Beto O’Rourke Considers Presidential Run
Posted by btomba_77 on December 23, 2018 at 4:55 pmHe has met with team Obama who like him for his Obama-like qualities of hope/positivity, his ability to raise money, and for being a somewhat blank canvas onto which people can project pretty much anything.
Now he takes his first real shot at Trump …
[b][link=https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/23/politics/beto-orourke-shutdown-statement/index.html]CNN[/link] – ORourke Issues Warning About Trump[/b]
Rep. Beto ORourke (D-TX) issued a pointed warning about what he sees as the threat President Trump poses to American democracy.
Said ORourke: The President calculates that by adding to the blizzard of bizarre behavior over the last two years and shutting down the government at Christmas, while his own party still controls each branch of it, the institutions that we need for our democracy to function (and to ensure no man is above the law) will be overwhelmed.
He added: But my concern for the country goes beyond the immediate pain and dysfunction that this shutdown will cause. Beyond even ensuring that this President is held accountable. Whats happening now is part of a larger threat to us all.
Unknown Member replied 2 years, 3 months ago 12 Members · 138 Replies -
138 Replies
I think hes the most promising of the Dem contenders for 2020.
Beta Barry and Beta Beto
Probably has a wife like Bathhouse Barry, who has got a bigger schlong-
Will the far left accept a white, male candidate? Maybe bc he’s young. Think old, white, male candidates like Biden are unlikely to be accepted
Apparently the far left will accept an old white male if he’s a socialist like Bernie, whose supporters are waging battle against Beto
Awesome. Way to go. I mean how he trounced Cruz in the senate race, that was something. Landslide !
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 25, 2018 at 5:13 amBiden Beto 2020
Dream team.
For anyone running against them.
Closely followed by Warren/Occasional-Cortex.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 25, 2018 at 3:58 pmPence and who else?
Quote from kpack123
Pence and who else?
Female. Any female will do. Ideally one not burned by having been part of the current administration.-
Haley is clean…. part of the admin but unsullied from her time
posting gold here, ba-da-b-ba-baaa
i’m loving it
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 28, 2019 at 12:09 pm
Quote from kpack123
Biden Beto 2020
I used to be on board with that, then I decided to stay up late about a month ago and watch Colbert. Pete Buttigieg (sp?) was on, and I was blown away by articulate and genuine he was. Made it a point to see him on other shows, and each time came away thinking,”Oh yeah, this is THE guy.” Donated 1K to his campaign last week, he’s got my vote in the primary.
Interestingly, some “media” outlets are already starting the assassination of Biden’s character; going to be interesting to see if that holds up. It would seem to me that if you nominate and elect Donald Trump, you should forever lose the right to question any potential candidate about their morals and personal behavior.-
Buttigieg being mayor knows what family’s and middle America are going through, probably more than any other announced candidate. Biden is coming w baggage. He has a long record to pick apart. Also there are investigative journalists looking into his family’s dealings in the Ukraine (which I had previoulsy posted about and were scoffed at), connection w some Russian Oligarchs, and also their dealing w China. His son Hunter has raised suspicions w his business that seem to coincide w Daddy’s trips as VP. Only time will tell if there is anything.
Would the Right (I don’t say “far-Right” because it’s redundant as there is no moderate Right) accept sanity is the more appropriate question. I mean look at the list of candidates the Right has posted for years now. And Trump was the best of the bunch?
Yes, out of the group he was one of the best but he got trashed as a RINO by Republicans, what happens to “moderate” Republicans.
Beto will announce his Presidential Campaign this morning.
I think he will very quickly be in the top-tier of the Democratic field.-
Quote from dergon
I think he will very quickly be in the top-tier of the Democratic field.
That’s an accomplishment akin only to being the tallest dwarf.
Quote from dergon
Beto will announce his Presidential Campaign this morning.
I think he will very quickly be in the top-tier of the Democratic field.
He gave Lyin’ Ted a good run and he has some national notoriety. I think he’d be a strong candidate. Kind of like the Hopey/Changey Obama.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 14, 2019 at 10:34 pmHe looks a little bit like Robert F. Kennedy and sometimes talks the same talk. I like him.
Quote from denizen
He looks a little bit like Robert F. Kennedy and sometimes talks the same talk. I like him.
A bit of Bobby and a bit of Obama… not a bad mix…
we’ll have to see if that image holds as the bright lights shine on him-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 15, 2019 at 6:32 amBiden – Beto
Dump the orange Trump
Not too long ago you made posts about old white males. Now are advocating/endorsing an old white male.
