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  • ABR CAQ vs. ABNM certification in nuclear medicine

    Posted by nawasra1970 on June 26, 2023 at 12:27 pm

    Is there an advantage to ABR CAQ vs. ABNM Certification in Nuclear Medicine? Do we need both? Is one far superior to the other?

    nawasra1970 replied 1 year, 2 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • aldoctc

    June 26, 2023 at 2:37 pm

    Quote from angiemartinez

    Is there an advantage to ABR CAQ vs. ABNM Certification in Nuclear Medicine? Do we need both? Is one far superior to the other?

    [ol][*]No[*]No  Or more appropriately “Oh, #$%& no!”  Why would anyone do that???[*]No [/ol]  
    Way back when I was at your stage, the ABNM was a written exam on given in NY, LA, and St. Louis and the ABR SCNM (Special Competency in Nuclear Medicine) was an oral exam in Louisville.  Since I had an almost PTSD-like reaction to going back to L’ville, I chose ABNM.  
    Last two times I recertified in ABNM I took it at a local commercial testing center in my town.  How is the ABR SCNM exam administered these days? 

    • nawasra1970

      June 26, 2023 at 6:10 pm

      Thanks. So no advantage to having one vs. the other from a career standpoint?

  • phillipsjada85_337

    July 1, 2023 at 4:32 pm

    Quote from angiemartinez

    Is there an advantage to ABR CAQ vs. ABNM Certification in Nuclear Medicine? Do we need both? Is one far superior to the other?

    I completed the dual certification in nuclear medicine during residency. I have only taken the ACR subspecialty exam. I do not plan to take the ABNM exam. PP and even most academics groups are fine with one or the other. The VA, notably, wants the ABNM. So unless youre dead set on the VA, you will only need one.

    • nawasra1970

      July 5, 2023 at 5:03 pm

      Thanks. That is very useful. Do you know what the requirements are for the ABNM exam? Is there an option to qualify for it if you did the nuclear medicine during residency option or ABR alternate pathway (by working in nuclear medicine for 3+ years)?