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  • 50th anniversary

    Posted by kayla.meyer_144 on June 5, 2018 at 6:52 pm

    Today is the 50th anniversary of Robert Kennedys assassination. What might have been. His message was 180 degrees from todays President.

    One of his best speeches was right after MLKs assassination.

    The things we lost.

    kayla.meyer_144 replied 2 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 53 Replies
  • 53 Replies
  • ruszja

    June 5, 2018 at 10:32 pm

    Quote from Frumious

    Today is the 50th anniversary of Robert Kennedys assassination. What might have been. His message was 180 degrees from todays President.

    One of his best speeches was right after MLKs assassination.

    The things we lost.

    Murdered by a palestinian nutter. What’s new ?

    Got to wonder what would have happened had he survived. Another Vietnam war ?

    • kayla.meyer_144

      June 6, 2018 at 2:25 am

      We had another Vietnam War, it’s called the Iraq War.
      And I do believe Sirhan Sirhan is a Christian, specifically Greek Orthodox and was at the time of the murder, in case anyone thought otherwise. 

      • kaldridgewv2211

        June 6, 2018 at 5:39 am

        anyone believe the story they heard 13 shots recorded on tape but his gun only held 8 bullets?

      • ruszja

        June 6, 2018 at 5:47 am

        Quote from Frumious

        And I do believe Sirhan Sirhan is a Christian, specifically Greek Orthodox and was at the time of the murder, in case anyone thought otherwise.  

        Still a Palestinian nutter. Their nuttiness is not exclusively tied to islam.

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          June 6, 2018 at 6:50 am


          What country were your parents living in at that time?

        • kayla.meyer_144

          June 6, 2018 at 8:20 am

          Quote from fw

          Quote from Frumious

          And I do believe Sirhan Sirhan is a Christian, specifically Greek Orthodox and was at the time of the murder, in case anyone thought otherwise.  

          Still a Palestinian nutter. Their nuttiness is not exclusively tied to islam.

          Considering many things, it is possible that Sirhan Sirhan was not the sole gunman. Sirhan Sirhan seems seriously delusional in any case.  
          And considering how many people hated him & the Kennedys in general and his message of inclusion, it is convenient that RFK was murdered. 
          And regarding Vietnam, in 1967, Robert Kennedy proposed an end to the war and in Feb 1968, shortly after Hue and the Set Offensive started, he gave a speech about Vietnam being the unwinnable war. After March 3, American started a hard reconsideration of the war.
          The reality is that Kennedy’s speeches worked very hard to bring the country together, something that many Americans don’t believe in now. That’s the biggest loss to the country, some Americans believing others are less American than they.

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            June 6, 2018 at 8:36 am

            Funny when one immigrant attempts to attack another immigrant based on ethnicity

          • kaldridgewv2211

            June 6, 2018 at 9:28 am

            Quote from Frumious

            Quote from fw

            Quote from Frumious

            And I do believe Sirhan Sirhan is a Christian, specifically Greek Orthodox and was at the time of the murder, in case anyone thought otherwise.  

            Still a Palestinian nutter. Their nuttiness is not exclusively tied to islam.

            Considering many things, it is possible that Sirhan Sirhan was not the sole gunman. Sirhan Sirhan seems seriously delusional in any case.  

            And considering how many people hated him & the Kennedys in general and his message of inclusion, it is convenient that RFK was murdered. 

            And regarding Vietnam, in 1967, Robert Kennedy proposed an end to the war and in Feb 1968, shortly after Hue and the Set Offensive started, he gave a speech about Vietnam being the unwinnable war. After March 3, American started a hard reconsideration of the war.
            The reality is that Kennedy’s speeches worked very hard to bring the country together, something that many Americans don’t believe in now. That’s the biggest loss to the country, some Americans believing others are less American than they.

            per my other post.  It was a defense argument that the audio tape you could hear 13 shots and some were rapid.  Supposedly the .22 he shot him with only help 8 rounds.  I wasn’t around back then but I guess there’s some conspiracy surrounding a 2nd gunman.