Quote from Ixrayu
Not too long ago you made posts about old white males. Now are advocating/endorsing an old white male.
mrs_dergon is a pantsuit wearing liberal dem who would love to see a female president …
And her quote on 2020: “Just go with the white guy if you want to win.” -
Biden is still popular enough. I could see something like Biden for 4 years and hand the reigns over to Beto. As opposed to Bernie who’s not even the best Bernie. Bernie Kosar for President.
Quote from Ixrayu
Not too long ago you made posts about old white males. Now are advocating/endorsing an old white male.
I didn’t and I don’t. As Bernie proves, new ideas aren’t limited to the young. Or to women.
I am intrigued by denizen’s comparison to RFK but at this time I don’t know enough about Beto. I am waiting to hear who makes the best presentations about ideas before I decide. I am hoping some of the women inspire me but like age, sex isn’t important as many world leaders have been very accomplished women. And some not exactly spring chickens.
Age might run the risk of stale rigid views and conservatism but it also has the advantage of experience for those not affected by hardening of the mind and thought.
It’s not Trump’s age that I oppose, it’s his corruption.
The old man post was in response to Kpack not you. He has made comments about old white males. At least you wrote you do not know enough about him. However, a post that someone likes him because he looks like Bobby Kennedy rather than look at his position is ridiculous. If you go to his website there is little information on the issues and where he stands. I agree we all have to wait and see his positions. For now the left leaning pundits in TV are falling all over him. Let’s see how he handles the microscope of a national election.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 15, 2019 at 12:57 pmBiden is a good man
Old white guy yes but he is not an old white guy stuck in the past and stuck in a different era
He is nice bridge from the left of center to the progressive left and probably one of the few people who can bridge that generational divide
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 15, 2019 at 1:00 pmWe need honesty and morality in the White House
This current peice of trash has demeaned the office enough
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 15, 2019 at 1:00 pmWe need honesty and morality in the White House
This current peice of trash has demeaned the office enough
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 15, 2019 at 6:41 pmYou are so out of touch. If you think
Biden represents honesty and morality you
are less intelligent than I thought. Just wait until
the new democratic socialist party paints Biden
as the old white centrist who is out of touch
with socialism…grab some popcorn. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 15, 2019 at 7:25 pmEver notice how angry kpuck gets when I refer
to the success and wealth my father has created?
He has supposedly created his own wealth despite
the lack of successful parents. Sorry I don’t despise my
father the way you do. I celebrate my parents for living
the American dream. I celebrate the privilege I have been
afforded. Your anger will surely shorten your life. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 15, 2019 at 7:32 pmHoly sheet
Look at all your posts
Anger written all over them
Like the little guy on the end in the FOX at FIVE show
You are angriest rich little white boy ice ever seen
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 15, 2019 at 7:38 pmYour Honor:
I rest my case……..
The man born with the golden spoon in his mouth has to elevate his ego bragging to those lucky to be born with plastic spoons?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 15, 2019 at 8:16 pmIf his parents are the American dream….. and things are so wonderful that he doesnt have to work
Why the F is so angry and negative all the time
He is a fake… never post on the general board because he is not a physician
He is an angry white male
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 16, 2019 at 6:46 amI think we now who IR_consult really is
The son of the most famous man in the world…… Tres Equis
Aka the American dream
Quote from Frumious
The man born with the golden spoon in his mouth has to elevate his ego bragging to those lucky to be born with plastic spoons?
The Club for Growth has launched an attack against O’Rourke using the “rich kid” thread.
It comes off like an ad written by a Republican trying to sound like a Democrat attacking Beto.
The fact that CfG launched an attack campaign against O’Rouke … from the left … before he even declared for President should show you that they consider him to be a real threat and want to damage him in the primary process.
[b]ORourke Heads to the Midwest[/b]
[link=https://www.cleveland.com/politics/2019/03/presidential-hopeful-beto-orourke-will-visit-northeast-ohio-monday-sources-say.html]Cleveland Plain Dealer[/link]: ORourke will visit Northeast Ohio on Monday to hold a rally ORourke, a Democratic former Texas congressman, will visit the Buckeye State as part of a swing through the industrial Midwest, with stops planned in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as well. Exact details on the Ohio visit are still to come.
