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  • Alternatives to mammo boot camp

    Posted by klmead14 on December 22, 2020 at 4:30 pm

    I would like to get back into mammo to help out my small group. I have not done mammo for 7 years, since residency. I have heard good things about the mammo boot camp in Virginia, however, this seems to fill up 6 months in advance and I have not been able to coordinate my vacations with the limited offerings.

    Has anyone attended any other similar course, preferably on the west coast. I would like to relearn mammo, practice procedures and learn tomo.


    Unknown Member replied 3 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • CSRajan

    December 22, 2020 at 6:24 pm

    I am not aware of a similar course. But perhaps consider learning/relearning by going through your partners already dictated cases and doing some reading on the side? You can teach yourself almost anything this way. Advantage is no travel, you can do it whenever you want and its free. Get formal sign off from the hospital before you start doing this and keep a log of the ones you look at so you have a record for credentialling purposes.

    For procedures, perhaps your partners would proctor?

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      December 22, 2020 at 6:51 pm

      I havent recently surveyed breast imaging CME and dont know anything about the mammo boot camp you mentioned. What I can say is that a large part of practical breast imaging is knowing the proper way to work up common findings with mammo/ultrasound (e.g. 1 view asymmetry, 2 view focal asymmetry, architectural distortion, palpable lump, nipple discharge, developing asymmetry/mass, skin calc work up, male subareolar lump, etc), how to use the BIRADS lexicon to describe those findings and categorize them, and a little bit of technical knowledge of the procedures.

      If someone in your group really knows what they are doing (and not just going by their 20 years of gut feeling / hard knocks) , I can easily imagine them mentoring you over several weeks and teaching you enough to get you comfortable, so long as there is someone later available for you to curbside tough calls.

      Ive attended lots of breast conferences and courses in the past (not recent), and none of them offered the practical type of day to day knowledge needed for practice. Very focused on narrow topics and academic matters.

      If you have occasional unanswered questions, you can PM me and I can point you in the right direction.

      • ruszja

        December 22, 2020 at 7:44 pm

        The ACR center is closed for the time being, who knows when they are going to reopen. The course is really binary ‘negative’ vs. ‘recall’. It doesn’t go into great detail on how to work up findings etc. , but that is easy enough to work out with your senior partners. Unless you are planning to jump straight into solo practice, that’s not really an issue.

        You don’t have to do a course. You can over-read the required number of cases and put together the required CMEs on your own schedule.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 23, 2020 at 9:49 am

    Quote from stang1

    I would like to get back into mammo to help out my small group. I have not done mammo for 7 years, since residency. I have heard good things about the mammo boot camp in Virginia, however, this seems to fill up 6 months in advance and I have not been able to coordinate my vacations with the limited offerings.

    Has anyone attended any other similar course, preferably on the west coast. I would like to relearn mammo, practice procedures and learn tomo.


    I would love to help you with getting back into mammo.  Feel free to PM me.