            • ruszja

              June 6, 2018 at 12:25 pm

              Quote from DICOM_Dan

              per my other post.  It was a defense argument that the audio tape you could hear 13 shots and some were rapid.  Supposedly the .22 he shot him with only help 8 rounds.  I wasn’t around back then but I guess there’s some conspiracy surrounding a 2nd gunman.

              This is the US. You can say that the sun rises in the east or that water boils at 212F and there is going to be a conspiracy theory about it.

              • kayla.meyer_144

                June 6, 2018 at 6:28 pm

                Disagree. Thinking about conspiracies about the murders of JFK & MLK & RFK is magnitudes different from Right-wingnut conspiracy theories like Roosevelt, or Eisenhower being a Communist or Moon landing fakery or Shape-changing lizard people or black helicopters or Illuminati or Skull & Bones & New World Order or climate change fakery or Clintons multiple murders or Birtherism or 9-11 being an inside job or Sandy Hook fakery or Alex Jones multiple conspiracies, etc, etc, etc.

                Conspiracies are too numerous to list and are almost exclusively a right-wing Republican thing, not a universal American thing.

                • ruszja

                  June 6, 2018 at 6:54 pm

                  Quote from Frumious

                  Conspiracies are too numerous to list and are almost exclusively a right-wing Republican thing, not a universal American thing.

                  Except for the one to rule them all: The looney conspiracy theory that the russians somehow changed the outcome of the 2016 election.

                  • kaldridgewv2211

                    June 6, 2018 at 7:29 pm

                    In the close states they very well might have swayed votes. They’re for sure feeding the division in the country. RFK probably spinning in his grave.

                    • ruszja

                      June 6, 2018 at 10:31 pm

                      Quote from DICOM_Dan

                      In the close states they very well might have swayed votes. They’re for sure feeding the division in the country. RFK probably spinning in his grave.

                      It’s not so much the russians who are feeding the division but rather the leftist press who continues to make this a thing.
                      If there was any substantial undue influence on the election, Mueller would have already issued a report on it. We already had primaries and we’ll have the midterms in the fall. If there was a threat of further Russian meddling, it would be his job to tell the public on how to fend it off. But he hasn’t. Because there is nothing to it.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      June 7, 2018 at 2:46 am

                      Total and absolute bull, fw. Even many Republicans have said Russians have done quite a bit to insert themselves in the election to elect Trump. It’s only the Trumpets who totally deny any Russian influence at all. The only thing that cannot be said is absolute proof of how much the interference determined the outcome which is not the same thing as saying the Russians had no influence at all. Which is where you are trying to confuse the issue.
                      Mueller is not trying to prove Russians determined the outcome for Trump. That is an impossible task, like proving what the world would actually look like had the South won the Civil War.
                      You are either deliberately misleading or you don’t have your facts right & believe the propaganda of the Trumpets.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      June 7, 2018 at 4:57 am

                      What drove Trumpets and Trump voters out of their minds was predicted by RFK.

                      [ul][*][b]The [link=]Irish[/link] were not wanted there[/b] [when his grandfather came to Boston]. Now an Irish Catholic is president of the United States  [b]There is no question about it. In the next 40 years a Negro can achieve the same position that my brother has.[/b]  We have tried to make [link=]progress[/link] and we are making progress we are not going to accept the status quo.  [b]The [link=]United States[/link] [link=]Government[/link] has taken steps to make sure that the [link=]constitution of the United States[/link] applies to [link=]all[/link] [link=]individuals[/link].[/b] [ul][*]AP report with lead summarizing of remarks stating “Robert F. Kennedy said yesterday that the United States  despite Alabama violence is moving so fast in race relations a Negro could be President in 40 years.” [link=,5208719]”Negro President in 40 Years?” in [i]Montreal Gazette[/i] (27 May 1961)[/link] [/ul] [/ul]

                      His numbers are wrong, nowadays it is about 30%. The Republicans are feeding the wrong wolf.

