2020 Census
Posted by 100574 on March 28, 2018 at 12:00 amthe GOP would break the constitution to rigged this but hey they sold out to Putin
everybody gets countedbtomba_77 replied 2 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 33 Replies -
33 Replies
[link=https://www.rollcall.com/2020/03/05/facebook-removes-fake-census-ads-created-by-trumps-campaign/]Facebook removes fake census ads created by Trumps campaign[/link][/h2]
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 6, 2020 at 12:32 pm
Quote from sentinel lymph node
the GOP would break the constitution to rigged this but hey they sold out to Putin
everybody gets countedSure Trump sold out to the Russians. Remember when Trump told Medvedev to tell Putin he “have more flexibility after the election”? Oh, wait ……
Would you explain that quote? If you intellectual capacity to understand english that is.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 6, 2020 at 1:16 pm
Quote from Frumious
Would you explain that quote? If you intellectual capacity to understand english that is.
You’re serious? You don’t recognize the quote?
BTW – if you’re going to challenge someone’s “capacity to understand english”, maybe you should double check your own grammar.-
I recognize the quote but I have grave doubts that you understand neither the meaning or context. And I will bet that you are unwilling to make a stab at it as it would show your ignorance of both reading assessment and context.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 9, 2020 at 7:15 amFrumi using words like “meaning” and “context” when he gets caught in a lie, or better yet, exposed for fraudulent positions. He just foams at the mouth. Or is it a she? Did we ever establish the origin of the estrogen?
Quote from Frumious
I recognize the quote but I have grave doubts that you understand neither the meaning or context. And I will bet that you are unwilling to make a stab at it as it would show your ignorance of both reading assessment and context.
Pleeeaaase tell us of our errors and our inconsistency’s to understand wording with your exorbitant use of cut and paste skills. But if I can use your comrade Kpack debating skill set: “He did say that”
As I invited user1, cuda, please explain how you believe the quote is important by explaining what it means in your mind. I noticed that user is not up to the challenge of explaining his own comment.
Quote from Frumious
As I invited user1, cuda, please explain how you believe the quote is important by explaining what it means in your mind. I noticed that user is not up to the challenge of explaining his own comment.
You are a closet politician Frumi. Don’t answer a question with a question. You didn’t answer mine.
What was the question? About user1’s misrepresentation of something Obama said? You might as well ask me about Obama’s “faked” birth certificate & how do I respond to that. Or ask me about all the murdered bodies that the Clintons left behind.
[b]Census Cuts All Counting Efforts Short By A Month[/b][/h1]
The Census Bureau is ending all counting efforts for the 2020 census on Sept. 30, a month shorter than previously announced, [link=https://www.npr.org/2020/08/03/898548910/census-cut-short-a-month-rushes-to-finish-all-counting-efforts-by-sept-30]NPR[/link] reports.
That includes critical door-knocking efforts and collecting responses online, over the phone and by mail.-
intriguing. Let me guess if you don’t count the population than there’s no people to have covid.
I’m curious, then how do we determine how many or how few are… In poverty if we don’t count them? How do allocate the correct amount of health and human service resources… if we don’t have a count? Wouldn’t you like to know how many people reside in your own house?
“With roughly [link=https://twitter.com/hansilowang/status/1290354793639301127]4 out of 10 households nationwide yet to be counted[/link], and already delayed by the coronavirus pandemic, the bureau now has less than two months left to try to reach people of color, immigrants, renters, rural residents and other members of historically undercounted groups who are not likely to fill out a census form on their own.”
Never miss a good opportunity to stereotype people and fit in some Lefty talking points. All those evil white suburban home owners filling out their census reports, how shameful.
Should these census workers be risking their lives during a deadly pandemic to knock on doors? ha. -
Is wanting accurate census data a lefty talking point? Count as many people as possible. this will setup how things are distributed for the next decade. Not sure about knocking on doors. make phone calls, wear masks, use hand sanitizer, stay 6 feet apart.
The last thing lefties want is anything remotely “accurate.”
The last thing TRump & administration wants the public to know is their internal documents about the census.