[b][i]”him to be a real threat and want to damage him in the primary process.”[/i][/b]
Laughable all the posting/gushing here about Beto when he has avoided any substance on his positions on the issues. If he was a republican you all along w the biased media would be posting/discussing his DUI and attempted fleeing the scene, his breaking and entering charge that was dropped (you would claim conspiracy and his wealth got him out of it), marriage to an heiress, his wealth, his refusal to release how much money he raised since he announced, and the lack of any positions on his web page. And this would be just your fuel to start with.
Dergon would be in his usual regurgitating mode posting left leaning articles op ed pieces about/against him. Here is one article dergon will not regurgitate as a post.
[i] Archived versions of writings attributed to ORourkes alias Psychedelic Warlord include one that criticized women as sluts, mocked them for having violent boyfriends, and suggested a way to deal with these women was to call them completely ugly, or inform Nazi Skins in your area that they had AIDS.[/i]
If he was from the GOP this board would be exploding claiming it does matter what the did as a kid and start about be a racist, sexist, etc etc and not qualified
Of course you are now all going to post about it was when he was in high school as non-relevant. OMG the amnesia you circle jerk guys all have.
Welcome to the big leagues Beto. Wonder what else is going to get dug up.
If he was was GOP Beto’s alias Psychedelic Warlord and as a member of the Cult of the Dead Cow would start all kind of posts (like all the claims were made about Kavanaugh) such as he did LSD that’s why he used the name. You would claim his membership in a cult would be suspect and all claim collusion with Satan, or Elsie the Cow, or Ferdinand the bull and their underground followers. Satan or the cows controls Beto you would write. Of course Beto would deny it and you all would come back calling him a liar.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 16, 2019 at 10:27 amIf its laughable
Dont sweat it
I don’t sweat it because I see him making big mistakes. I also have not endorsed him to be Biden’s running mate.
[h1]ORourke Holds Biggest Lead Over Trump[/h1]
A new [link=https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/441950-orourke-holds-double-digit-lead-on-trump-in-head-to-head-matchup-cnn-poll]CNN poll[/link] found Beto ORourke leads President Trump by 10 points in a hypothetical general election matchup, 52% to 42%.
ORourke held the widest lead over Trump among other Democratic presidential candidates who were included in the potential matchup.
Sen. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden tied for second place behind ORourke, with each leading Trump by 6 points.
Beto Is Back[/h1]
While Ted Cruz was getting clobbered for fleeing Texas amid its historic winter storm, the Democrat he defeated in 2018, Beto ORourke, was already deep into disaster relief mode soliciting donations for storm victims, delivering pallets of water from his pickup truck and once again broadcasting his movements on Facebook Live, [link=https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/24/beto-orourke-texas-governor-471254]Politico[/link] reports.
It was part of an effort orchestrated by ORourke and his organization, Powered by People, in response to the crisis. It was also, to Texas Democrats, a sign that ORourke the politician is back.
(Hill also reported a short while back that he is considering a run for TX governor …. I would bet that he is very grateful politically for the power crisis … allows him space for a full reset and to go on the attack is he chooses to run)-
AOC did more more Texas than anyone in Texas government.
You and I dont seem to be reading the same news, weather papers or online. And maybe a large part of the problem is I dont watch TV all that much. But what I have been reading has been highly skeptical of Beto and what he stands for noting that he is essentially a blank slate. I also have been reading things that, yes, some media personalities have been treating him like a rockstar but for the most part most everything Im reading has a lot of question marks about him. They essentially note his biggest success so far has been almost winning against Cruz and the question of whether Texas is now a swing state partially due to his near miss. But thats a lot of ifs & bottom line is that he did miss. On an NPR program they noted with raised eyebrows how he missed the election & then decides to run for president.
So I dont see your argument hes getting a free pass. Not yet anyway.
Then you should have watched CNN and MSNBC – pundit after pundit gushing over his charisma.