                      [ul][*]One-fifth of the people are against everything all the time. [ul][*]Speech, May, 6 1964, University of Pennsylvania. Quoted in Philadelphia Inquirer (May 7, 1964). [/ul] [/ul]

                      The prescient quotes for today’s POTUS and his supporters. They’ve been around for a very long time.

                      [ul][*][b]The [link=]problem[/link] of [link=]power[/link] is how to achieve its [link=]responsible[/link] use rather than its irresponsible and indulgent use of how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public.[/b] [ul][*]”I Remember, I Believe,” [i]The Pursuit of Justice[/i] (1964) [/ul] [/ul] [ul][*][b]What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant[/b]. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents. [ul][*]”[link=]Extremism, Left and Right[/link],” [i]The Pursuit of Justice[/i], pt. 3 (1964) [/ul] [/ul]


                      [ul][*]Ultimately, America’s answer to the intolerant man is diversity, the very diversity which our heritage of religious freedom has inspired. [ul][*]”Extremism, Left and Right,” pt. 3, (1964)  [/ul] [/ul]

                      And finally his speech announcing the assassination of martin Luther King:

                      [link=,_Jr.]Speech on the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.[/link] (4 April 1968), delivered in Indianapolis, Indiana. [link=]Inscribed on the Robert F. Kennedy gravesite at Arlington National Cemetery[/link]
                      [ul][*]Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m only going to talk to you just for a minute or so this evening, because I have some very sad news for all of you, and, I think, sad news for all of our fellow citizens, and people who love peace all over the world; and that is that [link=,_Jr.]Martin Luther King[/link] was shot and was killed tonight in Memphis, Tennessee. [/ul] [ul][*]Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and to justice between fellow human beings. He died in the cause of that effort. In this difficult day, in this difficult time for the United States, it’s perhaps well to ask what kind of a nation we are and what direction we want to move in. [b]For those of you who are black[/b] — considering the evidence evidently is that there were white people who were responsible — [b]you can be filled with bitterness, and with hatred, and a desire for revenge.[/b] 
                      [b]We can move in that direction as a country, in greater polarization — black people amongst blacks, and white amongst whites, filled with hatred toward one another. Or we can make an effort[/b], as Martin Luther King did, [b]to understand, and to comprehend, and replace that violence, that stain of bloodshed that has spread across our land, with an effort to understand, compassion, and love.[/b] […] But we have to make an effort in the United States. [b]We have to make an effort to understand, to get beyond, or go beyond these rather difficult times.[/b] [/ul] [ul][*][b]My favorite poet was [link=]Aeschylus[/link]. He wrote: “In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”[/b] [/ul] [ul][*][b]What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness, but is love, and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or whether they be black.[/b] [/ul]  

                      I too have a dream. A dream that the world we give our children is a better world than the one we have built the past 4 decades. A better world than the one that elected Trump. A better world than the one Trump envisions for himself for vainglory.

                    • ruszja

                      June 7, 2018 at 5:45 pm

                      Quote from Frumious

                      Total and absolute bull, fw. Even many Republicans have said Russians have done quite a bit to insert themselves in the election to elect Trump. It’s only the Trumpets who totally deny any Russian influence at all. The only thing that cannot be said is absolute proof of how much the interference determined the outcome which is not the same thing as saying the Russians had no influence at all. Which is where you are trying to confuse the issue.

                      Republicans saying this just proves that they watch CNN too.
                      YOU are trying to claim that trump is an illegitimate president because the russians swung the election. If you make that claim, prove it. And if you can’t prove it, show at least some facts that support your position. So far, you have nothing. A couple of twitter trolls and a few piddly ad buys in an election that cost 2.5 billion dollars to put on.

                    • kaldridgewv2211

                      June 7, 2018 at 10:53 am

                      Quote from fw

                      Quote from DICOM_Dan

                      In the close states they very well might have swayed votes. They’re for sure feeding the division in the country. RFK probably spinning in his grave.

                      It’s not so much the russians who are feeding the division but rather the leftist press who continues to make this a thing.

