Denier in chief states doctors falsely claiming Covid deaths higher to get paid more
Posted by Unknown Member on October 30, 2020 at 12:35 pmHow do the Q radiologists feel about this
pdubiel replied 3 years, 11 months ago 18 Members · 70 Replies -
70 Replies
I don’t know what a Q radiologist is but I disagree with that. I don’t think any physicians are actively claiming covid deaths are higher to get paid more. Physicians wouldn’t even be the ones benefitting from the extra $$$ anyway. Reminds me of when patients (and my non-medical family members) think physicians are raking in money from prescribing expensive meds.
Before you get your panties in a wad…
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 30, 2020 at 1:21 pmThe Q rads are out in full force
Maybe JFK jr will be back too
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 30, 2020 at 1:26 pmAnd most importantly
If its on Laura Ingraham then it has to be true
Just like hydroxychloroquine
Q-Radiologists love Laura Ingraham
You are caught in a LIE and you start ranting like a madman. Weren’t you banned from here, kpack?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 30, 2020 at 2:05 pmWhat lie did you catch me in Qalai
Sounds like you got triggered again
I do remember kpack but please Dont tell me you have kpack inferior syndrome too?
Im actually much more moderate than he was. He was a pretty flaming liberal
I’m on the business side of things and have personally had discussions with PE guys who gloat their hospitals are making a killing by calling everything COVID.
And now kpack flaunts the fact that he is defying his ban. How sad.
Someone else report him. I don’t care enough to bother. And Q says they have something much better in mind for those miscreants who diss the Q.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 30, 2020 at 2:50 pmEasy Qalai
Your fighting the wrong demon
It’s true, but it doesn’t matter because public option / M4A is about to rip apart the current incentive structure and remove physicians’ ability to control the case flows responsible for overtesting.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 30, 2020 at 3:58 pmIm not getting a dime extra for every Covid patient
That’s because you’re at the bottom of the physician food chain.
You still get paid triple the French peers so thank your Hospital Exec MDs and their nationwide friends for that (for now).
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 30, 2020 at 4:07 pmI think I hurt Qalais feelings
Didnt realize JFK jr is secretly helping Donald Trump sympathizers are so sensitive
Im sorry Qalai
And I’m sorry you’ve reached this level of delusional thought, kpack.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 30, 2020 at 4:50 pmDelusional is you arguing with a ghost
Not every never trumper is k-pack you fool
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 30, 2020 at 5:53 pmK
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 31, 2020 at 3:09 amFor the record
I dont get paid a dime more if I read a Covid chest CT
Im voting for the first time ever this year. Time to get rid of this clown.
OK, Joe.
Nice to know that “educated” physicians are in favor of the Fundamental Transformation of the United States into a Socialist Third World Banana Republic. Glad you approve of that simply because Trump triggers your OCD.This thread needs to be moved to the Political section where it belongs, so it can be ignored.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 31, 2020 at 7:43 amIts a statement trump made that affects physicians
He said physicians get paid more for calling something covid
I personally do not
Does anyone else?
If thats too sensitive for Q snowflakes then go ahead and move it
Good thing we are not discussing panic-induced hyperbole here.
Although maybe the Gods are angry with us for helping mess up “his” work, what with floods from multiple hurricanes in the South, numerous forest fires burning neighborhoods in the West & Midwest, COVID officially killing over 230,000 people and more each day & breaching 100,000 new infections yesterday. Flood, fires, pestilence. And then worst of all, throwing everyone under the bus to fend for themselves because – GOD FORBID! – helping people creates Socialism and makes them dependent.
All this over statements by the Right that reimbursing more $ for COVID means hospitals, PE’s and physicians of all stripes are raking in the mammon at our expense.
Yes, all that is 99-44/100% BS lies by those who want to minimize COVID as a nothingburger, deflecting and ignoring the deaths & infection rates. So what the hell are we arguing about here? That has definitely been an issue raised already by physicians on AM’s Radiology forum dismissing the numbers as inflated and minimizing the danger of COVID.
Noticing all those things is “political.”
Just in time for Halloween – BOO! It’s not COVID we should fear, it’s Socialism!
Happy Halloween! -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 31, 2020 at 9:07 amAnd again
I dont get paid a dime extra for reading a Covid CT or CXR
Does anyone?