[i]MSNBC host Chris Matthews expressed his excitement over [link=https://www.foxnews.com/politics/beto-orourke-makes-2020-white-house-bid-official-with-wee-hours-announcement]2020 presidential hopeful[/link] Beto ORourkes new Vanity Fair cover, proclaiming it’s “the best kiss Ive seen for a candidate in a long time.”[/i]
[i]Paula Faris ABC News Beaming, she played up how cool and hip the star politician was with the younger generation on social media, even winning over celebrities like Beyonce and Oprah[/i]
And I am glad you see he is a blank slate and not taken by the fact he looks like Bobby K[i] as[/i] some have posted.[i]
538 podcast … Beto O’Rourke’s path to the nomination-
[link=http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/03/gop-is-already-attacking-beto-for-his-white-male-privilege.html]The GOP is already attacking Beto … which might help Beto[/link]
Still, if the substance of the Club for Growth ad could damage ORourke, the fact of its existence just might bolster him. [link=https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/poll-dems-want-electable-challenger-who-can-beat-trump-values-n966636]Recent polling[/link] suggests a majority of Democratic primary voters want, above all, a candidate who will maximize their partys chances of evicting Donald Trump from the White House. By trying to kneecap ORourke before hes even entered the race, the GOP has tacitly signaled that they are afraid of the Texan. And in interviews with [link=https://www.politico.com/story/2019/03/10/beto-orourke-2020-attack-1214805][i]Politico[/i],[/link] conservative operatives made this fear explicit:
The decision to go after ORourke, whose spokesman didnt respond to a request for comment, reflects a fear that he would mobilize the millennial and suburban voters who powered the Democratic 2018 House takeover and imperil Trumps reelection. Republicans would be at risk of losing Texas if ORourke is the Democratic standard bearer, said Club for Growth President David McIntosh.
McIntosh said his organization recently conducted a survey of battleground states and found ORourke running narrowly behind the president. An ORourke nomination, he warned, could complicate the electoral fortunes of Republicans up and down the ballot in 2020.
We watched what he did in Texas in the race against Cruz and realized his potential within the Democratic primary system is enormously larger than what people are giving him credit for right now. We realized, here is a real potential threat because if he is the nominee then Texas suddenly is in play, McIntosh said.
Whether Betos campaign gets defined by the Club for Growths message (that hes a lightweight coasting on unearned advantages) or its meta-message (that his exceptionally competitive performance in Texas has Republicans terrified of his appeal with independents) may well determine his fate.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 16, 2019 at 2:15 pmMore canid area with fresh ideas
Not a bad thing
Story that Reuters knew Beto was a computer hacker (Cult of the Dead Cow) and agreed to hold the story for two years.
[i]Members of the group, which calls itself Cult of the Dead Cow, protected Mr. ORourkes secret for decades, reluctant to compromise the former Texas Congressmans political career.[/i]
[i]After more than a year of reporting, Mr. Menn persuaded M. ORourke to talk on the record.[/i]
[i]In an interview in late Y 2017, Mr. ORourke acknowledged that he was a member of the group, on the understanding that the information would not be made public until after his Senate race against Ted Cruz in November 2018.[/i]
If the Dems want a young charismatic candidate I suggest you all look at South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg. Saw him w Chris Wallace this morning. Very articulate and spoke straight forward and did not avoid any questions. Seems to be more in the center than extreme left. Has military experience, 8 years w a tour in Afghanistan. I really liked what I heard from him. Impressive.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 17, 2019 at 8:38 amHahahaha rrrrright
You would love a Buttagieg/Warren ticket I bet
Biden Beto Harris klobachar
One of those 4 maybe 2 will be on the ticket
It will work itself out over time no use obsessing over candidates and especially no use letting FOX News define the democratic field
It will be decided by voters who dont watch FOX
Quote from Ixrayu
Story that Reuters knew Beto was a computer hacker (Cult of the Dead Cow) and agreed to hold the story for two years.
[i]Members of the group, which calls itself Cult of the Dead Cow, protected Mr. ORourkes secret for decades, reluctant to compromise the former Texas Congressmans political career.[/i]
[i]After more than a year of reporting, Mr. Menn persuaded M. ORourke to talk on the record.[/i]
[i]In an interview in late Y 2017, Mr. ORourke acknowledged that he was a member of the group, on the understanding that the information would not be made public until after his Senate race against Ted Cruz in November 2018.[/i] [i]
Makes it so much easier to rise politically if you have control of the press and are able to filter what facts about your past get released and when.
If the Dems want a young charismatic candidate I suggest you all look at South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg. Saw him w Chris Wallace this morning. Very articulate and spoke straight forward and did not avoid any questions. Seems to be more in the center than extreme left. Has military experience, 8 years w a tour in Afghanistan. I really liked what I heard from him. Impressive.
‘Articulate’ ? I thought that word is racist and now a no-no.
