Beaumont Royal Oak Virtual Q&A Oct 12 7-8pm (EST)
Hello future Radiology Residents!
Beaumont Royal Oak is hosting an informal virtual Q&A with our DR and integrated IR program directors along with a few of our residents next Monday from 7-8pm EST. Come learn a little bit about our program and have your questions answered!
The link to register is: [link=https://zoom.us/j/99447465412?pwd=S3lFc2NYanN5SjAwZVRTeVZueHFBUT09]https://zoom.us/j/9944746…N5SjAwZVRTeVZueHFBUT09[/link] or use the QR code on the flyer.
Follow us on social media at [link]https://www.instagram.com/beaumontradiology/[/link] and [link]https://twitter.com/BeaumontRadRes[/link]
Looking forward to (virtually) meeting you all!
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