                      If there was any substantial undue influence on the election, Mueller would have already issued a report on it. We already had primaries and we’ll have the midterms in the fall. If there was a threat of further Russian meddling, it would be his job to tell the public on how to fend it off. But he hasn’t. Because there is nothing to it.

                      You don’t need Mueller to do it.  There’s plenty of evidence.  Go on Twitter and look at anything Trump related.  You’ll see bot accounts out the wazoo from Russians.  They’re almost always avatars of a smoking hottie, with the a twitter handle of something like “@MAGALady045678”.  Anywhere there’s division in this country Russia wants to add to it.  People that already feel one way or the other might see this kind of fake information blasted out there and it only servers to validate their opinions.

                    • ruszja

                      June 7, 2018 at 5:47 pm

                      Quote from DICOM_Dan

                      You don’t need Mueller to do it.  There’s plenty of evidence.  Go on Twitter and look at anything Trump related.  You’ll see bot accounts out the wazoo from Russians.  They’re almost always avatars of a smoking hottie, with the a twitter handle of something like “@MAGALady045678”.

                      And you think that anyone is swayed to cast their vote one way or the other by some generic posts from some obvious fanbot account ?

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      June 7, 2018 at 7:17 pm

                      Youre making stuff up to suit your worldview. Your paranoid fantasy world. I never once anywhere said Trump was illegitimate. Find it.

                      I always said he was elected because Democratic voters were snowflakes & stayed home.

                      I dont like Trump. Hes a liar & cheat & Russians absolutely helped him get elected as a tactic to undermine American influence and democracy here and in Western Europe & the world. Trump & his supporters are dangerous to democracy. I think Republicans are undermining democracy for short term goals & because they no longer have anywhere else to go.

                      Thats simply it. I could go on but thats simply it.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      June 8, 2018 at 3:38 am

                      For the troll The game is to frame every argument so they can win it in their minds

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      June 8, 2018 at 3:48 am

                      Trumpism is a religious cult.

                    • kaldridgewv2211

                      June 8, 2018 at 8:47 am

                      Quote from fw

                      Quote from DICOM_Dan

                      You don’t need Mueller to do it.  There’s plenty of evidence.  Go on Twitter and look at anything Trump related.  You’ll see bot accounts out the wazoo from Russians.  They’re almost always avatars of a smoking hottie, with the a twitter handle of something like “@MAGALady045678”.

                      And you think that anyone is swayed to cast their vote one way or the other by some generic posts from some obvious fanbot account ?

                      It’s not all fan bots and yes.  This is how they sway people.  Provide false info that validates what you already believe to be true.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      June 8, 2018 at 9:02 am

                      And seriously

                      No one will ever know what the Russian influence on individual votes were

                      Thats not possible to obtain factual information on but to frame this as the sole argument then claim everything else including collusion is false based on that is just wrong

                      Lets see


                      All trump team members either admitted guilt and cooperating or being tried

                      I think its fair to say this is an ongoing investigation with a lot of smoke

                      The fact that Mueller is saying nothing is driving the trumpers crazy

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      June 8, 2018 at 10:46 am

                      fw’s sole purpose is to repeat the lie of Mueller’s investigation over and over again making the argument legitimate solely by familiarity of repetition. And as each denial is made and heard, it serves to verify the fraud as real. Like an implanted memory and like an eyewitness who was never present but has a very distinct memory of some event because they imagined it over and over with each hearing. Like the hypnotized “remembering” past lives.
                      It is a lie, a bold lie. And anyone making it is either a liar or, like the eyewitness who “remembers” the events, is manipulated to believe the lie.

                    • ruszja

                      June 13, 2018 at 10:25 am

                      Quote from kpack123

                      Lets see


                      All trump team members either admitted guilt and cooperating or being tried

                      Remind me again which of those guys was convicted on charges of collusion or election tampering.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      June 13, 2018 at 11:02 am

                      Flynn Gates and Papadopoulos all plead guilty to avoid going to jail

                      Manafort is being charged

                      Remind to tell you again when this investigation is over

                      Its jyst starting genius

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      June 13, 2018 at 11:02 am

                      Keep moving the goalposts but your still losing the argument

                    • ruszja

                      June 13, 2018 at 6:44 pm

                      Quote from kpack123

                      Flynn Gates and Papadopoulos all plead guilty to avoid going to jail

                      Manafort is being charged

                      Remind to tell you again when this investigation is over

                      Its jyst starting genius

                      Again, which of these people has been charged with a crime actually related to the mandate of the investigation ?