Admin retroactively kept a 10% holdback to Jan 1 and then took an additional 10% of my salary. So pretty sure that means I was paid less due to COVID.
I ALMOST wish you two would get what you want…ALMOST.
You are both trying to punish the people that hurt you way back when, that kept you and yours in poverty until you got yourselves out of it. I’ve heard the same story from a lot of my Liberal friends (and yes, I do have a lot of them.) I’m sorry some of you had drunk fathers, I’m sorry some of your fathers were literally worked to death. I’m sorry some folks pretending to be Christian persecuted Jews in Europe and even here in the US. I’m sorry a lot of things happened in the past. But this is a new era. Rather than being grateful for being where you are, you wish to revisit, relitigate, and wallow in the wrongs from 50+ years ago. In the process of gaining revenge on people long gone, you hurt millions of others, but you are blinded to that.
Trust me, there is a LOT of money being made on COVID-19 by hospitals and doctors. That you didn’t get yours means you are either incredibly scrupulous (possible) or your business folks missed the opportunity (more likely). kpack, tell us you didn’t take one cent of CARES dollars or PPP. I’ll bet you did. As for individual cases, we have posted links to the fact that many ARE paid more for patients designated as COVID-19 positive. That you refuse to believe the truth is your problem.
And yes, it IS Socialism we should fear. You Socialists are quite good at distraction, blaming Trump for the deaths of COVID patients that were infected by a virus that came from CHINA and was mismanaged at first due to the waffling and overt lies and misinformation from our beloved SCIENTISTS including the WHO, CDC, and Don’tMask/DoMask Fauci. Without Trump’s early action…had your beloved Biden or worse, your dream girl Harris been president…the death toll would have been MILLIONS. These Marxist wannabes would not have closed the borders, lest someone call them “RACIST!!!!!!”. You all know this, but you’ll never admit it, lest someone doubt your Socialist cred. If Joe has the magic answer to stopping COVID-19, and he’s keeping it to himself until inaugurated, then every single death between now and January 20, 2021 should be on his head.
Thanks to Trump, we’ll get vaccines literally YEARS earlier than we would have under a sphincter-tightened regulation-loving Socialist. The only problem becomes the fact that because Trump has been sponsoring the effort, a lot of Dems won’t take the vaccine. And so some will indeed die for their delusions. Sad.
Trump is an ill-mannered boor. But I’ll take him any day over a herd of lying Socialists. Your OCD over Trump’s behavior drives you to vote for the destruction of the nation. It would ALMOST be just desserts for you to get what you want. ALMOST. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 31, 2020 at 10:58 amVery simply, Trumps pathological lying, amoral behavior, and dysfunctional leadership are poisonous to our culture.
We have to reject him; O/w he will destroy us. -
Quote from boomer
Very simply, Trumps pathological lying, amoral behavior, and dysfunctional leadership are poisonous to our culture.
We have to reject him; O/w he will destroy us.
You have swallowed the manure fed to you by CNN as if it were caviar. EVEN IF Trump were ten times as bad as your betters have convinced you he is, what the Democrats will do to this nation is a thousand times worse. But your OCD has been triggered and nothing will make you feel better but to be rid of Trump. -
Quote from DoctorDalai
Trust me, there is a LOT of money being made on COVID-19 by hospitals and doctors. That you didn’t get yours means you are either incredibly scrupulous (possible) or your business folks missed the opportunity (more likely). kpack, tell us you didn’t take one cent of CARES dollars or PPP. I’ll bet you did. As for individual cases, we have posted links to the fact that many ARE paid more for patients designated as COVID-19 positive. That you refuse to believe the truth is your problem.
Quote from Chirorad84
Are doctors purposefully increasing the numbers of Covid patients because they get paid for
Thats what trump said
He said several times actually
Seems Dalai is making the same accusation as Donald and the other right-wingers that the article posted originally disputes ([link=https://www.dailyherald.com/news/20201025/medical-professionals-push-back-after-trump-says-covid-19-cases-are-inflated-to-get-more-money),]https://www.dailyherald.c…ed-to-get-more-money),[/link] about this being an opportune time to make extra $ just by deliberately misrepresenting as many people’s deaths as possible have died of COVID. A blanket accusation of the majority of lying for dollars; if you did not take advantage of the windfall you were either not paying attention or stupidly scrupulous.
