ACR Closing the Results Follow Up Loop Project Comment period closes soon on 172021
To all Radiologists,
Please consider submitting your comment on the ACR Closing the Results Follow Up Loop on Incidental Findings Project, before the deadline of 1/7/2021. If implemented as proposed, it has the potential to implement time consuming, rigid metrics on reportings, tracking and documenting the communication and follow up of multiple incidental findings.
For each incidental finding needing follow up imaging, they want the report to include “Refers specifically to an evidence-based source for the follow-up recommendation.”
They will also measure a variety of metrics, including the percentage of direct communications of that recommendated follow up imaging study to the referring provider/responsible party within 1 day for emergent findings, and 5 days for nonemergent findings.
I can see myself spending large part of my day contacting the providers and documenting that, and have much less time to look at images to finding the pathology on the images. While the intent is good, this will take significant time and energy away from our primary clinical duty of picking up important pathology on the images.
This proposal will place the primary burden of follow up imaging on the Radiologist, rather the ordering provider. The primary responsibility for ordering the recommended follow up imaging study is the ordering provider who ordered the imaging study.
This is the ACR website to look at the proposal. You can click on the link on that webpage to submit your public comment. Perhaps the link on the copied paragraph below may take you direclty to the proposal and the comment page. Thank You.
[i]Public Comment Period Now Open[/i]
Supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Diagnostic Excellence Initiative, the Closing the Results Follow-up Loop Quality Measure Set focuses on the follow-up of treatable incidental findings and includes use-case measures for pulmonary nodule and abdominal aortic aneurysm incidental findings. Also contained within the set are communication measures applicable to radiologists, ordering clinicians, and patients.
During this public comment period, ACR is specifically interested in receiving input on the measures feasibility in practice, data capture, and ability to measure the intended actions, among other measure-specific questions. ACR requests that comments include specific details on the quality measures to ensure the measures are actionable and useable in practice. ACR will accept comments through January 7, 2021.
To view the preliminary draft measure set currently under public comment, please [link=https://www.acr.org/-/media/ACR/Files/Quality-Programs/Moore-Fnd/Web-Draft-Specifications-for-Public-comment-period.pdf]click here.[/link] If you’d like to provide feedback on this measure set, please [link=https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/closingthefollowuploop]click here [/link].