                    • kaldridgewv2211

                      June 13, 2018 at 7:59 pm

                      the answer that you seek lies in the Rosenatein order young padawan. It’s a yes.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      June 13, 2018 at 8:12 pm

                      You dont get to decide the mandate of the investigation

                      Thats the purpose of the the special counsel

                    • ruszja

                      June 14, 2018 at 8:46 am

                      Quote from kpack123

                      You dont get to decide the mandate of the investigation

                      Thats the purpose of the the special counsel

                      Actually, Rosenstein is who set the mandate of the investigation. It does authorize Mueller to investigate and prosecute any violations of federal law he comes across in the process, but it doesn’t change the fact that the mandate is to ensure ‘a full and thorough investigation of the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election'[sup]1[/sup].
                      Now tell me, what federal statutes deal with the integrity of elections and who in the list of people you keep trotting out has been charged with a violation of those laws ?
                      That they got charged with something, just proves that they got the attention of a federal prosecutor. As my friend, the retired US district court judge put it some years ago: [i]We are all just one young assistant US attorney away from spending 3 years in federal prison. [/i]
                      [size=”2″]1. DOJ order No. 3915-2017 [/size]

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      June 14, 2018 at 10:28 am

                      Papadopoulos for one flipped with the threat of being charged

                      The others Gates and Flynn I dont believe we know the extent of what they were going to be charged with

                      But they flipped for that reason

                      And again this is not close to being over

                      The question I would like to ask you is what exactly are you are you arguing?

                      Your argument changes with the flavor of the month

                      First there was nothing there….
                      3 guys flip one gets charged and its what????

                      Your assumption that nothing is there after 3 people flipped and the investigation is not close to being over is just intellectually dishonest

                      But todays Republican Party hates intellectuals so maybe your shoe fits you

                    • ruszja

                      June 14, 2018 at 10:41 am

                      We an election coming up. If there was proof of the russian government influencing the 2016 election, it would be Muellers obligation to make such activities public so they can be neutralized.
                      But he has nothing.
                      Now he did manage to prove that a guy who, with consent and support of the US government, spent 15 years meddling in Ukraines politics didn’t pay his taxes. He also managed to prove that Trump hired a bunch of morons with bad lawyers to work for him. Yeah, whopdidoo, strong work.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      June 14, 2018 at 10:47 am

                      No no no. That is a third graders response…… probably aimed at trumps uneducated base

                      Its not muellers responsibilty to function on a convenient time table

                      Its muellers responsibility to investigate and Get it right

                      When you have obstruction of justice witness tampering and other issues…. its going to string things out longer than necessary

                      You argument continues to fall apart….. and you still explain what exactly you are arguing accept…… you just dont like it

                      And that is not worth much

                    • kaldridgewv2211

                      June 14, 2018 at 11:34 am

                      Quote from fw

                      We an election coming up. If there was proof of the russian government influencing the 2016 election, it would be Muellers obligation to make such activities public so they can be neutralized.

                      But he has nothing.

                      Now he did manage to prove that a guy who, with consent and support of the US government, spent 15 years meddling in Ukraines politics didn’t pay his taxes. He also managed to prove that Trump hired a bunch of morons with bad lawyers to work for him. Yeah, whopdidoo, strong work.

                      there is proof and companies like facebook etc… are even taking steps to try and thwart the outside influence.  Like mailing cards to a physical address that have authentication codes etc… to prove residency.

                    • ruszja

                      June 14, 2018 at 1:52 pm

                      Quote from DICOM_Dan

                      there is proof and companies like facebook etc… are even taking steps to try and thwart the outside influence.  Like mailing cards to a physical address that have authentication codes etc… to prove residency.