The Trump administration is trying to get a federal judge to [link=https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/16/politics/2020-census-documents/index.html]help shield thousands of internal documents about the 2020 census[/link] from the public. Many of these records detail the controversial move to cut off the census at the end of September, rather than the end of October as originally planned. The documents are in play because groups are suing the government to extend counting to through October, claiming the Trump administration is trying to create future GOP voting advantages by manipulating census methods. But for the administration to respond to the claims, the documents — more than 8,800 of them — must be released. So, the Justice Department actually wants the judge to rule against the administration to prevent that from happening. Remember that last year, revelations from documents cast doubt on the administration’s rationale for [link=https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/02/politics/census-citizenship-question-documents/index.html]adding a question about citizenship to the census[/link]. That question was eventually forbidden by the Supreme Court.
It makes the most sense to count everyone and know who is a citizen or not. Do you truly find no value in knowing how many illegals there are? Even if you support a path to citizenship or amnesty, you should want to know that number.
I support counting everyone. Nothing I have written says otherwise. It is the Administration’s actions that are in question regarding an honest counting.
Let’s see the documents. -
[b]US Commerce Department will defy a court order and halt Census on Oct. 5 despite ruling[/b]
[link=https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/518933-judge-begins-contempt-proceedings-for-wilbur-ross-over-allegedly]Judge begins contempt proceedings for Wilbur Ross [/link]
How about this:
– We ask citizen or not question
– We count all people
– Both citizens and non-citizens (aka residents) count for representation
I think we just truly need to know how many illegals there are. How can we set any meaningful policy of a path to citizenship if we don’t even know if its 5, 10, 15, or 20 million people out there? -
That has been flogged repeatedly in OT threads. If you ask the question about citizenship then you will drive down response rates from non-citizens due to fear of prosecution (even more true than ever in the Trump era)
That leads to an inaccurate count… a violation of the constitutional provision to count all persons.
I you want to do some surveys to try to assess the number of undocumented immigrants in the US that’s fine with me … do it 5 years away from the census in a way that guarantees loudly and publicly that respondents will remain anonymous and will face no retaliation for participation.
I honestly don’t care if it’s the census or not. I just want to know the numbers. Maybe we should do a 5 year “official count” in between the census anyway. They only picked 10 years because of the whole walking/horse-and-buggy issue. We have the technology to do it more frequently.
It’s just hard for me to have a reasonable debate about a path to citizenship with my left-leaning colleagues/friends/etc. if we don’t even know how many are out there. -
And I counter with “It’s hard to expect a reasonable counting of undocumented immigrants by federal authorities when undocumented immigrants live in fear of federal authorities.”
It’s like sending the IRS door to door to do a survey asking people whether they take improper tax deductions. -
Contract some company to do it? Amazon? Walmart? Idk.
[h1]SCOTUS Appeared Skeptical of Trumps Census Memo[/h1]The Supreme Court, including President [b]Donald Trump[/b]-appointed Justices [b]Amy Coney Barrett[/b] and [b]Brett Kavanaugh[/b], appeared skeptical of the administrations attempt to [link=https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/experts-trumps-insultingly-unconstitutional-census-order-is-only-meant-to-stoke-anti-immigrant-fervor/]exclude undocumented immigrants[/link] from census apportionment. At the same time, the Supreme Courts conservative wing questioned whether a federal courts injunction blocking that plan as unlawful followed the correct procedure.
A lot of historical evidence and longstanding practice really cuts against your position, Barrett told Trumps acting Solicitor General [b]Jeffrey Wall [/b]during lengthy oral arguments on Monday morning.
For self-described originalist jurists like Barrett and Kavanaugh, the Constitutions apportionment clause leaves little room for interpretation.
…There is evidence that in the Founding era an inhabitant was a dweller who lives or resides in a place, Barrett noted in her questioning that won praise from Kavanaugh.
As Justice Barretts questioning illuminated, I think you have advanced forceful arguments constitutional and statutory arguments on the merits, Kavanaugh told New York Solicitor General [b]Barbara Underwood[/b], whose state led the coalition that blocked Trumps memo from taking effect.
Good example of the Republican appointed justices sticking to the constitution instead of politics. Most people interpret it as all residents (legal or illegal) count for counting purposes for funding, etc.
I personally just wanted the count to know exactly how many illegals there are so better conversations could be had about fixing the problem. Giving amnesty to 10 million is a lot different than 30, for example.
Also, I’m still waiting for the day the liberal justices ever go against the Dem party line.