Try to find out what he stands for. Nothing on his website. Lots of stories on how he is super super smart and even believes in smart sewers. Great candidate. Unknown, stands for nothing. The party can make him whatever they need him to be.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 17, 2019 at 1:52 pmThe FOX watchers already attacking
Must be some fear in there somewhere
BFD! Beto was part of an original hacking group back when 300 baud was a great thing. Dialup! BBS’s and terminals. CompuServe! BIX! DELPHI. The Source. Gopher & Archie. Byte. World Wide Web. Netscape.
[link=https://www.wired.com/story/beto-orourke-cult-of-the-dead-cow-hacking-group/]https://www.wired.com/sto…ead-cow-hacking-group/[/link][link=https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-politics-beto-orourke/]Beto O’Rourke Was a Member of Notorious Hacker Group Cult of the Dead Cow[/link][/h3] Yes! You read that right! Texas politician and presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke belonged to Cult of the Dead Cow, one of the most famous early hacking groups in history. The revelation comes courtesy of journalist Joseph Menn’s upcoming book [link=https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07J54F9KR/?tag=w050b-20]Cult of the Dead Cow: How the Original Hacking Supergroup Might Just Save the World[/link], which chronicles how O’Rourke got involved and highlights some of his contributions. (You can read O’Rourke’s postings to the group’s message board, which he wrote under the pseudonym Psychedelic Warlord, [link=http://textfiles.com/groups/CDC/]here[/link].) What a world! It doesn’t appear that O’Rourke did much actual hacking, aside from finding ways around paying the phone bills one racked up connecting over a dial-up modem in those days. And the writings themselves don’t reveal any scandals or surprises, really, especially given that we already knew about O’Rourke’s punk band past.
Quote from kpack123
The FOX watchers already attacking
Must be some fear in there somewhere
Yep. Club for Growth attackig from the left and the GOP going directly going at him shows they think he could win and want to prevent him from becoming a frontrunner in the primary.
Disclaimer: I’m not a white male.
That being said, If dems want any chance in 2020, they need to pick a white guy. And not bernie. This country is not going to go from a bunch of obama voters who hated hilary so much they voted from trump instead, to voting for another female, and one of color at that, and not for socialist bernie either.
A biden + beto ticket or MAYBE a biden or beto + female VP is their best shot. I still think trump will win. Dems have way way too many candidates in the field – these guys not only have to attack trump, but beat out each other. I think people will get tired of it real fast.-
Am I the only one who thinks buttagieg is super annoying?
Also, Can we agree that amy klobuchar is the most disliked?-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 18, 2019 at 7:34 amHe will get less than one percent of the vote
Regardless of who it is, it’s a long shot for the dems. I’m not a fan of the guy by any means, but I don’t see him getting impeached or going anywhere until 2024.
Biden had a slip of the tongue saying something I’m the most progressive candidate running, even though he’s not announced yet. I think a Biden + Beto ticket could do well.
I also am not a fan of Klobuchar. I don’t know why but I just don’t like her.
I’d say it’s a coin flip right now. Low approval and loss of independents and women favors the Dem, but high GOP approval and a strong economy favors Trump.
I have a hard time seeing him win any state he didn’t already win in 2016.. but he could certainly win the exact same electoral map as he did … probably while losing the popular vote by even more … but holding the Presidency -
O’Rourke raises $6.1 million in first day after announcement, passing the rest of the Democratic field.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 18, 2019 at 9:13 amBeto is likable
Little awkward but likable
Quote from kpack123
Beto is likable
Little awkward but likable
He definitely wins the “which candidate would you like to have a beer with” primary. .. which shouldn’t matter but does.
That’s his Obama-ness. What he says feels good. However, that could wear off like Obama circa his second term.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 18, 2019 at 2:02 pmLikable killed Hillary
Betos Windfall Quiets Critics
Politico: One great question surrounding Beto ORourke has been whether he could replicate the massive fundraising totals he mustered in the Texas Senate race last year.
On Monday, ORourke put any doubt to rest, announcing that in the first 24 hours of his campaign, he had raised a staggering $6.1 million.
In so doing, the Texas Democrat signaled that hes in for a sustained campaign with the fundraising capacity to last deep into the primary and to compete with anyone in the race.
People liked Hillary? I think people hated Hillary and that’s how we got Donald. She was unlikeable. She was the establishment. It was her turn.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 18, 2019 at 3:33 pmAgree people hated hillary
Thats why she lost
This thread is funny.
No one listened to drads, another proof that they are all out of touch around here.
