6:00 pm

                  Thanks all for thoughtful replies. Points taken. Anyone able to PM to help compare two offers?