Wow. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 31, 2020 at 11:33 amSeriously
Whatever your political leanings
He lied about physicians purposely making money because we get paid mores for Covid patients
He said we make up Covid cases because have a financial incentive to do that
I dont care what your political leanings are a lie is a lie is a lie
COVID-19 was a gift from China to you Marxist wannabe’s and Heaven Forbid anyone tell you something about it that lessens its use as a bludgeon for Trump.
what are these Marxist countries of which you speak? Do you mean you fear the U.S turning in to Laos, China, North Korea or their ilk? Or the so-called socialist countries which are happier and healthier than the U.S (of which there are so many)? If you want the best for you, your family and your country, the only thing you have to fear is fear itself (and wake up and realize while blessed with natural wealth and advantageous immigration, the U.S could easily be so much better if it chose to). -
people are holding their nose on both sides and voting against a force they think is more evil than theirs. Its the most garbage election in my lifetime, easily. As a lifelong Democrat i can think of multiple previous republican presidents I would vote for over Biden. Trump, however , is not one of them
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 1, 2020 at 4:25 amAgain
I dont get paid a dime extra for reading a Covid CT or CXR
And I sure as heck do
Not get paid by a hospital -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 31, 2020 at 10:59 amRegardless
Are doctors purposefully increasing the numbers of Covid patients because they get paid for
Thats what trump said
He said several times actually
I know I am not
Furthermore I dont get paid any extra money for reading a Covid patient study
Is any physician doing this that you know of?
As stated this has nothing to do with politics. Im just saying trump is lying through his teeth on this issue
Its a total made up BS lie
Right, Trump will destroy our country?
Like a geriatric, corrupt as hell swamp monster whose been in politics for 47 years and still bitches about everything that wasn’t done under his watch will do any better?
This thread is proving that America has lost its mind about this election. The thread started with 1 candidate accusing physicians of jacking the system in order to steal money from reimbursements by lying and creating false medical records about patients’ deaths! And several physicians join in and agree that yes, physicians are documenting false reasons on deaths in order to get higher reimbursement & this is not a select few but there is rampant lying and cheating going on for profit by everyone. By physicians. If they are not cheating they are “stupidly scrupulous” or just plain stupid for not jumping in on the cheat-fest.
And then after agreeing with the original article that physicians are cheating the system, go on tangents about Socialism and how Democrats are now Marxists. As if 1 had anything to do with the other. As if Republicans have not moved so far to the Right that Reagan would be a RINO these days. As if this had anything to do with most physicians getting wealthy by lying about patients’ deaths, the original point of this topic.
So how many of you are actually lying about patient deaths in order to get more reimbursement? Apparently most of you and your colleagues by your arguments. Only Chiro is saying he never received more reimbursement. So the rest of you are?
WTF is wrong with you people. I can feel the spittle spraying from the web page it’s so crazy.
The vital point here is not allowing the abuse from ChiroRad to stand without a challenge. The original point is off the table until that is rectified. ChiroRad–expel.
Tangential again. There is a whole lot more in your screed posts than saying chiro was impolite at the same time ignoring Dalais impolite posts while agreeing with the accusation of rampant & routine cheating.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 1, 2020 at 7:53 amfor what its worth; not much I know.
I vote against dt
So Biden it is.
I vote against any Republican that stands with dt
O/w vote mostly Republican. If they dont mention dt; they have my vote. But if they publically support him; Democrat.
Need to purge the Republican Party of all associations with dt. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 1, 2020 at 8:04 amAnd again I do not get paid a dime extra for reading a Covid patient study
Does anyone else in here?
And furthermore is anyone making up a fictional Covid diagnosis to get paid more
Please lets here from all the greedy doctors out that the Denier in chief was referring to
[link=https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/01/doctors-profit-coronavirus-deaths-trump-miller-433793]Trump adviser doubles down on baseless Trump claim doctors are profiting off coronavirus deaths[/link] Politico
No. Just because you agree with a narrow political point does not justify this kind of verbal abuse on AM. I support Dalai and I would do the same for Dergon and Frumious if a DJT supporter accused you of this.
I have been an observer of AM for decades. 95% of all abusive comments from from the left. From any side, it is not acceptable.