Funny that I go away for a while and it still rains nothing burgers. Where’s Van Jones to tell you guys again? Recall he told you it was a crock of crap 2 years ago, yet you still press with your delusions. Funny how long it takes you to understand reality. I guess reality isn’t your thing, people. -
Going everywhere, writing nobody off, taking no one for granted, could care less . . . what party you belong to, to whom you pray or whether you pray at all, who you love, how many generations youve been here, whether you just got here yesterday. Were going to define ourselves by our aspirations, our ambitions and the ability to bring this country together.
Beto ORourke,
*smells like Obama, or Bobby or JFK
Quote from dergon
Quote from kpack123
Beto is likable
Little awkward but likable
He definitely wins the “which candidate would you like to have a beer with” primary. .. which shouldn’t matter but does.
Does he ? He looks more like an expensive tea guy. With just a small spoon of coconut sugar.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 19, 2019 at 6:45 amThere is huge difference between rural America and urban suburban America
Rural America sees a teenage kid into punk rock and other similar things as weird odd and scary
Urban/suburban sees the kid as cool
Just different depending on how large or small your world is
Sane America sees a guy that just says … stupid stuff.
A “large” world to kpack is stating, against science and medicine, that a person can choose to be a man if woman, a woman if man, a dog if human, or some other weird letter … what a large, beautiful, and insane world that kpack et al live in.
So nice to be around crazies all the time. Unreal how out of touch these people are.
Too bad Trump wins again, anyway. I wonder what this travesty of a board does then. Blame Cigar again for telling them what’s going to happen years in advance? OH wait, he’s not here anymore.
Truth Tellers always get outcasted, but they are always vindicated. -
He was at Gino’s on Dennison Ave in Cleveland the other day. Blue collar shot and beer bar.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
He was at Gino’s on Dennison Ave in Cleveland the other day. Blue collar shot and beer bar.
About as genuine as Obamas ‘beer summit’. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 19, 2019 at 5:19 pmBeto haters out in full force
Must be afraid of something
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is drawing more interest. Iowa caucus poll has him 4th. National poll has him ahead of Booker and Klobuchar and tied w Warren. More media outlets are covering him. On TV and radio have heard a couple of pundits talking about him and telling people his star was rising. He needs to get his positions on his web page.
Quote from dergon
538 podcast … Beto O’Rourke’s path to the nomination
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 2, 2019 at 7:11 amBeto is fws celebrity crush
He cant pass up one opportunity to creep on him
Quote from kpack123
Beto is fws celebrity crush
He cant pass up one opportunity to creep on him
Not any weirder than than the man-crush that causes you to follow me around on this forum.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 2, 2019 at 11:07 amDont flatter yourself
Your too pessimistic to have a stalker
No one likes a grump
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 2, 2019 at 12:36 pm[link=https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1190385966621569024]https://twitter.com/realD…us/1190385966621569024[/link]
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 2, 2019 at 6:13 pmGold 3500$
Quote from kpack123
Dont flatter yourself
Your too pessimistic to have a stalker
Yet I have one, its a mystery.
And pretty creepy.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 3, 2019 at 6:29 amYou arent cool enough to have a stalker
You are too grumpy
Again no one likes a pessimistic grump
Oscar the grouch
Quote from kpack123
You arent cool enough to have a stalker
You are too grumpy
Again no one likes a pessimistic grump
Oscar the grouch
You are psycho ex-,girlfriend level obsessed. No contributions about O’Rourkes failed campaign, all you do is follow me around. You must like the grouch thing.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 3, 2019 at 9:11 amAgain dont flatter yourself grumpy
You arent cool enough to have people follow you around
You are too grouchy
No one likes a grouch
Quote from kpack123
Again dont flatter yourself grumpy
You arent cool enough to have people follow you around
You are too grouchy
No one likes a grouch
You should really find a girlfriend or something. Maybe a hobby.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 3, 2019 at 3:56 pmWhy so salty?
