Could we learn from Asians
With all the race talks all over the country including Black Lives Matter, I pose a question to you all.
Can we learn from Asians and how theyve assimilated into the US?? The Chinese have been in the country for a long time working the railroads. They were Im sure pushed around and discriminated against for centuries. Asians worked in horrible working conditions, they were passed up for promotion, they were passed up for important offices, passed up for a business opportunity, passed up for a movie role, pulled to the side by cops, passed up for sports, made fun off…
But we dont read about looting or massive protest burning down sections of town. Have they? Maybe I missed it.
Instead, they work hard quietly behind the scenes, taking it from the whiteman and now are starting to be in some important positions. It is far from equal but they are now in cabinet positions, senators and congressmen and even judges (ITO)? Some are even athletes playing with the black NBA. We had a half back president and half back female before a male Asian made it to the highest position in politics. No real leading Asian male actors (I dont consider Jackie Chan and his action stars to be real actors); contrast this to Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Jamie Fox, Sidney P, Samual Jackson, etc. sooo many black leading male black actors. So they arent there yet. But again we dont see protest on the subject.
Did Asians ride the coat tails of other races like the blacks without shedding their own blood? Did not being militant help the Asians assimilate into the US culture? Does it help that there is whole continent of Asia that is progressing (as opposed to say Africa). Look at Hong Kong, Tokyo, Malaysia etc.. that are full of sky scrappers and modernization and compare to some of African countries. Could Asians be much more important in the US politics if they had been more aggressive like the blacks? Or would it have backfired?