Here is what the ChiroRad said, using a sexual slur to insult Pres. Trump and one of our AM members in good standing. I am surprised the lefty rank and file does not see this for what it is: abusive language. I request that ChiroRad be banned for a period of time until this individual can pledge to abide by the AM rules of discourse, and basic courtesy. This is not a political thing, it is not a distraction, it is more important than the narrow political issue at stake here, that I will discuss when this issue is resolved.
[i]Quote from [b]Chirorad84[/b][/i]
‘We will count Qalai as one of physician haters
They hate greedy doctors who are padding Covid numbers because they get paid extra
[i][b]You should be proud of yourself for letting trump sodomize you'[/b][/i]
Consider this action: condemn this comment. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 1, 2020 at 10:44 am[link]https://apple.news/A4yKn_LwsQtiZZUhpA-so7A[/link]
Jason, we all just saw it. He talked about doctors inflating Covid deaths for money, host George Stephanopoulos interjected.
But Miller did not back down from the claim, arguing he wouldnt get into the billing aspects of which there have been many reports, declining to provide specific evidence but pointing to unnamed independent things pointing to that and pivoting back to his talking points.
At a rally in the state of Michigan on Friday, the president told attendees that our doctors get more money if someone dies from Covid, and so when in doubt choose Covid.
Our doctors are smart people, so what they do is say, Im sorry but, you know, everybody dies of Covid, he continued, asserting that each coronavirus death was worth like $2,000 more without providing proof of his claim. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 1, 2020 at 11:54 amPlease move to politics.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 31, 2020 at 11:44 amAs we you used to joke when I was in the Air Force
Thank you sir may I have another
Quote from Chirorad84
As we you used to joke when I was in the Air Force
Thank you sir may I have another
You meet kpack in the Air Force?-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 31, 2020 at 2:22 pmHospitals do get more to take of Covid patients
But physicians do not
We greedy doctors do not get a dime extra
Just another example of trump not understanding something and lying about it
I don’t agree with you on much but this issue is a good example of why I despise Trump. I have tried to stay out of the politics as much as possible but DJT is such a moron that he ends up throwing the wrong people under the bus when he makes his statements. I have to say it is surprising to me that physicians would give him a pass on this one. Call out the hospitals, fine with me. Why throw blame the docs? I guess he thought his audience would lap it up?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 31, 2020 at 2:53 pmMy point was
It doesnt matter what side of the political spectrum you are on
Trump totally made this up or he just doesnt understand what he is talking about
Yes, and it should show docs he is willing to throw us under the bus if he thinks it will resonate with his base and help him keep his job.
That’s the issue with everything though. Everyone blames the doctors because they all think we are the ones running the show and making all the money. The biggest coup was the hospital admins shifting all of the blame for everything onto us and staying hidden as they continue to raise up their own jobs and salaries.
Trump is just adding bad fuel to the fire on this one. He thinks that doctors are in the “liberal elite” class and is trying to feed his base.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 31, 2020 at 5:49 pmTrump hates doctors
He knows they are collectively intelligent and he believes he is the smartest man alive
Of course, the only people who would consider voting for Trump are uneducated whites or those who would vote Republican for financial reasons regardless of the situation.
Trump will always have the Atlas coattail types, but that will never be the majority of rational educated people.
If the future of the Dem party wasn’t so radical and they shifted back toward Bill/JFK then I could be persuaded.
As I said though, our biggest problem as physicians is the public’s perception – Trump just tries to use that to his advantage. As stated 100x on here, we physicians are terrible at lobbying and looking out for each other.
Quote from Chirorad84
Hospitals do get more to take of Covid patients
But physicians do notWho do you think is paying you your salary? Santa?
Quote from avocado
Quote from Chirorad84
Hospitals do get more to take of Covid patients
But physicians do notWho do you think is paying you your salary? Santa?
‘Thats not how this works. That’s not how any of this works !’
Your troll game is weak.
I think we are done here. This thread is locked to further posts.
Quote from Chirorad84
We will count Qalai as one of physician haters
They hate greedy doctors who are padding Covid numbers because they get paid extra
You should be proud of yourself for letting trump sodomize you
And clearly you are not quite as advanced over those you grew up with, whom you despise, as you might think. Breeding tells.
I’m done here until you are permanently removed from this place.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 31, 2020 at 11:48 amBye felecia
The hospital does get 20% extra on the pneumonia DRG (w or wo mechanical ventilation). Whatever they do get is eaten up by the inefficiency of treating the covid patients. Rooms that are taken out of use, staff that loses time to don and doff PPE. The hospital doesnt control which patients have covid, neither do the physicians who work in the hospital.