Grouch grouch grouch
[link=https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/how-weekend-exposed-biden-s-generational-challenges-n989451?cid=public-rss_20190401]First Read[/link] has some good observations from Beto ORourkes campaign kickoff in El Paso over the weekend:
[ul][*]He doesnt use a Teleprompter.[*]His campaign didnt release speech excerpts.[*]His campaign excels at building picturesque rally settings (also see his last stop in Austin).[*]His speech covered the bases on policy (health care, education, climate change), clearly reacting to the earlier criticism that he had lacked policy specifics.[*]His speech had a heavy emphasis on immigration and the border battle (Lets make sure that we never take another child from another mother after her most desperate and vulnerable moment).[*]And he made unity his other big theme (Lets agree, going forward, before we are anything else, we are Americans first). [/ul] -
[link=https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/08/beto-orourke-2020-campaign-1260182]Politico[/link]: [b]Reality Catches Up With Beto
[/b] By the time he left the state on Sunday, it was also clear that the euphoria that greeted ORourkes entry into the race three weeks earlier has started to subside. The inevitable slog of competing in a packed Democratic primary is underway, and ORourke has not yet drawn the wave of national adulation from the left that his Senate run against Ted Cruz last year received.
O’Rourke releases 10 years of tax returns[/h1]The [link=https://betoorourke.com/tax-returns/]tax returns[/link] stretch from 2008 through 2017, and his campaign said in a statement that O’Rourke will release his 2018 returns “as soon as possible after they are filed.” Monday is the deadline for people to file their 2018 returns, the first that reflect [link=https://thehill.com/people/donald-trump]President Trump[/link]’s tax-cut law, but people can request a six-month extension.
The campaign added that O’Rourke’s decision to release his returns “follows his commitment to increasing accountability and transparency while in the House of Representatives when he held monthly public town halls back in his district where any person could ask any question.”
In 2017, O’Rourke and his wife, Amy, had adjusted gross income of $366,455 and paid $81,019 in taxes, for an effective tax rate of 22.1 percent.
Two top staffers in O’ Rourke campaign have resigned. He’s losing ground quickly. Mayor Pete in third in NH and within the margin of error of Biden. Polling even ahead of next door neighbor Warren.
[i]As the Beto ORourke campaign struggles to gain momentum in the crowded Democratic presidential primary, two top campaign staffers have left the operation.[/i]
[i]Becky Bond, one of ORourkes top advisors from the 2018 Texas Senate campaign that put the El Paso Democrat on the map, has departed from her role within the presidential campaign. Her deputy, Zach Malitz, also departed. The two Democratic campaign professionals had previously worked on Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign.[/i]
[i]ORourke is increasingly struggling to stand out in a crowded primary, and facing accusations of lacking bona fide policy proposals. Many within ORourkes lane of the Democratic Party are instead following South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who appears to be utilizing much of the same campaign tactics Beto did in 2018 in a more effective manner. (Richard Moorehead)[/i]
[h1]ORourke Plans Reintroduction as Buzz Fizzles[/h1]
[link=https://apnews.com/1e32cf3855734117b0aa1a1d55867b6e]Associated Press[/link]: In a tacit recognition that this approach isnt working, ORourke is planning to try again, taking a hands-on role in staging a reintroduction ahead of next months premier Democratic presidential debate. As he finalizes his plans, ORourke has entered an intentional quiet period to build out campaign infrastructure, according to an adviser who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the campaigns strategy.
That will end soon. ORourke is planning to significantly ramp up national media appearances he is appearing live on ABCs [i]The View[/i] on Tuesday after skipping most such exposure in recent months. Hes also poised to offer more concrete policy plans on top issues. So far, hes issued just one a sweeping proposal to combat climate change.
[link=https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/11/politics/beto-orourke-poll-of-the-week/index.html]Harry Enten[/link]: You can see ORourkes struggles most clearly in the polls. In an average of national polls taken since Biden entered the race, ORourke has fallen to just below 5% support. Thats the lowest he has been since at least December.
At this point who is a great way to describe Beto. He’s sure lost that love and feeling.
Bye Bye!
Who would have thought that a platform of firearms confiscation, higher taxes and free healthcare for illegals wasn’t a winner. The focus group of iced-coffee clutching millenials said it was the way to go.
Quote from Frumious
Um, he didnt bow out because of Republicans.
Did I say that ?
He bowed out because he offered nothing, had no relevant experience and ran on a platform too extreme for the democratic party.
You are making a habit of, “What I really meant to say was…”
In the future be clear in the 1st sentence please.-
Quote from Frumious
You are making a habit of, “What I really meant to say was…”
In the future be clear in the 1st sentence please.
You are making stuff up again. I didn’t mention republicans in my post.
Who is the next one to fail ? Kamala Harris campaign seems to be on its last legs. Out of money, out of radical ideas, out of grievances to peddle.
Right now it’s a 4-way tie in Iowa. You could roll a dice and come up with the same distribution.
