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  • Debt ceiling and inflation adjusted Medicare physician payment

    Posted by NoorKhan on May 26, 2023 at 12:16 pm

    Is it pretty safe to say the effort to push the inflation adjusted Medicare payments is dead? I dont see anymore emails about this.

    My hope is they will plan to push for this legislation after a debt ceiling agreement is reached, but Im doubtful this will get passed.

    Pretty soon, youre lowest paid physicians (primary care, peds, etc.). are going to be paid the same as nurses and run of the mill college gradsit boggles the mind. Heck, well paid engineers are already making more or similar amounts to them, as it currently stands.

    And they wonder why no one wants to go into primary care.

    buckeyeguy replied 1 year, 6 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • g.giancaspro_108

    May 26, 2023 at 12:34 pm

    IMO they never had any intention of passing inflation adjusted medicare payments.  Having a yearly enormous pay cut that we expend time, energy and money fighting to then be “gifted” with a mere 1-4% pay cut is too good for congress/CMS/insurers to let slip through their fingers.
    Where we are, the specialty NPs/PAs make more than primary care MDs.  In our nearby city the ICU nurses make more than peds/FM MDs and have for some time.

    • mwakamiya

      May 26, 2023 at 12:46 pm

      “”Pretty soon, youre lowest paid physicians (primary care, peds, etc.). are going to be paid the same as nurses and run of the mill college gradsit boggles the mind.””
      My friend, that is already happening. You cannot hire a general NP for less than 150 k these days (that includes benefits, etc.). It is not uncommon to see salaries in the high 100’s and low 200’s. As far as subspecialized physician extenders (or whatever new term is used these days) — they long ago way, way surpassed what primary care MDs make. Of course, these are averages.

  • tdetlie_105

    May 26, 2023 at 3:43 pm

    Quote from RollTide

    Is it pretty safe to say the effort to push the inflation adjusted Medicare payments is dead? I dont see anymore emails about this.

    My hope is they will plan to push for this legislation after a debt ceiling agreement is reached, but Im doubtful this will get passed.

    Pretty soon, youre lowest paid physicians (primary care, peds, etc.). are going to be paid the same as nurses and run of the mill college gradsit boggles the mind. Heck, well paid engineers are already making more or similar amounts to them, as it currently stands.

    And they wonder why no one wants to go into primary care.

    I got a call to action email about 7-10 days ago…Who knows if this passes. I think a lot this is random (eg. its thrown into larger bill that contains more important legislation)…Given the backdrop of impending physician shortage (I also keep getting emails about more residency expansion), I think a selling point would be that there is a % of physicians on the brink of retirement, and continuing down the road of annual CMS cuts may hasten their departure. 

    • sriramjsrini_593

      May 26, 2023 at 6:33 pm

      Yes and I think also just the number of physicians taking cash only will increase (look at psych) or MDs just switching to med spas (there was a cardiologist who switched to doing Botox and fillers since he was fed up with cms cuts)

    • tom.claikens_334

      May 27, 2023 at 9:17 am