                      I have been an advertising customer with google and facebook since 2010/2012. They have done that kind of verification for a long time. Not Mr Muellers doing.

                    • kaldridgewv2211

                      June 14, 2018 at 3:33 pm

                      Quote from fw

                      Quote from DICOM_Dan

                      there is proof and companies like facebook etc… are even taking steps to try and thwart the outside influence.  Like mailing cards to a physical address that have authentication codes etc… to prove residency.

                      I have been an advertising customer with google and facebook since 2010/2012. They have done that kind of verification for a long time. Not Mr Muellers doing.

                      I didn’t say it was Mueller’s doing.  I’m saying there’s proof already outside of whatever Mueller finds.  This was something Zuck talked about.

                    • ruszja

                      June 14, 2018 at 7:00 pm

                      Quote from DICOM_Dan

                      I didn’t say it was Mueller’s doing.  I’m saying there’s proof already outside of whatever Mueller finds.  This was something Zuck talked about.

                      So what has he done then to neutralize the russian threat ?
                      Zuckerberg was padding his pockets with money regardless of source and now he is the new messiah of internet responsibility. Pretty funny.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      June 15, 2018 at 2:51 am

                      Idiot question that is meant to distract. It is not Mueller’s “mandate” to neutralize the Russian threat. It is his to investigate interference and other people and crimes that get turned up while investigating.
                      It is SUPPOSED to be Trump’s job to neutralize the threat but he’s out to lunch on that one either out of incompetence or because he doesn’t want to neutralize Russia. Where are your questions regarding Trump’s responsibility to neutralize Russian cyberthreats? Or do you support Putin also?

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      June 15, 2018 at 3:14 am

                      Not only that

                      Mueller is supposed to have it done in a few months too

                      Because since he is quiet and the other side is constantly talking he must have nothing

                      Dont you know thats how it works

                    • btomba_77

                      August 28, 2021 at 5:08 am


                      [b]’We think that you have grown’: Robert F. Kennedy’s assassin Sirhan Sirhan granted parole by California board[/b]
                      Prosecutors declined to argue Sirhan Sirhan should remain in prison  

                    • btomba_77

                      January 14, 2022 at 5:07 am


                      Gavin Newsom writing in the LA Times:

                      [h1]Op-Ed: Newsom: Why I will not release Sirhan Sirhan on parole[/h1]
                      “after decades in prison, Sirhan still lacks the insight that would prevent him from making the kind of dangerous and destructive decisions he made in the past. The most glaring proof of Sirhans deficient insight is his shifting narrative about his assassination of Kennedy, and his [link=]current refusal to accept responsibility[/link] for it.”

                    • kaldridgewv2211

                      January 14, 2022 at 10:24 am

                      It’s kind of interesting thing.  I didn’t live through and JFK or Bobby times.  I get the feeling that they were really popular and could’ve been a transitional type figure.  And then it was almost like Sirhan robbed the country of that.  So I can kind of see the point of keeping him locked up till he dies.  Really I’m kind of surprised he wasn’t put against a wall and shot.  I’m assuming that’s because of SCOTUS stopping this in the 70s for a period of time.
                      Interesting it also seems like the conspiracies around JFK assignation are picking up popularity again.  Biden I think was releasing intel around it.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      January 14, 2022 at 10:47 am

                      3 big Democratic leaders murdered within 5 years.

                      Yeah, a very big impact on expectations. As a result we got Nixon & Reagan & 40 years of Starve the Beast tax cuts impoverishing the government outside of anything beyond global military operations.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      June 13, 2018 at 11:46 am

                      Quote from fw

                      Quote from kpack123

                      Lets see


                      All trump team members either admitted guilt and cooperating or being tried

                      Remind me again which of those guys was convicted on charges of collusion or election tampering.

                      Fat lady didn’t sing yet for Trump both with Mueller & NY State. But it took how many years of Republican persecution of Whitewater to find Clintons innocent of Whitewater?