[h1]Bid to Exclude Immigrants from Census Appears Doomed[/h1]
President Trumps determined effort to exclude undocumented immigrants from the 2020 census has been thwarted at every turn by the courts, the coronavirus, the Constitution, and now by the clock, [link=https://theweek.com/speedreads/953049/trumps-bid-exclude-immigrants-from-2020-census-appears-doomed]The Week[/link] reports.
Census Bureau [link=https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/census-internal-docs-delays]documents[/link] released Wednesday by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee suggest that the final apportionment count wont be delivered to the president until at least Jan. 23, three days after President-elect Joe Biden takes office, because of at least 15 data anomalies affecting more than a million census records.[/QUOTE]
Federal judges are ordering the Trump admin to turn over unredacted versions of a number of internal documents about the 2020 census that the admin was trying to shield from plaintiffs in the National Urban League-led lawsuit over the census schedule
[b]Census Bureau Halts Unauthorized Immigrant Count[/b][/h1]
The U.S. Census Bureau has halted all work on President Trumps directive to produce a state-by-state count of unauthorized immigrants that would have been used to alter a key set of census numbers, [link=https://www.npr.org/2021/01/13/956352495/census-bureau-stops-work-on-trumps-request-for-unauthorized-immigrant-count]NPR[/link] reports.
Senior career officials at the bureau instructed the internal team assigned to carry out Trumps presidential memo to stand down and cease their work immediately on Tuesday night.
The move by civil servants effectively ends the bureaus participation in Trumps bid to make an unprecedented change to who is counted in the 2020 census numbers that will be used to reallocate each states share of congressional seats and Electoral College votes for the next decade.-
[b]Trumps Census Director Announces Resignation [/b]
Census Director Steve Dillingham will be stepping down on Jan. 20, cutting short by nearly a year the five-year director term, which was scheduled to expire on Dec. 31, [link=https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/census-director-dillingham-resignation]TPM[/link] reports.
Under Trump’s Commerce Department, there was a rogue law enforcement unit trampling the law and going after “insider threats” of Commerce employees and even opening investigative cases into people over online posts critical of the Trump administration’s handling of the US Census.
[link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2021/05/24/commerce-department-monitoring-itms/]Commerce Department security unit evolved into counterintelligence-like operation, Washington Post examination found[/link]
The Investigations and Threat Management Service(ITMS) covertly searched employees offices at night, ran broad keyword searches of their emails trying to surface signs of foreign influence and scoured Americans social media for critical comments about the census, according to documents and interviews with five former investigators.
In one instance, the unit opened a case on a 68-year-old retiree in Florida who tweeted that the census, which is run by the Commerce Department, would be manipulated to benefit the Trump Party! records show.In another example, the unit searched Commerce servers for particular Chinese words, documents show. The search resulted in the monitoring of many Asian American employees over benign correspondence, according to two former investigators.
The office has been allowed to operate far outside the bounds of federal law enforcement norms and has created an environment of paranoia and retaliation at the Department, John Costello, a former deputy assistant secretary of intelligence and security at Commerce in the Trump administration, said in a statement for this story.
The Biden admin put the kibosh on the ITMS unit and suspended all operations pending an investigation.
Even the Trump-era deputy at Commerce had recommended dissolving the unit over concerns of abuse (he also resigned after 1/6). The agent in charge of the mess even took his agents on “training” that involved high-speed pursuits on mountainous roads.
From a FB friend of mine who works in federal government: “I’d have to review the relevant parts of Title 18, but the article suggests Commerce doesn’t even have legal authority to conduct criminal investigations of anything other than threats to the Secretary, and they have that power delegated from the legal authority of the US Marshals Service. This is a big deal because sworn law enforcement agents are only allowed to operate within the areas of their authority, and no, doing search & seizure in the name of counterintelligence investigations does not appear to fit their legal authority.”
[h1][b]Census Memo Cites Unprecedented Meddling by Trump Administration[/b][/h1]
A newly disclosed memorandum citing unprecedented meddling by the Trump administration in the 2020 census and circulated among top Census Bureau officials indicates how strongly they sought to resist efforts by the administration to manipulate the count for Republican political gain, the [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/15/us/2020-census-trump.html]New York Times[/link] reports.