This is dumb.
[i]Quote from [b]Chirorad84[/b][/i]
‘We will count Qalai as one of physician haters
They hate greedy doctors who are padding Covid numbers because they get paid extra
You should be proud of yourself for letting trump sodomize you’
THIS = abusive. Eject. CHIRO Rad out permanently.-
Biden took one look at this crowd in the fracking capitol of PA and said, Trulmaoandhfpizzya
This record didnt last an hour. The Butler PA rally is even bigger.
Reading PA rally crowd was massive. Biggest he’s done in PA this time.
BREAKING: Antifa swarm attack Trump supporter at parade in [b][i]Beverly Hills.[/i][/b]
[b][i]Joe Biden: Barack and I think its a right for people to have badakathcare.[/i][/b]
[b][i] [link=https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump]@realDonaldTrump[/link]
: “Moments ago I signed an order to protect Pennsylvania fracking and block any effort to undermine energy production in your state”
Im a retired New York City fireman and a 9/11 first responder. He was there for us after that, so Im going to be there for him now. The FDNY supports Trump, Peter from New York at Trumps rally in [link=https://twitter.com/hashtag/Reading?src=hashtag_click]#Reading[/link] PA, 3 days out from [link=https://twitter.com/hashtag/ElectionDay?src=hashtag_click]#ElectionDay [image]https://abs.twimg.com/hashflags/US_Election_2020_ElectionDay/US_Election_2020_ElectionDay.png[/image]
[/link]Trump just brought a literal fracking well to his rally in Western PA this guy never lets up wow.
Trump car parade SOUTH PHILLY meets tomorrow Nov 1 at NOON Broad & Pattison.
The original Catholic for Trump
Thank you for your support, [link=https://twitter.com/FLOTUS]@FLOTUS[/link]
Joe Biden has been campaigning for ‘Change’ for over a decade now (47 yrs).
I can’t even keep track of all the Trump car parades today. They’re literally everywhere. (5 in our town)
Joe Biden literally appeared on stage today next to a sign that said ‘Don’t Boo’.
Listen to Trump talking today about the historic significance of Washington crossing the Delware, while standing in front of Washingtons headquarters in PA This is sacred ground.
Pres. Trump at Newtown, PA right now. His speech is down to earth & inspirational, telling it like it is & how good it can be versus how depressing & repressive screaming Joe Biden’s policies are against freedoms, forcing Americans to conform to Dems’ political correct policies.
Trump delivering a speech in front of George Washingtons headquarters in PA where he crossed the Delaware.
For those who questioned the Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS pick…that pick was a HOME RUN in the upper Midwestern suburbs, where Catholic, pro-life white moms predominate. These are exactly the women who are coming out in strong numbers in early voting in WI.”
Milwaukee, Republican female turnout in early voting is much, much stronger than 2016, when Trump struggled in the Wisconsin suburbs. Ironically, it may be suburban Republican women who carry Trump across the finish line in Wisconsin.
CNN’s Jake Tapper: Hunter Bidens arrangement with corrupt Ukrainian gas company Burisma does stink”Democrats are growing more anxious about Pennsylvania
Expel, abusive to Dalai.-
2020 polls: Shock poll puts Trump ahead in Pennsylvania and Michigan – prompting expert row [link=https://t.co/UuCC8LQGPt?amp=1]https://news.yahoo.com/2020-polls-live-trump-trailing-091747713.html?soc_src=hl-viewer&soc_trk=tw[/link] via [link=https://twitter.com/YahooNews]@YahooNews[/link]
Pssst. Trump has always been ahead in MI,PA,AZ,GA,FL,WI.
Minnesota AG Keith Ellison Issues a Dire Warning to Democrats [link=https://t.co/37DDfFMQdJ?amp=1]https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/10/31/minnesota-ag-keith-ellison-issues-a-dying-warning-to-democrats-n2579155?3119[/link]
Even COVID picked Trump over Biden. DJT won.