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      June 13, 2018 at 11:54 am

                      It amuses me that all this talk of nothing continues when another dominoe falls and more charges get added

                      If they werent worried they would not be constantly talking about it and trying to shift the goal posts

                      If in the end the mueller investigation yields nothing…. I will say that but right now one guy is on trial and at least 3 others have flipped for fear of going to jail

                      Doesnt seem like nothing to me unless you move the goalposts every time mueller farts

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      June 13, 2018 at 12:24 pm

                      Analogy for the angry trump apologists

                      Its pouring rain outside but you are inside looking outside and staying dry

                      …… so it really isnt raining

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      June 7, 2018 at 2:48 am

                      Quote from DICOM_Dan

                      In the close states they very well might have swayed votes. They’re for sure feeding the division in the country. RFK probably spinning in his grave.

                      Yeah, Robert Kennedy is spinning in his grave because the Republican platform depends on lies and division in order to succeed while RFK was trying to bind the country together.

                    • kaldridgewv2211

                      June 7, 2018 at 10:55 am

                      Quote from Frumious

                      Quote from DICOM_Dan

                      In the close states they very well might have swayed votes. They’re for sure feeding the division in the country. RFK probably spinning in his grave.

                      Yeah, Robert Kennedy is spinning in his grave because the Republican platform depends on lies and division in order to succeed while RFK was trying to bind the country together.

                      It swings both ways though.  The example was when the info was leaked about the dems being against Sanders.  There’s almost no middle ground anymore.  Pendulum politics.

  • 19462008

    June 12, 2018 at 1:31 pm

    Quote from Frumious

    Today is the 50th anniversary of Robert Kennedys assassination. What might have been. His message was 180 degrees from todays President.

    One of his best speeches was right after MLKs assassination.

    The things we lost.

    Ha! Your current Democrats are 180 degrees from Bobby and JFK. 

    • kayla.meyer_144

      June 12, 2018 at 1:36 pm

      Ha! And your Republicans are where? Light years away considering the identity politics they are playing and hate-mongering of minorities and immigrants.

    • ruszja

      June 13, 2018 at 10:22 am

      Quote from CudaRad

      Ha! Your current Democrats are 180 degrees from Bobby and JFK. 

      Yup. JFK lowered taxes and RFK fought corrupt unions. Todays democrats want to jack up taxes and are a branch of corrupt unions.

      • kayla.meyer_144

        June 13, 2018 at 11:44 am

        Quote from fw

        Quote from CudaRad

        Ha! Your current Democrats are 180 degrees from Bobby and JFK. 

        Yup. JFK lowered taxes and RFK fought corrupt unions. Todays democrats want to jack up taxes and are a branch of corrupt unions.

        Let’s trying to be a little bit honest here instead of throwing around factoids without context. What was the tax rate when JFK lowered taxes??? Did you even know before I posted this?

        The notion of Kennedy as supply-side forerunner is a powerful myth, but it is a myth. Context is key. Conservatives love to quote a speech Kennedy gave at the Economic Club of New York in December 1962. Here’s one quoteI’ve italicized the crucial part often left out: “[i]Our present tax system, developed as it was, in good part, during World War II to restrain growth[/i], exerts too heavy a drag on growth in peace time; that it siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power; that it reduces the financial incentives for personal effort, investment, and risk-taking.” JFK was not expounding an implacable economic philosophy; he was speaking about a very specific circumstance. [b]The top marginal tax rate was 91 percent, which JFK wanted reduced to a “more sensible” 65 percent. Compare that with today’s 35 percent top rate, and ask: If supply-siders are so enamored of JFK’s tax policies, would they advocate a return to a “more sensible” 65 percent top rate? Applying Kennedy’s tax talk to the current structure, JFK biographer Robert Dallek says, is like comparing “apples and watermelons.”[/b]

        As for Robert Kennedy and corrupt unions, he specifically went after the Teamsters and specifically Jimmy Hoffa because of Hoffa’s Mafia ties. Robert Kennedy had long gone after Organized Crime even while J. Edgar Hoover was timid.
        Where are today’s “corrupt unions?”
        You are highly misinformed, listening to too much right-wingnut media.