[h1]Beto ORourke May Run for Texas Governor[/h1]
Former Rep. Beto ORourke (D-TX) said he is considering a 2022 gubernatorial run, setting up a potential challenge against incumbent Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), [link=https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/536287-orourke-mulling-run-for-texas-governor]The Hill[/link] reports.
Said ORourke: Its something Im gonna think about.
Is that something liberals even want? He’s pretty damaged goods at this point.
I like to see the polling. His rep within Tx pretty good. Would like to know how much his guns commentary hurt him in the state.
I certainly wouldn’t call him “damaged goods” though.
As for what liberals want …. any D who can win a statewide race in TX will do. If it’s Beto, then fine. Someone else, just as good.
Quote from fw
Who ?
Hell if I know.
Beto got closer than anyone in the last few decades. So … I’m willing to give him another shot.
One of the Castro brothers?-
That was more a repudiation of Cruz IMO. Abbot won that same year by like 15 if I recall.
I have no idea what Dem could do better in Texas. They seem to lack a solid moderate.
[b]Beto ORourke Freezes Field for Texas Governor[/b][/h1]
[link=https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-texas-election-2020-campaign-2016-government-and-politics-1d2fcef28c9d9a00c33500845136bda1]Associated Press[/link]: For months, ORourke has kept his options open. A top aide to the former Texas congressman and presidential candidate said ORouke has not ruled out challenging Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in 2022 but has taken no formal steps toward a campaign, like calling donors or recruiting staff.
A comeback in Texas could be complicated by liberal positions he took while seeking the presidency, but likely no other Democrat would enter the governors race with the same ability to quickly raise the massive campaign funds needed to compete in the state. -
[h1] Scoop: Beto plans Texas comeback in 2022 governor’s race[/h1]
Beto running for Tx governor-
Like to see him get a W but even if he does become Governor he’ll probably be hamstrung by rebulican legislature.
Hes way too weird, dumb, and not liked to win. He actually hurts things for dems since someone else might have a chance…although I doubt anyone could beat abbott in this environment
To my recollection he did pretty decent running against Rafael Cruz. So I wouldnt count him out.
Betos Math Problem In Texas[/h1]
[link=https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/infrastructure-signing-was-big-win-biden-missed-opportunity-n1283934]First Read[/link]: In 2018, the best political environment for Democrats in the past decade, ORourke lost his Senate race against Ted Cruz by about 2.5 percentage points, 50.9 percent to 48.3 percent, the best showing for a top-of-ticket Texas Democrat in almost 30 years.
Then in the 2020 presidential election, which saw record turnout, Joe Biden lost the state by 5.6 points, 52.0 percent to 46.4 percent.
So for Beto to win in Texas or to just keep it close he needs a much more favorable political environment than Democrats face right now; he needs to find new voters who didnt participate in 2020; and he needs to win over some of the 5.9 million Texans who voted for Trump (versus 5.3 million who voted for Biden).
And all at a time when the GOP is making gains among Latinos in the state.-
one of the things that stuck out to me in TX was the the school districts told Abbott to shove it when he said they couldn’t mask mandate. I think there’s gotta be some common sense in TX. However, they also keep voting for a slime ball like the awkward Canadian Rafael Cruz.
[h1]ORourke Rejects Trump as Foil / Nationalizing TX Gov Race[/h1]
Beto ORourke, sprinting through his second day on the trail with stops in San Antonio and Laredo, signaled hell avoid the playbook that failed Terry McAuliffe in Virginia, [link=https://www.axios.com/beto-orourke-texas-governor-campaign-strategy-917eea1a-4f1b-4579-b582-4cc8e594a660.html]Axios[/link] reports.
Said ORourke: Trump doesnt live in Texas. Biden doesnt live in Texas. Thirty million of us are whats most important to me.
[link=https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2021/11/21/greg-abbott-holds-6-point-lead-over-beto-orourke-bigger-edge-in-3-way-texas-governors-race/]Dallas Morning News-University of Texas at Tyler poll[/link] finds Gov. Greg Abbott (R) leading Beto ORourke (D) in the governors race, 45% to 39%.
[b]By nearly 2-to-1, all voters would be more likely to support Matthew McConaughey than ORourke [/b]as Abbotts challenger.
But in a hypothetical three-way general election contest, Abbott is the choice of 37%; McConaughey 27%; and ORourke 26%. 10% of voters want someone else.