Trump leads the final Selzer poll of Iowa by 7 points, 48 to 41. That’s the same margin as their final poll four years ago, which wound up foreshadowing Trump’s Midwestern sweep [link=https://desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/iowa-poll/2020/10/31/election-2020-iowa-poll-president-donald-trump-leads-joe-biden/6061937002/]https://desmoinesregister…-joe-biden/6061937002/[/link]
Poll: Donald Trump, Joe Biden Statistically Tied in Nevada
The fake news is tightening their polls just like in 2016. Their voter suppression via inflated polls designed to demoralize Trump voters failed again.
StatesPoll now has MN tilting Trump. Sees Trump leading in some way in the Rust Belt 4 (MN, WI, MI, PA). Trump at 322 with this map.
“Mr Trumps two strongest issues among voters are still ranked the most important – the economy and law and order – both at 29 percent. “In comparison coronavirus … is fourth on 20 percent as the most important issue”
“The US Presidents job approval rating it now at 52 percent which, according to the Democracy Institute director Patrick Basham, is now at ‘normal levels’ to expect to be reelected” Same as Gravis 52% today (Ras 51%) which is interesting. Maybe both picked up last minute swing.
Trump “is on course to easily win the electoral college by 326 to 212 votes against his Democrat rival in a result which would shock the world even more than his astonishing defeat of Hilary Clinton in 2016”
THREAD ON BIDEN FAMILY CORRUPTION w/ 1/ Hunter: -10 days after flying w/ Joe to China on AF2, he secured over $1B in financing from the Bank of China for his firm. -Russian oligarch Yalena Baturina wired $3.5M to H’s firm.
Nevada is close. JUST ANNOUNCED: Donald Trump Jr. will be in LAS VEGAS, NV TOMORROW at 3:00 PM PST. Sign up NOW.
[link=https://twitter.com/hashtag/National?src=hashtag_click]#National[/link] Poll: Trump 48% (+2) Biden 46%
Im informing my four kids that after they go trick or treating its gonna be 10% of their candy for the Big Guy.
In New York City, shopkeepers are boarding up their windows just in case the Party of Civility loses.
“A forensic analysis of an email showing former Vice President [link=https://twitter.com/JoeBiden]@JoeBiden[/link]
intimately involved in his sons overseas business ventures has confirmed its authenticity.”
Trump running about 45,000 votes AHEAD of 2016 pace in North Carolina when he won the state by nearly 4.ia-01: 51% gop, 36% dem
ia-02: 41% gop, 40% dem
ia-03: 39% gop, 45% dem
ia-04: 50% gop, 33%dem
===great news for the gop since ia-01 and ia-02 are currently held by dems……..for the hundredth time, our election infrastructure is so decentralized and there are so many safeguards that it is basically impossible to rig it at a large enough scale to flip a national election this rhetoric goes against a basic tenet of democracy: losers consent.
EXCLUSIVE: A @TheJusticeDept official confirms that in 2019, the @FBI opened up a criminal investigation into “Hunter Biden and his associates,” focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains open and active today. More very soon on your @WeAreSinclair stations.
Democracy Institute, the pollster that predicted BREXIT and Trump 2016, is predicting 320 EC votes for Donald Trump.
The [link=https://twitter.com/hashtag/IsraelisForTrump?src=hashtag_click]#IsraelisForTrump[/link] motorcycle motorcade coming out STRONG from Jaffa Gate in the Old City of [link=https://twitter.com/hashtag/Jerusalem?src=hashtag_click]#Jerusalem[/link].
“In the Registers September Iowa Poll, Biden led with independents 50% to 38%. But today, Trump wins them back and leads 49% to 35%.” twitter.com/jeneps/status/
Joe Biden has only two settings: very sleepy and very, very angry.
A President who is a leader, inspiring us to embrace an American renaissance. vs. Biden screaming at cars in a syntax that appears to be Pig Latin…
Michael Moore not sounding too optimistic about Joe Biden Whatever theyre saying the Biden lead is cut it in half. Trump believes hes going to win, and thats good enough for me. If he think hes going to win, then I think hes going to win.
National security nightmare of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop containing phone numbers for the Clintons, Secret Service officers and most of the Obama cabinet plus his sex and drug addictions – all secured by the password Hunter02ENJOY!
Dems are running too far left at this point. Too much wealth redistribution pipe dreams. Reparations. White shame.
The lack of condemnation around looting by dems in Chicago , MN, WI and NY has turned Democrats and independents into non voters or Gop voters.
Those are just my observations around people I know.